The students all cast strange glances at Su Nan and Chu Xi, both envious and jealous. Everyone felt that the reason why Chu Xi had to sit next to Su Nan was not because of an uncomfortable neck or something, but because Chu Xi I just hope to be closer to student Su Nan.

Not to mention other people, even Su Nan had the same idea, because he didn't think Chu Xi would forget his position, and he must have wanted to sit next to him, which was why he was so forceful to ask the teacher to change seats.

So although the classmates' sizing up made him a little uncomfortable, he still cast a moving look at Chu Xi, thinking that it must be because of the misunderstanding last time, Chu Xi felt guilty and was supplementing himself.

It's just that Chu Xi, who is the person involved, is in a state of ignorance. She knows that she is embarrassed, because she pays too much attention to Su Nan, so when she saw the empty seat, she thought it was her seat. Fortunately, she finally managed to fool her with wit. past.

But facing Su Nan's extremely moved eyes, she felt quite uncomfortable. Although this person was looking at her, he was not looking at her.

After all, she is not the real Chu Xi, she is just a pretender. Out of some strange psychology, she pretended to be Chu Xi and came to the long-lost high school just to get close to the nominal daughter's lover.

Therefore, all the touch and affection shown by the other party were not aimed at her, she just stole something that did not belong to her.

However, it was undeniable that when she was so grateful to this guy, a long-lost joy surged deep in her heart, which was extremely strange.

Lowering her face silently, she picked up the pen and wrote a line in the notebook.

'My name is Chu Ge, nice to meet you. '

Then, she crossed it out again.

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi with some concern. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Chu Xi seemed a little unhappy, which probably had something to do with the frequent scrutiny of other people in the class.

Like Chu Xi, he has become the most eye-catching person in the class. It is not convenient for Su Nan to talk to Chu Xi now, especially the subtle eyes that Lu Ying casts from time to time, which makes him feel uncomfortable, so he has to wait until the get out of class is over.

Soon the morning class was over, and the students went to the dining hall with each other. Su Nan didn't leave immediately, and was waiting for everyone to leave.

Chu Xi sat beside him quietly, as if thinking the same as him.

After a while, all the classmates left in the class. Su Nan was about to talk to Chu Xi, but the other party turned to look at him and said seriously: "Let's go to eat together, well, we have to wait for Xiao Min, maybe there are others."

Su Nan felt that Chu Xi's words were weird, but before he could think about it, Zhao Xiaomin entered the classroom. When she saw Chu Xi sitting on the seat, she had a look of joy on her face. She ran over and put her hand on Chu Xi's seat. shoulder, complaining in his mouth.

"You guy, you went there all winter vacation, and you haven't seen anyone."

Chu Ge looked at the other party. This girl turned out to be Zhao Xiaomin. That day, the other party called Chu Xi's mobile phone to find Su Nan, and he just picked it up. The other party also scolded him severely on the phone, thanks to the other party Those words let me know a lot of things.

Although Zhao Xiaomin was very enthusiastic, Chu Ge just said calmly, "Because there is something wrong."

"I'm a little fatter, and the Yuexiong tribe is getting bigger, so I had a good vacation." Zhao Xiaomin didn't mind the other party's indifference. Chu Xi was always like this. Said: "I'm hungry, let's go."

"Okay." Su Nan nodded.

It was late at this time, and when they came to the dining hall, there were not many people queuing up. They quickly finished their meal and were going to find a place to sit down and eat together.

Someone in the corner waved at them.

"It's Xiaowan, let's go there." Zhao Xiaomin also happily waved to Qin Xiaowan and ran over.

The fact that they got along so harmoniously made Su Nan smile, and he said to the girl next to him, "Let's go too."

"En." Chu Ge nodded and followed Su Nan, but her eyes were inadvertently attracted by Qin Xiaowan. She stared blankly at this junior high school girl, and felt a strange feeling in her heart, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, you seem to be looking at me all the time, is there something on my face?"

At the end of lunch, Qin Xiaowan asked Chu Ge in a strange way.

Chu Ge withdrew his gaze and shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Pfft." Qin Xiaowan laughed out loud, "That's needless to say, I haven't seen you since the holiday, why do you say such things, do you miss me?"

She herself thought it was funny, and couldn't stop laughing.

"It's a pleasure to be together."

Chu Ge lowered his face and said.

Qin Xiaowan laughed even more happily, and then she said, "Even if you say that, I won't be happy, but well, you finally learned to speak nice words."

In the past, Chu Xi would say such things. Could it be that after getting along for a long time, he developed feelings for her?However, Chu Xi is really naive to have a good impression of her as a rival in love.

Qin Xiaowan recalled the conversation with her mother a few days ago, and her mood was mixed.

Chu Ge chose to avoid this topic and said, "Okay, lunch is over, we should go to that place next."

"What the hell is that place? You mean the activity room." Qin Xiaowan felt amused, and said regretfully, "But I'm not free, you go, I have an appointment with a friend."

Zhao Xiaomin also packed up the tableware at this time, stood up and said to them, "I happen to have something to do, so I can't go, I wish you all a good time."

Without giving them a chance to talk, they packed up their things and left.

Chu Ge looked thoughtful, and turned his eyes to Su Nan: "Did they do it on purpose?"

Su Nan also thought of this, and nodded: "Maybe they think we haven't seen each other for a long time, so give us a chance."

I don't know if it was because of the incident in the morning, Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Xiaomin made the same choice by coincidence, creating an opportunity for him to be alone with Chuxi.

Su Nan was a little moved, he stood up: "Let's go, don't let them down."

The other party seemed to be a little confused, but when she found that Su Nan seemed to be looking forward to it, she sighed secretly and stood up.

The two left the dining hall and walked straight to the building where the activity room was located. When passing by the supermarket, Su Nan stopped and asked the people around him, "What do you want to drink?"

"Just whatever you want." Chu Ge replied casually.

Su Nan went in to buy a drink, and Chu Ge stood outside waiting. Her face was sometimes tangled, and sometimes blushed. The so-called activity room was actually a small nest specially found by Chu Xi for the convenience of dating Su Nan. If she stays there, she can't guarantee that Su Nan will not do anything.

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