Qin Xiaowan was still angry. Originally, if Su Nan didn't come to pick her up, she would be depressed by herself at most, and would not lose her temper with Su Nan, but the scene where her mother hugged Su Nan in her arms just now brought her a lot of emotions. The strong stimulation made her a little unable to control herself.

She secretly blamed herself, Su Nan didn't mean it, why was she so angry, but her mother didn't react at all when she was hugged by her sweetheart, she really couldn't do it.

"Okay, Xiao Wan, it's just a misunderstanding, and Xiao Nan didn't mean it, so don't be angry."

Finally, Qin Ying, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, calming the angry girl with a calm smile, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with her.

Qin Xiaowan was in a difficult situation and felt that the trouble should not continue. Seeing what her mother said at this time, she went down the steps.

"Since my mother said so, I'll forgive him once. Did you hear that, if you dare to mess around again next time, don't blame me for being rude!"

In the end, she did not forget to warn Su Nan. She clenched her fists and pretended to be serious. Although there was no deterrent effect, the cute little girl was still very cute when she was angry, not to mention that Su Nan was at fault first. .

Su Nan immediately stated: "There will never be a next time!"

Just kidding, if he knew it was Qin Ying in advance, he wouldn't dare to do this even if he was given ten guts. You must know that when he came back here, he also meant to avoid Qin Ying to some extent.That time when Qin Ying lost her composure when she was drunk, it brought him a lot of trouble, and he still doesn't know how to face her.

Su Nan answered decisively, and Qin Xiaowan showed a satisfied smile.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after she made such a statement, Su Nan seemed to see Qin Ying and gave herself a dissatisfied look, and when he looked away, she looked at the two of them with a smile, as if looking at a pair of young enemy.


Su Nan thought.

After clarifying the misunderstanding and apologizing to her, Qin Ying told Su Nan to get up and have breakfast, then dragged Qin Xiaowan out of the room to put her luggage.

After they left, Su Nan rubbed his swollen temples. Just now he got the news that not only Qin Xiaowan moved back, but even Qin Ying, Qin Xiaowan's mother, will stay here for a while recently.

Su Nan smiled wryly, he came back early because he wanted to avoid this woman, why did everyone live together again now, school will start in two days, it is impossible for him to move to another place.

Su Nan sighed, forget it, don't think too much, let's accept the reality, besides, there are senior sisters, Xiao Min and others here, so there won't be any accidents.

Thinking of her senior sister and Xiao Min, Su Nan couldn't help but wonder where they went. These two girls played threesome with him until late last night, why did they wake up in the morning and no one was there?

He put on his clothes and left the room. He heard movement in the kitchen, so he walked over and saw that it was Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin who were making breakfast.

When they saw Su Nan coming in, they all looked a little embarrassed, Zhao Xiaomin explained in a low voice: "Ah Nan, your...Aunt Qin, knows that we slept together last night."

Seeing that Su Nan was in a daze, Zhan Weiling sighed: "I got up with Xiao Min in the morning and wanted to make you a breakfast. Who knew that as soon as I went out, I saw her and Xiao Wan standing in the living room. We looked at each other at that time, don't mention it Embarrassing."

Su Nan fantasized about that scene, and also felt ashamed to face others, so she asked in a trembling voice, "What happened to you later? Did Aunt Qin say anything?"

Zhao Xiaomin replied strangely: "She didn't blame us, she just said something with emotion, 'It's nice to be young', and then she brought Xiaowan into your room, we don't want to leave, we don't, just slip away Come here for breakfast."

"The catastrophe is imminent." Zhan Weiling lamented, thinking that if Qin Ying told Su Nan's parents about this, her neighbor's image in the eyes of her future mother-in-law would suffer.

No mother-in-law would think that a girl who plays multiplayer with her son is a serious person.

"That's it, there is still a chance of redemption."

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that the woman who was caught was in bed, but it turned out that he was just bumped into when he went out.

Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin looked over puzzled, and Su Nan explained: "It's fine if you don't get caught on the spot. You can say that the three of us played games last night and fell asleep accidentally after playing too tired. You can also say that the two of you fell asleep in the morning. You came to find me, you came into the room to wake me up."

The eyes of the two girls lit up, why didn't they think of it?

In fact, they were too flustered. As girls, they lost their composure when they were met by Elder Su Nan on the spot.

Zhan Weiling clapped her hands excitedly: "Fortunately, we cleaned the room before going out. Even if they go in, they won't see anything, so it's absolutely fine!"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded accordingly: "Yeah, I also helped Ah Nan get dressed at that time, no one can see what we have done."

The two girls smiled again, no longer worried or ashamed.

"Are you fools? You underestimate my mother too much!"

At this time, Qin Xiaowan jumped out, pointed at them with contempt and said.

The three of them were startled, and then immediately regained their composure. Xiao Wan knew the truth of the matter, so it was nothing to be heard by her.

But Zhan Weiling sensed something was wrong and frowned.

"Xiao Wan, do you think your mother must have found out about our relationship? But we have covered it up very well, there is nothing we can do by biting her to death, right?"

Qin Xiaowan was speechless, she couldn't tell everyone that her mother knew about the existence of shame disease, and their condition had been known to her mother for a long time.

Turning her head around, Qin Xiaowan smiled, "Maybe I'm thinking too much, after all, you came out of Su Nan's room together early in the morning, it's very confusing."

"This requires your help. If you help us speak well, you can dispel your mother's suspicion."

Zhan Weiling smiled.

"Okay." Qin Xiaowan agreed, it's not bad for her, is it?

"Now that the crisis is over, let's make breakfast." Zhao Xiaomin said happily.

Su Nan said, "I'll help too."

The three of them raised their hands.

Qin Xiaowan looked at the scene of them getting along in harmony from behind, and was lost for a moment.

She couldn't help but recall what her mother had said to herself before.

"Xiao Wan, haven't you figured it out yet? There's no time left, you have to get Xiao Nan as soon as possible and become his favorite girl."

"Why? It's very simple. When Chu Xi came to look for Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan left you and went with her. She didn't come to pick you up for so long. In fact, you are not as good as Chu Xi in Xiao Nan's mind. My mother is very worried about you. You child Being so stubborn, and this is the first time I have fallen in love with someone, I definitely don't want to let go."

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