But every girl has a different figure, some are plump, some are thinner, some are tall and some are petite, judging by the feel of this arm, Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Junmin can be ruled out.

In an instant, Su Nan came up with the answer and said confidently, "Xiao Min, it's you."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at him with a red face: "You guessed it, and then, how do you want to deal with me?"

Su Nan didn't speak, and pulled her into his arms.

It was Zhao Junmin's cough, Su Nan's smile froze, and she was suddenly a little embarrassed to start.

Zhao Xiaomin leaned on his ear and blew, "Come in front of my sister, I don't mind."

Su Nan suddenly became short of breath and pinched her.


Coughing sounded again, Su Nan seemed to feel Zhao Junmin's stinging gaze, he sighed, and didn't mess around, just hugged Zhao Xiaomin tightly, kissed her a few times, and then let her go.

Zhao Xiaomin straightened her clothes, and walked back blushing.

As soon as she returned, Qin Xiaowan came out and walked up to Su Nan under everyone's surprised gaze.

Looking at Su Nan with a calm face, Qin Xiaowan swallowed nervously, then grabbed a strand of hair and stuffed it into Su Nan's hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Junmin regretted why she didn't expect to be able to touch his hair.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "You are so naughty, how can I tell the difference between hair."

Qin Xiaowan raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly, but did not speak.

In desperation, Su Nan had no choice but to feel it seriously. He touched it for a while, and then leaned over to smell it. After a while, he came to a conclusion with uncertainty.

"Are you... Chu Xi? Or Xiao Wan?"

As I said before, everyone's body has been strengthened and transformed, and even the quality of their hair is about the same, so it's hard to tell who it is based on the hair alone. The hair has been sprinkled with perfume to cover up the smell of shampoo. It is even more difficult to distinguish.

Qin Xiaowan didn't say a word.

Su Nan thought for a while and said, "I admit defeat in this game."

He was too lazy to guess, anyway, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will not suffer.

The corners of Qin Xiaowan's mouth curled up, a little happy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that Su Nan didn't guess who she was, Qin Xiaowan was a little happy, so that her next plan could be implemented.

Su Nan let go of her hair, smiled ambiguously and said, "Then, what do you want to do to me?"

Seeing Su Nan like this, Qin Xiaowan knew what he was thinking. She snorted inwardly, but without saying a word, she took a step forward, cupped Su Nan's face with both hands, and moved her face closer.

After a while, Su Nan felt her lips were enclose by a delicate little mouth, which brought a burst of sweet taste.

He was stunned for a moment, and then responded, but the opponent's technique didn't seem very skilled, what's going on?

Suddenly, Su Nan thought of something, moved his head back from the other party's kiss, and asked in a daze, "Are you Xiaowan?"

Among the girls present, only Zhao Junmin and Qin Xiaowan hadn't kissed him much, and of course they were not very skilled.

Among the two, Su Nan didn't think that Zhao Junmin would take the initiative to kiss herself unless it was an attack, which meant that the person kissing her in front of her was Qin Xiaowan.

Su Nan was in a delicate mood. Although the relationship between him and Qin Xiaowan warmed up during the holidays in the past, he still deliberately didn't do things like kissing. Kissed, feeling inexplicable, a little weird, a little exciting?

Qin Xiaowan licked her wet lips, and said with the corners of her mouth raised: "Yes, it's me, kissing me is not bad, I saw you were very devoted just now, you are not allowed to reject kissing me in the future, you know, we are a couple. .”

"You really..." Su Nan smiled bitterly, he understood why Qin Xiaowan did this, she was expressing her dissatisfaction with him in this way.

Su Nan felt a little sorry. He always treated Qin Xiaowan differently from other girlfriends. It was normal to make the other party angry. Since he promised to date the other party, he really shouldn't do this. Try to change it in the future.

Su Nan sighed inwardly and made a decision.

Qin Xiaowan didn't say anything, and walked back with a blushing face.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, admiring Qin Xiaowan's initiative, even though she was the youngest, she was more relaxed than them.

Qin Xiaowan's behavior infected everyone, and then everyone was too embarrassed to step forward.

Zhan Weiling looked at Li Gongting, Li Gongting blushed and shook his head, expressing that he was not sick yet.

Zhan Weiling thought for a moment, took the initiative to step out, and walked towards Su Nan.

Her appearance aroused everyone's interest, and everyone stared at her with great interest.

Zhan Weiling is the initiator of this game, and everyone wants to know what she will do next.

The arm part was used by Zhao Xiaomin, and the hair part was used by Qin Xiaowan. If you don't repeat it, then it is a bit difficult to avoid those more sensitive parts when you choose other body parts.

Based on Zhan Weiling's familiarity with Su Nan, any part of her should be acceptable, but with so many eyes watching the scene, it is difficult to guarantee whether she is still open-minded.

Zhan Weiling ignored everyone's eyes. She walked up to Su Nan, first looked at Su Nan for a while, and when he wanted to speak but couldn't help but want to speak, she bent down and kissed him.

Everyone was stunned. I didn't expect Zhan Weiling to do this. Yes, the rule of the game is to let Su Nan touch a part. There is no rule that Su Nan must touch a part with his hands. He can use his mouth, so kissing is no problem. up.

Su Nan was also very surprised, but he immediately realized that this was within the rules of the game, so he began to appreciate the kiss.

Among the people at the scene, anyone who could kiss him in front of everyone should be able to do it except Zhao Junmin, so this time the difficulty is still quite high.

However, Su Nan can tell who it is by experience.

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