But it is not convenient to refuse, because this is a part of Chu Xi and Su Nan's daily life at school, and she is afraid that if she is too obvious, she will be spotted.

After thinking about it, Chu Ge still decided to go there and play it by ear. If Su Nan plans to mess around, just say that he is too tired recently.

"So it's you, long time no see."

Suddenly, a very sweet voice sounded from behind, but with a hint of chill.

For some reason, this voice made Chu Ge's hairs stand up instantly, he instinctively felt a chill, and his stomach even had an urge to feel sick.

Surprised, she turned around and looked at the girl who appeared behind her at some point. This girl looked very energetic and cute. She stood there with her hands behind her back, like a girl next door, but Chu Ge saw that smile. But it can't be called friendly at all, as if seeing an enemy, the corner of his mouth has a deep-rooted coldness.


"Well, long time no see."

Because he couldn't figure out the relationship between the other party and Chu Xi, Chu Ge could only greet the other party vaguely, and at the same time, he quickly thought about the identity of the girl in his mind.

Zhan Weiling, Zhao Ruomin, Zhao Junmin and other names passed through her mind, but none of them matched the characteristics of the girl in front of her.

Seeing her frowning and thinking hard, the girl laughed even more happily, and even made a soft and soft voice: "What's the matter, Senior Sister Chu Xi, don't you remember me? It's so pitiful, you must have forgotten me." A lot of important things. But I am different, I always remember you, senior sister, and remember your kindness to me, senior sister."

Although the smiling girl was smiling on the surface, the eyes she stared at Chu Ge were not smiling, but cold and piercing. The disgust emanating from the bottom of her heart made Chu Ge's heart tremble, and she couldn't bear it.

"Shu Baoer, what are you doing?"

Just when she was about to lose herself, Su Nan's voice came over, full of surprise and uncertainty, and also pulled Chu Ge back from his trance.

"It's nothing, I'm just saying hello to senior sister Chu Xi."

She raised her eyes and saw that the girl who was angry just now had completely faded away, replaced by a harmless smile of human beings and animals. Su Nan, who was rushing over, waved briskly, her smile even had a pure flavor in the sun .

Chu Ge turned to look at Su Nan. Sure enough, the doubt in Su Nan's eyes disappeared, and his smile became gentle. He smiled and said, "Shu Baoer, happy new semester. Do you want a drink? I invite you."

He motioned for the drink in his hand.

Shu Baoer looked at Su Nan, smiled and shook her head: "No, I'm not thirsty, senior, I still have something to buy, I'll talk to you next time, senior sister Chuxi, goodbye."

She said hello and ran into the supermarket.

Su Nan watched her leave, looked back at Chu Ge, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you? You look a little pale."

Chu Ge was silent for a while, and said, "It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not a problem."

"You don't have a fever, let me see." Su Nan touched the other person's forehead with concern, and he was relieved that he didn't feel hot, "It's not just that you are sick, it must be that you are too tired recently, you should pay attention to rest. "

Chu Ge quickly lowered his head and responded softly: "I see."

What's going on, I have a warm feeling in my heart.

"Come on, let's go to the activity room for a lunch break. You need to take a good rest."

Su Nan took the other party's hand involuntarily, and walked towards the building where the activity room is located. The moment Chu Ge was grabbed by the hand, she instinctively wanted to break free, but then she thought of something, and she gave up struggling and let the other party lead her. A smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, the scene of the confrontation with the girl named Shu Baoer emerged in Chu Ge's mind just now. She frowned slightly. The other party did not leave a deep impression on Chu Xi, otherwise there would be nothing recorded in the diary. There are not many intersections.

I don't know if I offended the other party unintentionally, but such strong hatred and disgust are no longer caused by ordinary conflicts. Could it be because of him?

Chu Ge suddenly thought, raised his head and looked at Su Nan in front of him, with a complicated expression.

Chu Ge didn't go to class in the afternoon, and asked for leave on the grounds that he was not feeling well. In fact, he went to the company.

Sitting at the desk, she ordered the secretary.

"Shu Baoer, please pay attention to me, and Qin Xiaowan."

The secretary received the order and left the office, but Chu Ge's brows still did not relax. Recalling the weird feeling when she met Qin Xiaowan and Shu Bao'er today, she always felt that something was wrong. She frowned and thought hard, but couldn't think of any clues.

Thinking to no avail, Chu Ge sighed, and decided to wait for the investigation to come out.

In fact, it made her feel even more strange. She even pretended to be her daughter to go to high school, a student named Su Nan, but she didn't gain anything from this day, except that her mood swings became more violent.

She pressed her thumping chest with a strange expression, and her brows were tightly wrinkled.

In addition, the handling of her daughter Chuxi is also a problem. What should she do to deal with the aftermath of the current situation? She can't lock Chuxi up for a lifetime.

Because Chu Xi went back early, and Xiao Min, Xiao Wan and the others didn't know, and still left them a chance to get along alone, so Su Nan was alone after school in the afternoon.

When he was about to go home, he met Lu Ying who was also about to go home. The two met at the school gate. They looked at each other for a few seconds to confirm their eyes, and they met the right person.

"Where are your girls? You have so many girls." Lu Ying's eyes were full of curiosity.

"No, none of them are here." Hinted.

"Then...do you want...to go for a walk together?"

Lu Ying showed a meaningful look in her eyes that she didn't even notice.

Su Nan understood, and nodded quickly: "Okay."

After exchanging eyes, they greeted each other very naturally, and then walked together, chatting normally, and walked outside the school, as if they were a pair of classmates who met by chance.

Fortunately, it's been a while since school ended, otherwise, with Lu Ying's popularity, the two of them would still attract attention when they walked together, but Lu Ying didn't care about anything anymore.

They didn't realize that a pair of eyes not far away were staring at them with resentment, jealousy, and a trace of sadness.

"Sister Gong Ting, is it really okay to let them go like this?" A lovely voice sounded.

Li Gongting was startled, seeing that it was Shu Baoer, she first breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned, "When did you come?"

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