Everyone's lip shape is different, and with kissing skills, kissing and other small habits, you can guess who the other party is.

However, Su Nan's idea soon came to nothing, because the other party just put his mouth against his mouth, and he was motionless, so it was difficult to recognize people by skills.

Su Nan thought, if you don't move, I can move.

So he started to take the initiative to kiss the other party, but no matter what he did, the other party did not respond and was a bit stubborn.

Up to now, Su Nan either recognizes people by the shape of their lips, or uses his kisses to make the other party have to respond.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth raised, and he began to seduce the other party.

Zhan Weiling's pretty face flushed. Under Su Nan's temptation, she actually had the urge to respond. Once she responded, Su Nan would be able to recognize her identity from her little kissing habits.

A blurred look flashed in his eyes, Zhan Weiling closed his eyes and endured it stubbornly.

The others were all stunned by them, looking at them in amazement, only Li Gongting was embarrassed to look, and quietly raised his palms to cover his face, but the gap between his fingers was wide.

Zhao Junmin watched Su Nan and Zhan Weiling kiss with a blank face, and clenched her small fists.

Five minutes later, the opponent still showed no flaws. Su Nan was surprised by the opponent's tenacity, so he stepped up his efforts.

After another ten minutes, Zhan Weiling pushed Su Nan away violently, took a few steps back and took a deep breath, her chest heaved, and she looked at Su Nan with a flushed face.

Su Nan smiled and said, "Sister, it's you."

"Little slick." Zhan Weiling cursed with a smile, wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth, and asked, "Then, what do you want to do to me?"

Su Nan rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "You suggested to play this game, so you should at least play it better than others."

Zhan Weiling was a little speechless, but after struggling for a moment, she nodded: "Okay, what you said makes sense, tell me what you think of me."

"Come here, I'll tell you." Su Nan smiled evilly.

Zhan Weiling was very nervous at once. She turned to look at everyone and found that everyone was looking forward to the show. It seemed that everyone really wanted to see her make a fool of herself.

Although Zhan Weiling sometimes played very verbally, she was really not as good as Zhao Xiaomin in this respect, but this time she shot herself in the foot and couldn't refuse.

With a sigh, Zhan Weiling stepped forward to listen to what Su Nan had to say.

Su Nan came close to her ear and said something, Zhan Weiling blushed, she looked back at everyone hesitantly, and nodded after thinking for a while.

Everyone was very curious about what Su Nan was going to do, and watched intently. Zhan Weiling stood up straight in front of Su Nan, and Su Nan stretched out her hands and landed on Zhan Weiling's body.

Does this require GHS?

Everyone was stunned, but to their surprise, Su Nan's hands were just unbuttoning Zhan Weiling's clothes, one by one, getting fewer and fewer, and every time she went to one, Zhan Weiling's face became more blush.

She was also embarrassed to look at everyone behind her, her face full of embarrassment.

After everyone suddenly realized, they all spit secretly, it turned out that Su Nan planned to undress Zhan Weiling in front of everyone, it was really a bad idea.

However, when Zhan Weiling proposed to play games before, she was full of confidence, but now she is so ashamed, it's too dramatic, even her good friend Li Gongting couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Zhao Junmin frowned, secretly calling Su Nan a pervert.

She didn't have much contact with Su Nan in normal times, but today it really opened her eyes, but apart from Su Nan, the girls at the scene were almost nothing.

Zhao Junmin was suddenly a little frustrated, could she do this?

After dismantling the senior sister's equipment, Su Nan withdrew his hands, his face full of fear. Although he couldn't see it, he roughly guessed everyone's reaction, and felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Of course, in order to take care of the senior sister's face, he didn't completely dismantle the equipment on the senior sister, and kept the two most important items inside for her.

Zhan Weiling gave him a grateful glance, picked up the equipment on the ground, put it on one by one, and then returned to the team.

Then, Zhan Weiling focused on Chu Ge and Zhao Junmin. Apart from Li Gongting, they were the only two who did not participate in the scene. Li Gongting at least had to wait until after the attack, and now they had to choose one of them.

Chu Ge and Zhao Junmin realized something, and their faces turned red. They were shy, looking at me and looking at you, both of them were very embarrassed.

They are usually representatives of facial paralysis, so this change in expression aroused everyone's interest, and everyone stared at them with great interest.

Just a moment later, everyone's eyes became puzzled, and they looked at Chu in puzzlement.

Although the two of them are left, in everyone's minds, Chu Xi and Su Nan have such a close relationship, so they shouldn't be so entangled. After all, Zhao Junmin is young, and the relationship with Su Nan has not reached that level. As a girlfriend, Chu Xi should take the initiative both emotionally and rationally, why is he hesitating now.

Cold sweat dripped from Chu Ge's back, and she realized that she would be exposed if she didn't take the initiative, so she took a breath and walked towards Su Nan, walking slowly, her body was extremely stiff, and her face was even more red like blood.

However, in everyone's impression, Chu Xi has always been a person who can't let go, so no one is puzzled.

It was getting closer and closer to Su Nan, but Chu Ge's head was stuck, and she didn't know what to do next. She even expected that this journey would take her forever.

However, this was just an extravagant wish. After a few steps, she stood in front of Su Nan, looking at his smiling face, she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe for a while.

After waiting for a while, Su Nan smiled and said, "What's the matter? Nervous? Could it be that you are Chu Xi? No, you shouldn't be so stupid and come here one by one. Are you misleading me? You must have appeared before." pass."

Su Nan said confidently.

Chu Ge and Zhao Junmin were the only ones who hadn't participated. Su Nan felt that everyone was not stupid, so she definitely wouldn't let these two participate now.

Of course he couldn't get an answer to his inquiry, and Su Nan didn't care, and asked casually, "Where are you going to let me touch you?"

Chu Ge stared blankly at Su Nan in front of her. For some reason, she suddenly calmed down. Some inexplicable pictures flashed in her mind, which were not clear, and a strange but hot emotion was quietly growing in her heart.

Without saying a word, she bent down to meet Su Nan face to face, and looked at him with bright eyes, not letting go of any detail.

Su Nan seemed to have sensed something, so she closed her mouth and stopped talking.

Chu Ge looked at it, her eyes suddenly became a little blurred, she unconsciously moved her face closer to Su Nan's, just when everyone thought she was going to imitate Zhan Weiling, Chu Ge closed her eyes and turned her face to the side But it was close to Su Nan's face.The delicate face gently stroked his, and Chu Xi's expression showed a trace of fascination.

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