Lu Ying felt a little helpless: "You are too cunning."

"So you agree?" Su Nan asked.

"What should I do? It's so embarrassing." Lu Ying frowned, unable to make a decision for a while.

Su Nan wanted to ask again, but the sound of footsteps from get off work around him woke him up.

Seeing the embarrassing squad leader in front of him, Su Nan sighed and withdrew her hand, "Sorry, I shouldn't force you, I made you embarrassing."

Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the neighbors nearby had come back, she couldn't do any more flirting with Su Nan, so she whispered, "Go back first, I will seriously consider your question."

A glimmer of hope rose in Su Nan's heart, but she felt that it was the monitor's words to comfort her, and the glimmer of joy disappeared immediately.

He put away his complicated emotions, nodded to the monitor, and left.

Lu Ying watched him into the elevator, and saw the neighbor next door looking at her in surprise when she opened the door, she blushed and hid inside.

After closing the door, Lu Ying leaned against the door, feeling very melancholy.

As Su Nan thought, her heart was not as calm as she appeared on the surface, but it was not the sadness that Su Nan imagined, but a more complicated emotion, similar to jealousy.She is jealous of Chu Xi, jealous of Chu Xi's statement, which can make Su Nan cheer up. You know, she gave something more important last night.

She couldn't help but wonder, if she wanted to leave, would Su Nan care so much, as if she had lost everything.

She was very skeptical about this, but thinking of Su Nan's willful request before leaving just now, she felt more confidence in her heart, maybe in Su Nan's mind, she was not as worthless as she thought.

For a while, I feel as happy as eating honey.

"But such a request is really embarrassing, how dare he make it."

Lu Ying murmured to herself, just now another meaning of Su Nan's wish for her to stay by his side forever is that he thinks the same about other girls, that is to say, this guy has the idea of ​​"wanting them all" .

Of course, that's just Su Nan's naive idea. Whether to satisfy him is a common matter for all girls.

When he got home, it was already dark. Su Nan opened the door and smelled home-cooked food. He didn't wake anyone up. He walked in and closed the door gently.

Walking to the kitchen, I saw the senior sister and Xiao Min arguing in the kitchen.

"Ah Nan would definitely like to eat my dishes, so it goes without saying."

"Hehe, how dare you say that Xiao Nan has been eating my food for several years, so don't I know his taste?"

"Then he must be tired of eating, so he still prefers my cooking."

"What kind of nonsense is this?"

"It's better to have a competition after talking so much. Let's make a few dishes each."

"Compare, compare, whoever is afraid of whom."

The kitchen has entered the stage of the God of Cookery competition.

Su Nan smiled knowingly, and left quietly without disturbing them.

Back in the room, he charged the phone first, and then turned on the computer.His computer has been in a dormant state all the time, and all the software still maintains the original login state after it is turned on.

Su Nan saw the penguin's head flashing, and clicked to see that it was sent by Chu Xi. The time seemed to be not long ago, and the content was 'Sorry, I sent it wrong'.

Su Nan browsed the chat history and found that there were several records of withdrawing messages. He felt a little strange. Chu Xi sent several wrong messages in a row, which was too careless. However, he immediately remembered that Chu Xi was busy recently, and it was not surprising that mistakes were made. , I didn't think too much about it.

Turning off the software, Su Nan sat in front of the computer thinking about today's affairs, showing a satisfied smile. At the same time, he blamed himself secretly and decided to learn from this lesson. No matter what happens in the future, don't panic. To prove clearly in person.

Today, because time is limited, he didn't ask Chu Xi why he deleted the videos on his phone, but it must have something to do with her family. It seems that Chu Xi seems to have accepted the task at home, going to work in his company to exercise or something. Maybe there is a risk in keeping those videos on the phone.

With Chuxi's prudence, he should have backed up the video earlier, Su Nan thought.

"Welcome back."

The door opened, and the two girls standing at the door said in unison, looking at him with surprised smiles on their faces.

Su Nan stood up and looked at them, and smiled slightly: "I'm back."

Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling carefully observed Su Nan's appearance, not wanting to be shocked, they looked at each other, and seemed to be relieved.

Su Nan was thoughtful. It seemed that Zhao Xiaomin should have told her sister about Chu Xi during his time out. At the same time, the fact that he hadn't come home caused them to worry, wondering if he knew something. .

"How do you know I'm back?"

Su Nan didn't delve into it, but changed the subject and asked.

Zhao Xiaomin replied, "We saw your shoes."

Su Nan smiled, "I saw you were discussing so seriously in the kitchen, so I didn't bother you."

"You've heard it all." Zhan Weiling blushed a little, and was embarrassed to be seen jealous.

Su Nan nodded and said: "I'm just hungry, let's eat, don't we want to compete, I will definitely judge you today."

Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, and he said confidently, "It must be because my dishes are more delicious. Ah Nan, you'll know when you eat them."

Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "I'm afraid he won't dare to say it then."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled softly, "Don't worry, even if Ah Nan doesn't choose me, I won't be angry."

Zhan Weiling glanced at Su Nan and said, "Then I'll forgive him too."

Su Nan shuddered inexplicably, why did the words of the two sound a bit cold?

"Hurry up, the food won't taste good when it's cold."

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