"How could I cry." Su Nan was disdainful at first, then thought of something, he smiled strangely: "But, tissue is really needed, because it can only be used to wipe tears, isn't it?"

He gave the squad leader a meaningful look.

The squad leader blushed, "You are really... a pervert!"

Because she was afraid that he would continue talking nonsense in class, Lu Ying quickly changed the subject: "Tell me quickly, why are you so free today?"

Su Nan shook her head: "I don't know, everyone seems to be very busy today."

"Busy?" Lu Ying was a little surprised, and asked him, "Didn't you go to your activity room? I passed by there just now and saw Senior Sister Wei Ling passing by. Senior Sister Wei Ling went so busy, I thought You went too."

"Senior sister gone?" Su Nan looked suspicious. Senior sister is in the second semester of her third year of high school. She doesn't waste time easily as the college entrance examination is approaching. Everyone is wise enough not to bother her. How could she take the initiative to go to the activity room without telling her? He said.

"Squad leader, it turns out that you are here, and I have been looking for you for a long time."

A girl ran in and said to Lu Ying.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ying asked with a smile.

The girl said: "It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? A boy in the next class fell in love with a girl in our class and wanted to invite her out to play. The girl in our class is not very willing. She is being pestered by her now. Please go and help me, class leader. "

"It's not manly to let a girl down."

When Lu Ying said this, she glanced at Su Nan. She seemed to be implying something, that is, don't let her down on Valentine's Day.

"Squad leader, hurry up!" The girl urged anxiously, Lu Ying hurriedly followed her away, and Su Nan had no time to speak.

He wasn't interested in following it, but it was boring right now.

Suddenly remembered that the class monitor said that the senior had gone to the activity room. Su Nan hadn't spent much time with the senior in the past few days, so he was a little moved for a while, so he left the classroom and went there.

At this time, the activity room is going through a meeting.

Participants include: Zhan Weiling, Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Junmin, Chu Ge, Qin Xiaowan, and Li Gongting.

Sitting next to Zhan Weiling, Li Gongting felt that everyone was observing her intentionally or unintentionally, the corners of her mouth twitched, and the roots of her ears felt hot.

The others looked at her with entanglement and curiosity. After looking at her for a long time, everyone gave Zhan Weiling a questioning look. Everyone had a guess in their hearts, but they still couldn't believe it.

Zhan Weiling was the initiator of the meeting. She signaled everyone to be quiet and said, "I called everyone today to say something. My good friend Li Gongting unfortunately infected me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was not surprised, but the expressions on their faces became a little more complicated, and there was another rival in love... um, maybe it could be a bed partner?

Li Gongting, who was stared at by everyone, turned her head away unnaturally. She was extremely embarrassed and wanted to run out, but she had already promised Zhan Weiling, so she could only bear it now.

Zhan Weiling continued, her tone was heavy: "During this period of time, she has been entangled, confused, and painful. As the person who infected her, I blame myself very much. After all, it is not her fault."

"Sister, there's nothing you can do about it, don't be too sad." Zhao Xiaomin quickly comforted her.

"Yes, no one would like this to happen, but no one can do anything about it." Qin Xiaowan also said aloud.

Then everyone looked at Chu Ge and motioned for her to say something.

Chu Ge was expressionless, but in fact she was very flustered. These people actually used this kind of thing to hold a meeting. Are they adding a harem to Su Nan? It's really ridiculous.

There are also infections and so on, which is too strange. Chu Xi didn't record it in detail in her diary.

After a while of silence, she found that everyone was looking at her strangely. Chu Ge had no choice but to speak out. She followed everyone's rhythm, nodded slowly, and said very seriously, "Well, yes, I think what they said makes sense."

Seeing her statement, Zhan Weiling breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "The matter is irreversible. If this is the case, then I have to take responsibility. I remember that the purpose of this association at the beginning was to help those in need. I think Gong Ting Should join us, what do you think?"

Li Gongting couldn't take it anymore, she blushed and lowered her head.

Zhao Xiaomin was very confused: "Hey, does our society have such a lofty purpose? What's the name of our society?"

She turned to ask Chu Xi.

"Cough, it's the Internet celebrity department." Chu Ge thought to himself, fortunately, I have a good memory.

"Internet celebrity department? How do I remember that I seem to have changed my name several times." Zhao Xiaomin was puzzled.

"Okay, let's not talk about the extra words, do you support my decision?"

Zhan Weiling brought the topic back.

Everyone was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"After all, there is no other way, it's the only way."

"That's right, besides, Senior Gong Ting is also very pitiful, she is a victim."

"Senior Gong Ting, you are our important companion from now on, please give me your advice in the future!"

"Let us welcome our new companions with a round of applause!"

The applause rang out, and Li Gongting, who was the party involved, felt ashamed, but at the same time had an inexplicable sense of honor in his heart, as if it was a great thing to join them.

"Hey, what the hell am I thinking? It's all because of these people. The three views are too crooked, and they lead me astray."

When she woke up, she sighed inwardly.

Just looking at everyone's relaxed smiling faces, Li Gongting felt warm in his heart. The fate of these people is the same as hers, and they also have an inextricable relationship with that guy. They are not alone.

Outside the door, Su Nan withdrew her outstretched hand, sighed, and turned to leave.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the day of the Lantern Festival, everyone stayed at home and didn't go there. It was rare for Zhao Xiaomin to call Zhao Ruomin over, but she solemnly told her not to mess around in front of Qin Ying.

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