Chapter six hundred and ninety second you sing I come on stage

The delicate face was gently rubbing against his cheeks, the smooth touch was slightly warm, and the hot and humid breath made Su Nan's mood float almost instantly.

However, he quickly calmed down and carefully felt who the person in front of him was. However, it was a bit difficult to tell just from the smoothness of the skin. After persisting for a while, he gave up and rubbed against each other, quietly listening to her panting I hope she can make more voices.

Almost at the moment of getting his response, the girl in front of her paused, and then slowly moved her face. Qiong's nose lightly scraped Su Nan's nose, and then her lips were carefully touched by her small mouth.

The girl froze, then moved her head back timidly, but Su Nan moved her head forward, opened her mouth to kiss the other party, and seduced her.

The girl seemed at a loss, she was stunned for a while, and then slowly responded, as if she was not tempted.

I don't know if it was because of being watched that her skills were a little rusty, but it also gave Su Nan a feeling of deja vu, as if she had kissed each other somewhere before, and the feeling was a little deep, and he was stunned.

Immediately, he smiled inwardly, almost all the women here are his women, even Zhao Junmin, he has kissed before, and it is normal to feel familiar.

He thought again, could it be Zhao Junmin after all, but kissing is unfamiliar, or it might just be that he is not used to being watched by others.

Su Nan didn't think about it anymore, and continued to kiss the other party, her mind fell silent unconsciously, her head was hazy, as if she was recalling this strange and familiar feeling, and she felt as if something had been forgotten.

Suddenly, Su Nan was awakened by the pain in his lips. He opened his eyes wide and didn't understand why the girl wanted to bite him, but soon he noticed the girl's careful struggle and the sound of her unsmooth breathing, and realized that he had kissed for too long. The girl felt uncomfortable, so she had to bite herself to remind her.

Su Nan quickly let go, the girl gasped for a few times, the hot breath rushed towards her face, and then the breath went away with the sound of panting, and the girl backed away.

There were a few girls laughing around again, as if the girls onlookers were laughing at him, Su Nan blushed slightly, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I've been thinking about who you are, I feel a little familiar, and my mind is distracted when I think about it." Yeah, didn't notice."

Chu Ge was breathing heavily, and she was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Su Nan in surprise, because she had the same feeling just now, and she was inexplicably familiar.Also, for some reason, when she faced Su Nan, she always couldn't help herself. First, she took the initiative to rub his ears with him, and then her body was softened by his kiss. She was as enthusiastic as responding to her lover, and she was not herself.

These behaviors almost made Chu Ge annoyed when he woke up, wondering if he was born to be a fucking woman, or why he was always so provocative.

She foolishly ran over to Su Nan just to pursue the inexplicable throbbing in her heart. Is it too stupid to do so, but she has come to this point, and she feels that she has no way to turn back.

Su Nan waited for a while, but the girl didn't express her opinion, and she didn't know if she was still angry. He was still in the game, so he said: "I won't say who you are, anyway, I took advantage of it, so I will let you punish it." me."

In fact, Su Nan didn't know what to do. When he was kissing just now, he was distracted. When he woke up, there was only that kind of ignorance in his mind, and he couldn't tell who the girl was kissing.

But this kind of words must not be said, for fear of making a wrong guess and angering the other party.

Girls sometimes struggle with these things, and feel that their bodies are cheap for you. It is too much to kiss you but you don't know who I am.

So even if he thought that the girl kissing him might be Zhao Junmin, he didn't say it, because he was a little unsure in his heart.

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do, he won, and then he can do whatever he wants to Su Nan?

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhan Weiling and the others. They were smiling and looking at her, as if watching a good show, and someone encouraged her with their eyes.

Chu Ge blushed slightly, turned his head back, and stared at Su Nan in front of him, hesitating for a while, with his heart beating, as if he wanted to do something, but he didn't dare.

She wanted to just let him go, but she was reluctant in her heart. This time was an opportunity for her, because of the rules of the game, she could only do something to Su Nan at this moment, and Su Nan couldn't resist, so she didn't have to worry about being touched by him. body, and can observe him closely and touch him.She secretly hoped that she would do this, but she didn't know why.

Taking a breath, Chu Ge finally made a decision, and she walked behind Su Nan with a sullen face.

The girls onlookers widened their eyes immediately, and stared at her curiously without blinking, as if they were looking forward to her next performance.

Chu Ge was ashamed in his heart, but looked at Su Nan who was sitting with his back to him, wanted to leave but was reluctant, after struggling for a long time, he still blushed and stretched out his hand, gently stroking Su Nan's head, the group of onlookers were immediately disappointed, Feel the scale is too small.

Chu Ge decided to ignore them, and gently stroked Su Nan's hair, inserted his palm into his hair, and gently stroked his scalp, his eyes flashed with confusion.

Her hand paused, then moved down the back of Su Nan's head, caressing the back of his neck, and after a slight delay, she penetrated into the clothes.

Seeing this scene, two uninterested onlookers cheered up immediately. They were Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Xiaomin, and they really wanted to see what Chuxi could do.

Not only them, Zhan Weiling also looked at Chu Ge's actions curiously. In her impression, Chu Xi was very passive in bed affairs, especially when there was a third party, today's behavior can be said to be very bold.

Su Nan didn't know what the girl behind her wanted to do. She first touched her head, and then put her hand into her back. However, it felt very comfortable to be caressed by gentle palms, so she didn't raise any objections.

Chu Ge took it out after moving his small hand for a while, moving through the clothes, frowning slightly, as if he couldn't figure something out.

Looking up and seeing Zhan Weiling and others looking at him with great interest, Chu Ge blushed, seeing that he couldn't draw any conclusions, he withdrew his palm and walked back to everyone.

Is this over?

Su Nan was a little disappointed. At the beginning, the girl acted boldly. He thought something exciting was going to happen, but he didn't expect to stop as soon as he was aroused.

However, Su Nan has roughly judged who the other party is. If he is so conservative, it should be Chu Xi.Zhao Junmin is petite and has small palms, so it's obviously not her.

Going through the names of the girls who played the game just now, Su Nan found that only Zhao Junmin hadn't participated yet, and Zhao Xiaomin was also present, so it was inconvenient to continue.

He then said, "It's almost there, it's getting late, let's go home."

After finishing speaking, I heard Zhan Weiling say: "It's still early, don't worry, this game is very fun, but just now everyone seems to be reluctant to let it go, let's play it again."

When she heard about playing again, Su Nan's heart was moved immediately. Zhao Junmin probably wouldn't take the initiative to play this kind of game, and just stop when it's almost done.

"As you please," he said.

Zhan Weiling smiled, and then became a little worried. Li Gongting didn't know when she would have to wait until she had an attack. If she played for too long, Su Nan would definitely realize that something was wrong, but it's come to this point, it's a pity to give up.

After thinking for a moment, Zhan Weiling turned to look at everyone and asked, "Who will go up next?"

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to make a decision for a while, and it would be a bit embarrassing to play a little more freely.

Zhao Junmin frowned, as if her heart was on fire.

Su Nan must know that among so many people, she is the only one who hasn't played the game yet, but she suggested not to play it. She felt inexplicably neglected and was very upset.

It was very strange, obviously she didn't want to participate very much, but at this time, she was not convinced.

The scene of everyone interacting with Su Nan just now flashed quickly in my mind, thinking of the few rounds Su Nan lost, I felt a sense of pleasure in my heart.

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