Chu Xi was startled, turned his head to look at the woman, his brows were erected.

Seeing this, the woman was startled, and explained frightenedly: "Boss, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, no, I don't know anything, I hear everything."

She lowered her head and explained in a flustered manner, feeling uneasy.

The face of the girl who was called the boss was unpredictable, and in the end, she only choked out a sentence: "Don't tell Chu Xi about this!"

"Yes!" The woman answered quickly, and she was relieved.

The boss girl turned around, not letting her subordinates see her blushing cheeks, and asked indifferently, "How is she doing now?"

The woman shook her head: "That's the same."

The boss girl stood there for a long time, then her eyes became firm: "I'll go see her."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Holding a key in his hand, Su Nan stood at the door of Lu Anya's house, hesitating, until the key in his palm was wet with sweat, he couldn't make a decision to enter the door.

Before going to see Chu Xi, he had actually prepared for the worst, although even if he got a bad answer from Chu Xi, he would not give up at the beginning.

But I have to mention that he was in a very negative mood at the time. Once Chuxi got rid of the strange curse, he immediately chose to have nothing to do with him, which would cause him to be very angry with other girls who were also under the curse. lose confidence.

Maybe he will give up the idea of ​​"wanting everything" and start a new life after choosing to help them get rid of the curse. Mind and body to his squad leader.

But things were unexpected. After the meeting, Chu Xi quickly clarified to him that it was a misunderstanding, and expressed that he was unwilling to leave him. Although Su Nan was happy about this situation, when he returned to the squad leader, he didn't know how to face it. To the monitor, I even felt guilty.

When Su Nan was struggling, a delivery boy came over, stopped in front of him, and rang the doorbell.

Su Nan opened his mouth, but there was no time to stop it.

Soon, the door was opened, and Lu Ying appeared at the door, she was stunned when she saw him.

"You are back, let's talk first."

After receiving the takeaway from the little brother, Lu Ying didn't ask Su Nan why he didn't open the door directly, and greeted him with a smile, Su Nan had no choice but to follow in.

The two came to the sofa to sit down, Lu Ying put down the takeaway first, got up and poured him a glass of water.

"Drink your saliva first, rest for a while, and then you go home early today. From yesterday to now, you haven't been back for too long. I'm afraid your family will worry about you."

She said with some concern.

Su Nan nodded, drinking water to cover up his gaffe, his eyes fell on the takeaway, and couldn't help but said: "Eat less takeaway, if you don't want to cook by yourself, you can call me over."

"Don't worry, I'm usually the one who cooks, it's a bit inconvenient today...uh."

She said happily, blushed when she realized it, turned her head away in embarrassment, and continued: "Besides, I don't dare to call you over often, it's not good to be seen by neighbors."

Lu Ying lives in Lu Anya's house, and a boy comes to him every day, and the neighbors around him are not blind, so this matter will definitely be passed on to Lu Anya's ears.

Seeing Su Nan's embarrassment, Lu Ying tactfully changed the subject: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I'm going to eat, I'm so hungry."

She opened the takeaway, took a breath of enjoyment, then picked up a piece with her chopsticks, smiled and handed it to Su Nan's mouth, "Taste it for me first, and see if it tastes good."

Su Nan opened his mouth and ate it, nodded and tasted it: "Not bad."

"It's definitely good. I often order this one. Let's try this one again. I think this one is the best."

Lu Ying said complacently that she brought other dishes for Su Nan to eat, with a look of great interest, so Su Nan had no choice but to refuse anyone who came.And seeing him eat it, Lu Ying smiled even more happily, as if she had the pleasure of feeding it.

"Okay, leave the rest for me to eat, you should go back, it smells so good."

After feeding Su Nan once, Lu Ying was satisfied. She tasted it herself first, then got up and urged Su Nan to leave. She never mentioned where Su Nan went in the afternoon.

Su Nan didn't know how to speak, so she planned to leave first, and then talk about it with the squad leader when she had a chance.

Lu Ying sent him to the door, and waved to him with a smile on her face: "Be careful on the road."

Before going out, Su Nan sighed, stopped, and turned to face the monitor, he still didn't want to hide it.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ying waved goodbye to him and looked at him in doubt, then thought of something, she slowly put down her hand.

Su Nan took a deep breath and said, "The person I went to see before was Chu Xi, and then we explained the misunderstanding between each other clearly."

After he finished speaking, he was a little nervous. The squad leader probably wouldn't like this result. After all, the relationship between the two had just sublimated last night. He suddenly heard the news that he and another girl had resolved the misunderstanding, and he couldn't be in a good mood.

As if to verify Su Nan's thoughts, Lu Ying fell silent, but soon, she smiled again, with a charming taste, "Congratulations, you have recovered your girlfriend."

She smiled, not as sad as Su Nan imagined.

Su Nan was puzzled, "Why..."

Lu Ying stared at him with those tender eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not sad, it's better to say I'm happy, you're not depressed at all, if Chu Xi leaves, it must be a big blow to you Well, it doesn't matter whether I can cheer up in the future, if I give up on myself, it would be too bad for me."

Su Nan understood what Lu Ying meant, and he might give up on himself after being hit. From then on, it would not be a good thing for Lu Ying to lose his mind.

He was a little moved, he was a scumbag, but the squad leader still thought of him so much.At the same time, Su Nan didn't think that Lu Ying would accept this matter so calmly, she must not be in the mood she showed, maybe she was sad.

Su Nan looked at Lu Ying with an apologetic expression, walked over slowly and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry."

"It's too early to apologize to me." Lu Ying said with a smile in his arms.

Su Nan has nothing to say, only silence, will he live up to the monitor's expectations in the future?

"Don't think too much." Lu Ying comforted him softly: "You are not ready to accept this, neither am I, and the matter is far from over."

"I hope the monitor will stay by my side forever." Su Nan let go of the monitor, pressed her shoulders, and expressed her wish.

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