Although it was lively outside, there were too many people in their group, so they didn't know what to play when they went out, and it was inappropriate to go to their own places separately, after all, Su Nan didn't know who to go with.

Coincidentally, Qin Ying suggested that everyone have dinner together at night, eat glutinous rice balls, and hold some festive activities at home, so everyone readily agreed.

It was under such circumstances that Chu Ge came to the rented house of Chuxi for the first time. Usually, Chuxi lived here with another girl, and Su Nan lived next door.

She has always known about this place, but she has never intervened in Chuxi's affairs, so she felt strange when she set foot here this time.

I went in with a girl named Zhao Xiaomin, and the other party complained that she didn't come back after school started, and the sanitation was hard work by herself.

Chu Ge didn't make a sound, just smiled at the other party apologetically, saying less and less mistakes.

She didn't intend to come over tonight. Normally, she would expose her identity if she had too much contact with these people, but she was held back by Zhao Xiaomin on the way back. The other party brought it back.

"There is movement, is brother-in-law coming?"

While she was thinking about something, a girl's excited cry suddenly came from a room, followed by the sound of bang bang footsteps.

The next moment, the door opened, and a girl with a full chest and a pretty face, somewhat similar to Zhao Xiaomin, appeared at the door.

Chu Ge remembered that this seemed to be Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister, named Zhao Ruomin. Why did it feel like this younger sister cared about Su Nan very much?

The other party seemed a little disappointed to see her, and muttered: "What, it's you."

Zhao Xiaomin was a little embarrassed, and gave her sister a displeased look: "Didn't I tell you to stay in the room and do your homework obediently? What are you doing out there?!"

Zhao Ruomin shrank her neck and said weakly: "It's boring, I want to find my brother-in-law."

Zhao Xiaomin was even more embarrassed. She glanced at Chu Ge, and then said sternly to her younger sister, "No, go back to my room. You can only come out when I tell you to eat! Junmin, keep an eye on her!"

A cold voice came from the room, and Chu Ge knew that this was Zhao Xiaomin's youngest sister.

"Oh, I see." Zhao Ruomin, who was scolded pitifully, walked back dejectedly. Chu Ge felt that Xiao Min was too strict with her sister.

"My sister is like this. Sometimes she is too nonsense. I can't ignore her."

Zhao Xiaomin explained with a smile.

Chu Ge shook his head, "It's okay, it's good for girls to be lively."

She couldn't help but think of the one in her family, who had been terribly calm since she was a child, and never saw the innocent and lively side of the child. Although she was printed in the same mold as her, it always made people feel terrible.

"Chu Xi,? What are you thinking?"

There was a questioning sound in her ear, and Chu Ge woke up and lost her mind. She shook her head: "Suddenly thought of something, it's not something important."

But Zhao Xiaomin seemed to think of something, sighed and said, "I said, what on earth is your family thinking? You were asked to do this and that when you were only in high school. Even if you want to be your successor, there is no need to be so anxious, okay? Isn’t it good to read well?”

She really couldn't understand that it wasn't that Chu Xi's family had suffered a major change and was in urgent need of a successor, who could obviously allow Chu Xi to study, study, and grow up.

Chu Ge was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and explained vaguely: "This is the situation in my family. This is a necessary trial. Don't worry, I will also take care of my studies."

Zhao Xiaomin joked: "I'm not worried about studying, but can you take care of studying, dating, and work? Are you afraid that Ah Nan will forget you?"

"This..." Chu Ge suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Seeing her stunned for a while, Zhao Xiaomin burst out laughing, and said while laughing, "What's the matter with you, you've been in a daze since school started."

Chu Ge was stunned, feeling humiliated. Could it be that Chu Xi was more eye-catching than her?

"Okay, let's not talk about you, Chu Xi, come to the room with me, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Xiaomin suddenly put away her smile, she took Chu Ge's hand seriously and walked towards the room.

Chu Ge was puzzled, and felt a little nervous. He didn't know what Zhao Xiaomin was going to say. If the answer was wrong, it would be bad if his identity was found out.

At this time, she couldn't resist, and was pulled into the room, planning to play by ear later.

Zhao Xiaomin closed the door solemnly, and turned to face her, with a serious expression filled with apprehension and embarrassment.

It seems that she is going to talk about something important next, let's listen to what she has to say first.

Thinking this way, Chu Ge slowly calmed himself down and waited for the other party to speak.

Confusion appeared on Zhao Xiaomin's face, but soon she sighed and made a decision. Chu Ge only heard her say, "Chuxi, I have something to tell you about my sister Ruomin."

Ruo Min?The one just now?

Chu Ge nodded lightly: "You say."

"I'm sorry, Chu Xi." Zhao Xiaomin bowed to her first, and before Chu Ge understood, Zhao Xiaomin said with a face full of shame: "Ruomin, she...made a big mistake, she did that with Ah Nan kind of thing!"

"That kind of thing?" Chu Ge was stunned for a while, and then asked: "That kind of thing means..."

She couldn't react immediately, or she thought of a possibility, but thought it was too absurd, but it wasn't.

Zhao Xiaomin gritted her teeth: "They had a relationship. It seems that my sister messed up, and Ah Nan also fell into her trap. Although Ruomin is my sister, she is different from us. Doesn't it mean that she cannot do without Ah Nan? of."

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard something unbelievable, and indeed it was unbelievable.

Sister, younger sister, and a younger sister, the three sisters actually have that kind of relationship with Su Nan, this guy is so sinful!

A tinge of anger inexplicably arose in Chu Ge's heart, and even she didn't know where her anger came from. Logically speaking, Su Nan was not hers, maybe she just felt worthless for the one at home?

Then another question came to her mind, and Zhao Xiaomin chose to talk about it with herself. Considering that she called Zhao Ruomin here tonight, it is very likely that Zhao Xiaomin has already accepted this matter, and even plans to let her sister join the university. Maybe the family.

If this is the case, how will Chu Xi deal with it?

Chu Ge is not Chu Xi, she doesn't know what to do?

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