"Xiao Nan, the game will officially start in ten seconds."

After Zhan Weiling made the announcement, she walked to the front of the room and opened the door, revealing Li Gongting's pretty blushing face, but the difference was that Li Gongting's eyes were not shy, but stared at Su Nan eagerly, wishing to eat him up .

Zhan Weiling was a little surprised, she didn't expect that Li Gongting had already had an attack, so she quickly pulled her out of the room.

The game has started, and this night Su Nan enjoys the best of luck.

A chance made him hug Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin, feeling extremely happy.

After Zhao Xiaomin's sisters escaped, he caught Chu Xi again, but it felt a little wrong. This person is plumper than Chu Xi?

But the voice is clearly Chu Xi.

Thinking of the fact that Chu Xi might have gained weight during the holidays, he didn't think about it suspiciously, and continued to return to the fairyland around him that made people forget all their troubles.

I don't know how long it took, the girl who was suspected to be Chu Xi in his arms escaped, and then a slightly unfamiliar delicate body squeezed into his arms, and he felt a breath similar to Li Gongting in a daze, and his heart moved, especially Bully her.

Later, he even hugged Zhan Weiling into his arms, and hugged that person who seemed to be Li Gongting, only to hear the senior sister in his arms moan coquettishly, and then hammered his chest angrily, full of tears Reluctantly gave in.

Inside the luxurious villa, in the room that was closely guarded, Chu Xi was doing more and more on the bed, putting his body in a very seductive pose.

These days, she has never stepped out of the room for half a step, lack of exercise, fearing that her body will gain weight, so she started to practice more and more.

Thinking of the fact that she had heard that yoga originated from sex, and now that the pose she was doing was a sexual pose, Chu Xi couldn't help but blushed.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling hit her, her body froze, and then she collapsed on the bed.

After a while, she realized what had happened, and she was both happy and nervous. She closed her eyes tightly and waited for herself to get through the pain and meet the person she loved, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't feel that Feeling the familiar uncomfortable feeling, the whole body is warm, very warm and comfortable.

"what happened?"

She thought seductively, and then heard a strange female voice, like a notification sound in a game.

"Congratulations on passing the test and becoming an official player of this product @##%$#...&%This experience is Huaxianzi&%$*$I wish you *&& a happy game."

The voice suddenly became garbled, and Chu Xi opened her eyes in confusion. After a while, she felt exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning, Su Nan woke up in his room, and the person sleeping with him was actually Qin Xiaowan.

The girl snuggled into his words, her pretty face was quiet, and her nightgown was loose and sexy, but luckily she was still wearing it.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and recalled what happened last night, and her heart swayed.

He played that game for a long time, and of course he didn't take advantage of it, he just got used to it and kissed him a few times, but for those girls who haven't slept with him, this is already embarrassing enough. Zhao Jun was so angry that she still bit his chest, twisting her hot body while biting.

Another strange girl, Su Nan somewhat guessed her identity, so she was punished more severely.

Afterwards, he took off the blindfold and wanted to find the other party, but it was obvious that the other party had left Zhan Weiling's house in advance.

Without waking Qin Xiaowan up, Su Nan got out of bed and left the room.

Passing the kitchen, he saw Qin Ying's figure busy there. Looking from behind, she had a slender figure, her hips were straight, her legs were long and fair, and her body lines were very graceful.At this time, she had the demeanor of a good wife and mother, which made a certain string in Su Nan's heart twitch. She didn't dare to look any more, so she hurried into the bathroom.

Qin Ying, who was busy, paused for a while, her cheeks flushed slightly, and then she didn't know what to think, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "These young people are playing too much, and Xiao Wan is also fooling around, she didn't listen to me carefully. If so, but I didn't expect that guy to participate in it, hey, what's her name?"

She frowned, and Chu Xi's appearance appeared in her mind, but her intuition told her that the person she met recently was not Chu Xi.

Su Nan came to the school early and was not in a hurry to go back to work. She walked around the playground. At this time, Li Gongting led a dozen girls and ran past him. When she saw him standing by the road, she blushed pretty. Pretending not to see and rushing over, Shu Baoer, who fell behind her, smiled and waved at Su Nan.

Su Nan was also a little embarrassed seeing Li Gongting, ignored Shu Baoer, turned around and left.

Shu Bao'er put down her hand in some doubts, stared suspiciously at Li Gongting in front of her, and suddenly chased after her and asked in a low voice: "Senior sister, does senior know what you did to him, I think he looks weird."

Li Gongting ran too fast just now and didn't see Su Nan, but when she heard Shu Bao'er talking about it, she became flustered.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan left the school, but there was no one around him. The game last night made everyone feel embarrassed to meet him today, and they all avoided him. Now he is very free.

Thinking that Lu Ying hadn't met in private for a long time, and that Lu Anya hadn't come back at this time, Su Nan's heart moved, and he planned to go to her house to find her, but it was not good to go empty-handed. What happened that night made him feel deeply for the monitor. apology.

Passing by a flower shop, Su Nan's heart moved, she walked in, and looked at the flowers under the enthusiastic sales of the shop manager.

He seldom sends flowers to girls, and they never ask for much from him. Thinking of this, Su Nan felt a little guilty, thinking to himself, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, although I can't give them a complete Valentine's Day, at least one The bouquet will still be sent.

He told the store manager that he wanted to order a batch of roses and wait to give them away tomorrow.

The store manager was very calm at first, until he heard that he said that he would order a lot of orders, his eyes suddenly changed, admiration?eccentric?

Su Nan didn't explain, his eyes fell on a pink flower inadvertently, feeling a whim, he was slightly startled, and asked the store manager: "Boss, what kind of flower is this?"


Su Nan thoughtfully, pointed to the bouquet of tulips and said, "Bring me a bouquet and give it away later."

After choosing the flowers, Su Nan paid the bill and left the flower shop, took an online car-hailing car and rushed to Lu Ying's house. He didn't say in advance that he planned to surprise the monitor.

On the way in the car, Su Nan looked down at the tulips in his hand, and his eyes fell on one of them, and he had that strange feeling, as if he was particularly fond of this flower. He didn't know why, but he just had that feeling.

When he arrived at the destination, Su Nan holding flowers was quite eye-catching. He didn't dare to take the elevator up, but chose to take the stairs. He was afraid of leaving an impression on others and spreading it to Lu Anya's ears.

Soon the floor where Lu Ying lived arrived. After seeing no one, Su Nan went to her house and rang the doorbell.

It wasn't long before Lu Ying arrived home, so she quickly came over and opened the door, and saw Su Nan standing outside the door, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, Lu Ying was stunned for a while.

Su Nan smiled and said, "What? You're not welcome?"

"Welcome." Lu Ying came back to her senses, walked over quickly with a smile.

Su Nan thought she wanted to receive the flower, and was about to hand it over, but Lu Ying didn't even look at the flower, and hugged him with open arms, put her face on his chest and closed her eyes.

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