"It's not long since you came, senior sister. It's really a good show. It's useless to learn on the spot." Shu Bao'er seemed not aware of the other party's displeasure, and still said with a smile on her face.

Li Gongting frowned even deeper, even though she couldn't understand the so-called Bai Xue, she could still feel the teasing of the other party's words.

Anyway, it's just annoying.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Shu Bao'er changed the subject, and asked curiously: "Senior Gong Ting, the senior is hanging out outside, don't you plan to do something?"

"What do I need to do? It has nothing to do with me." Li Gongting was expressionless and tried her best to deny it. She tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart that she couldn't figure out where it came from.

"Heh..." Shu Baoer sneered inexplicably, seeing Li Gongting frowned, and said again: "But Su Nan is Zhan Weiling's boyfriend, and he is also very important to you, so you shouldn't turn a blind eye, right? Senior sister, I actually have a suggestion, I don't know if you want to hear it or not."

"It's up to you." Li Gongting tried her best to appear indifferent, but her attention was concentrated.

This senior is really cute.

The smile in Shu Baoer's eyes became stronger, she paused for a while, and said: "You know that people like Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin have that kind of relationship with the senior, right? They know each other's existence, but they accept each other, and work together with the senior together."

"Obviously, they knew that they couldn't drive each other away from their seniors, so they made a compromise and chose the relationship of cooperation. Senior sister, you are now facing the same problems that they faced back then, why don't you join them."

Shu Baoer said at the end.

Li Gongting's eyes widened, to join them?How is it possible? In that case, how would she face Zhan Weiling!

Thinking of Zhan Weiling discovering what she had done, Li Gongting became terrified. She never wanted to lose this good friend.

As if seeing through her worry, Shu Baoer said calmly: "Perhaps senior sister Wei Ling has already noticed it, and besides, do you think you can really keep it a secret forever? You will be discovered one day, right? Isn't it more embarrassing?"

Li Gongting stood there dumbfounded, his face distorted and in pain.

Seeing this, Shu Baoer took a step forward, and whispered to her ear, comforting her in a low voice, with a persuasive tone: "Senior sister, don't worry, I will always help you, just like before, I will help you with senior sister Zhan Weiling." Let's find a way for you."

After a long silence, a low voice sounded.


Shu Baoer smiled happily.

Far away from the school area, the students of our school could no longer be seen on the road, so Lu Ying stopped a car without hesitation, took Su Nan into the car, and came to her place of residence.

Lu Ying went home first, and after a while, she heard a knock on the door. She went to open the door, stretched her head out and looked around guiltily, and then quickly pulled Su Nan into the room.

After closing the door, Lu Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief, she must not be seen by the neighbors, otherwise it will definitely pass on to her aunt and leave, which would be terrible.

Su Nan didn't think about it that much, the safe environment made him relax all of a sudden, he opened his arms and hugged Lu Ying who hadn't reacted yet, and his arms were filled with fragrance for a while.

Lu Ying struggled and said nervously, "Don't mess around, I just want to talk to you."

Su Nan lowered her head and kissed her speaking lips, she whimpered, and could no longer speak, her cheeks were flushed, her struggling body slowly softened, she closed her almond eyes, and she became docile.

After a while, Su Nan let go of her, held her shoulders and turned her around, then pushed her upper body down, holding the door with both hands.

"Wait, don't mess around..."

Lu Ying turned pale with shock.


On the big soft bed, the limp girl opened her eyes, and punched Su Nan's arm with her small fist, her eyes filled with resentment and satisfaction.

Su Nan smiled 'hehe', hugged the girl tightly, and said to her: "Sorry, time is tight, this is the only way, please forgive me."

"Forgive your size, can't you talk to me? It has to be like this."

Lu Ying was still puzzled, and angrily pinched the flesh on Su Nan's body, but the strength was not very strong, and she knew at a glance that she was not willing to be cruel.

"Because I miss you so much."

Unmoved, Su Nan rubbed her face against the other's delicate cheek and said.

Lu Ying froze and stopped, her Xiafei cheeks were full of joy and coquettishly: "Really, with such flamboyant words, I don't even know whether your sentence is true or that sentence is false, I hate it to death."

"Every word I told you is guaranteed to be true."

Su Nan bit the other person's ear and talked, Lu Ying's body became weaker and weaker, she couldn't help but hugged the other person tightly, and whispered softly: "I believe you."

A good night is worth a thousand dollars.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The library at dusk is full of comfort. Sunshine shines through the rows of windows on the array of bookshelves, making even the old books dazzling.

Li Gongting put a novel about love back on the bookshelf, she sighed, walked through the rows of bookshelves, and came to the rest area, where a young girl was waiting for her.

"Sister, this way."

Shu Bao'er waved to her, her smile was still harmless to humans and animals, but Li Gongting always felt that this junior girl was unpredictable, she deliberately approached him and guided him, as if harboring some evil intentions.

It's just that under the extreme guilt, Li Gongting has almost given up on herself. She is eager to find a solution to the current predicament, so even if she feels uneasy, she still agrees to cooperate with Shu Baoer.

Suppressing the slight discomfort in his heart, Li Gongting came to Shu Bao'er and sat down calmly.

Shu Bao'er looked at her curiously, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a day, and senior sister seems to be much more energetic."

Li Gongting naturally knew what Shu Baoer was referring to. Although she felt uncomfortable with Su Nan's provocation and fear of the future showdown when she had a girlfriend, after a day of calm thinking, she Has regained some composure.

Speaking of which, she was not the kind of weak person, otherwise she would not aim at punishing rape and eradicating evil, but in this incident, she unexpectedly became a bad woman who destroys the feelings of her girlfriends. would be so panicked.

However, she also understands that she is involuntary, and her girlfriends and more girls are also involuntary like herself, so she is more or less comforted.

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