"Mom, it's okay, I will work hard, and everyone can't do without him, can't they?"

At that time, Xiaowan replied that she was very optimistic. She was originally behind everyone, but recently, her relationship with Su Nan has made progress. Kissing her face and forehead, and hugging have become the norm.

Facing her optimistic daughter, Qin Ying has a serious face.

"Yes, everyone can't leave him, too vicious competition is not good for everyone, but if the curse on everyone disappears in the end, when Xiao Nan needs to choose one of you, what will you do?"

This was a question Qin Xiaowan had never thought about, so when she heard it from her mother, she was stunned for a moment, unable to react, and then she smiled and said, "How can such a thing happen, do you have evidence, mother?" ?”

She felt that this curse would probably accompany her for the rest of her life, and the others were similar. All they could do was to make Su Nan like her more.

"Evidence? Yes."

Qin Ying blinked her eyes and said, Qin Xiaowan felt that she was holding her breath for a moment, and then she heard her mother's voice, which came from afar.

"Think about it carefully. After the punishment, the interval between attacks is prolonged, so there must be a day that has little impact on life, right? It is very disturbing to have an attack every ten days and a half a month, but if it happens once a year, it will happen once every few years. , or simply disappear? Of course, after everyone is like this, are you still willing to maintain the status quo?"

"Gulu..." Qin Xiaowan swallowed, "Probably..."

She hesitated, unable to speak.

Qin Ying looked at her daughter, her eyes flickered, and she analyzed worriedly: "Even if it won't disappear, just treat it as a once-in-a-year episode in the future. Do you think it will have a big impact on your life? I think of that time, People who are tired of this kind of life can live a good life if they leave Xiaonan. At most, they will be punished once in a few years. Only accepting punishment once can exchange for a few years of peaceful life. It is quite worthwhile, isn’t it? It can be avoided, just be prepared in advance.”

"Yes, it is."

Qin Xiaowan can't deny this, unless at that time, the punishment link will take a long time, but the curse on his body is like intelligence, so there should be no punishment that takes a long time.

Qin Ying said again: "At that time, it is best if everyone is willing to leave Xiao Nan and live their own lives, but what if someone is not willing? What should you do?"

The question, as if from the soul, made Qin Xiaowan fall into deep thought, but Qin Ying revealed the answer to the riddle before she could think of the answer.

"What if someone wants to monopolize Xiao Nan and ask Xiao Nan to express his opinion? Everyone leaves Xiao Nan, leaving only one person by his side. Others only need Xiao Nan once in a long time. Even Xiao Nan can't refuse everyone's proposal. You are so distorted. Relationship, will you really not be irritable after being together for a long time? Xiao Wan, if you relax now, you are not responsible for your future self. "

Her mother's thunderous words completely made Qin Xiaowan fall into a state of trance.

A trace of pity flashed in Qin Ying's eyes, but she still took a step forward and hugged her daughter in her arms, and comforted her softly: "Son, what I said may never happen in the future, everything is because I think too much, but I must Just in case, don't you want to be the one who was given up?"

Qin Xiaowan looked confused, and finally shook her head vigorously.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The noisy sound from the kitchen pulled Qin Xiaowan back from her troubled thoughts, she looked at the harmonious picture in front of her, gritted her teeth, and moved closer.

There are many uncertainties in the future, she should at least take the initiative, not to mention this is what she has been doing all along.

"I recently learned to cook new dishes, let me make them for you to try."

Su Nan rolled up her sleeves and was about to make a move, but was caught off guard by Qin Xiaowan who pulled her away. Before he could react, Qin Xiaowan leaned forward to take up the position, and smiled back at him, then she started to get busy.

"Okay." Su Nan had no objection, but felt that something was wrong. He looked at Qin Xiaowan's back suspiciously, and felt that Qin Xiaowan seemed to have changed, but he couldn't tell exactly, maybe he was thinking too much Bar.

Having nothing to do, he left the kitchen and went to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he finished, he was startled. He saw Qin Ying guarding the door, holding her stomach with a sad face, as if she had encountered a problem that was bothering her.

Su Nan calmed down and was about to ask a question, but the other party was overjoyed when he saw him coming out, and quickly grabbed his arm and said anxiously: "Xiao Nan, help me buy a pack of sanitary napkins, I forgot to bring them here Yes, remember to send it here to me after you buy it.”

After she finished speaking, she didn't give Su Nan a chance to object, and rushed into the bathroom in a hurry.

Su Nan was stunned, and then realized what was going on. It was very embarrassing. What made him even more weird was that how could the other party ask him to do such a thing for granted? Could it be...

He shook his head quickly to stop his wild thoughts, and then Su Nan decided to ask Qin Xiaowan for help. Xiaowan has also experienced this kind of thing, so she must have a spare aunt's towel, if not, she can ask her senior to borrow it.

Su Nan doesn't want to help women buy aunt's towels, it's too troublesome.

It's just that when he walked to the kitchen, he somewhat dismissed the idea of ​​asking them for help, because for some reason, the kitchen seemed to have become a Shura field, and the serious atmosphere made him daunted.

Listening carefully, it turned out that the three of them were fighting for the ownership of him on Valentine's Day on February 2, because everyone wanted their lover to accompany them on Valentine's Day, but he didn't know how to separate himself, and multi-line operation was lost to them. Meaning, so the competition is inevitable, and the one who wins can have him that day.

Faced with such a situation, especially when the competition in the kitchen even smelled of gunpowder, Su Nan didn't dare to go to the bad luck rashly. He secretly said that he was unlucky, and left the house.

It's just a aunt's towel, it's not that I haven't bought them for them, it's a small thing.

Going downstairs to buy an aunt's towel cheekily, Su Nan returned home and sighed sadly when he heard the quarrel in the kitchen still not over.

Nowadays, many people feel disgusted that any day can become Valentine's Day, because it means that the wallet that is not thick is shrinking rapidly. Accompany one, never be partial.

This idea seems scumbag, Su Nan couldn't help laughing at himself, but this is just his delusion, Valentine's Day is destined to become his day of suffering.

In a daze, the phone rang. Su Nan took it out and saw that it was Qin Ying's call.

He answered the phone in a panic: "Hello..."

"Xiao Nan, have you bought it? I'm so bored in the bathroom, so boring."

she said with a sigh.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Su Nan felt that the other party's tone seemed to be coquettish, but he didn't have time to delve into it, because more serious things distracted his attention. On the phone, isn't that...

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, and hurriedly said: "I'm back, I'll send it to you!"

The question was tense, and he even used honorifics.

"Really?" Qin Ying said pleasantly, "Then send it to me quickly, my legs are numb from sitting, and the door is open, just send it to me directly."

"Um, ok... what? Send it in?"

Su Nan was taken aback. Originally, he secretly decided in his heart that no matter what the other party said, he decided to listen to it. However, the last request succeeded and made him turn pale. Does it mean to send it in, right?No way!The other party was wrong!

"Is there any problem? I can't leave now, hey, is Xiao Nan shy? Haha...haha..."

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