Su Nan was surprised and asked, "Don't you like flowers?"

"I like it." Lu Ying shook her head, hugged him for a while before letting go, received the flower in her hand, looked at it excitedly for a while, and said, "I really like this flower, I have to hold it all the time tonight. Okay, after all, you sent it."

Su Nan's heart warmed, obviously Lu Ying was more happy that he came to see her, and the second was the flowers.

Hearing her foolishly saying that she would not put down the flowers tonight, he joked, "Whenever?"

Lu Ying's pretty face flushed, and she gave him a look, but her eyes were extremely charming.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and he took her hand and said, "Let's not stand here, for fear of being seen by your neighbors, let's go in."

Lu Ying blushed even more, and without saying a word, she was meekly led back to the living room by his hand.

After some lingering, the sky thunder set off the ground fire, and the two became obsessively entangled.

As Lu Ying said, she didn't put down the flowers in her hands, she held her in her arms and bit her lips, she looked very cute. The pink flowers complemented her pink skin, which brought Su Nan a very good feeling.

Chu Xi woke up under such circumstances. She stared blankly at Su Nan above, her heart shy for a while, and then she realized that there was a girl below, so she turned her eyes and looked down, and saw the familiar face She was startled when she saw that it was Lu Ying.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi felt dizzy and couldn't figure out what was going on.

What happened to Su Nan and Lu Ying, what kind of state are they in, why did they appear when they were doing this, why didn't they find themselves?

All kinds of questions popped up in one go.

I wanted to tell Su Nan about the woman's conspiracy after meeting Su Nan, but now Chu Xi has temporarily forgotten about it, and she needs to figure out what she has become.

I remember that before she fell into a coma, a voice told her that she had passed the test. What kind of flower fairy was this experience? Could it be that all the previous experiences were just a test?

The meaning of flower fairy, is it related to flowers?

Chu Xi looked around and glanced at Su Nan's body, which made her feel shy. During the bumps, her eyes fell on a mirror in the room. Through the mirror, she finally knew her state at this time.

She suddenly turned into a bouquet of flowers, and was hugged by Lu Ying who didn't have a strand of flowers in her arms. Lu Ying was lying comfortably, and Su Nan was on top of Lu Ying. Because he was afraid of crushing the flowers, he didn't have sex with Lu Ying himself. Contact, second half...

Although Chu Xi was shocked by becoming a flower, the picture in the mirror was too embarrassing. She couldn't bear to look away soon, but she couldn't help but watch Su Nan working. trembling slightly.

She felt as if she was experiencing a violent storm on the sea, but she was not a participant. Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin's sister by blood were the protagonists, and she felt a little sour.

The body was jolting back and forth, and there was another burst of embarrassment. At this time, she noticed something through Su Nan's expression, and her thoughts were about to end.

Sure enough, the wind and waves got bigger, and Chu Xi's heart lifted, as if she felt Su Nan's excited mood. Suddenly, she heard Lu Ying's resisting voice below her, and then Su Nan left Lu Ying.

Flower branches are subject to rain and wind.

Chu Xi felt that he was really unlucky.

"You dirty my flowers."

Lu Ying punched Su Nan, feeling a little heartbroken, Su Nan smiled apologetically at her, picked up the flowers and put them aside, then hugged Lu Ying into her arms and comforted her softly.

"It's all your fault for messing around and refusing to take safety measures."

Lu Ying punched Su Nan again, the corners of her eyes were full of joy and charm, and then Su Nan kissed her lips.

Chu Xi watched them flirting, and felt a pang of sadness and grievance in her heart. She hadn't seen Su Nan for several months, and she was locked in the room every day and was bored to death, but Su Nan was messing around outside. , and secretly hooked up with Zhao Xiaomin's sister, and the two are still in a hot relationship, which is really annoying.

Why did it turn into a flower, unable to move or speak, otherwise it could have jumped out at this time, scaring the two of them half to death.

Thinking wildly, Chu Xi suddenly felt abnormalities in her body, a warm feeling all over her body, and the surrounding flowers withered quickly, leaving only her one, as if she had sucked the vitality of those flowers away, The body also becomes energized.

What shocked Chu Xi even more was that Su Nan's things were actually absorbed by her flower as fertilizer. Every time she absorbed a bit of flower branch, it became more energetic, and it felt itchy and hot, as if the flower was changing.

Why absorb nutrients?

Chu Xi hurriedly looked into the mirror, and saw that most of the bunch of flowers had withered, leaving only the middle one, which was her current body.

The flower seems to have absorbed too much nutrition, emitting a faint gleam, and it is growing from top to bottom. The longer it grows, the bigger the flower, and the shape changes greatly, as if entering the second development.

Chu Xi suddenly lost her voice in shock, unable to figure out what happened.

Lu Ying was so tired, she wrapped her arms around Su Nan's waist, planning to take a rest.

At this time, from the corner of her eye, she saw something bright next to her, she subconsciously turned her head to look, and was startled, the bunch of flowers that Su Nan gave her actually withered, only one flower remained, and it was still shining ?

She quickly pushed Su Nan, "A Nan, look at the flowers, they are shining!"

Su Nan closed her eyes, put her hands on the girl's body, feeling her beauty, opened her eyes in surprise, and looked at the growing flower, a little dazed, "What's going on? Is this flower glowing? Growing?"

The two looked at each other, then Su Nan got up cautiously, and pulled the weak Lu Ying to stand up again.

The two got out of bed together and watched the changes of the flowers intently, as if they were watching an accelerated lens. The tulips were undergoing changes from petals to branches. This growth has degenerated instead.

Lu Ying hugged Su Nan's arm tightly in fear, and said in a trembling voice, "What's the matter with this flower? It's so scary."

Su Nan shook his head, he didn't know what was going on, he just bought the flowers at a flower shop on the street, but it wasn't the first time he had experienced such a bizarre incident, and he wasn't as nervous as Lu Ying.

Looking at the growing flower, Su Nan's heart suddenly moved. Could this be another punishment incident?

Su Nan felt herself, and did not enter the impulsive state, wondering if it was because the flowers had not yet matured.

After a little hesitation, he immediately told Lu Ying this guess. He had seen it with his own eyes, and even if it was a punishment incident, there was no need to keep it a secret.

After hearing this, Lu Ying's eyes widened. Although she knew that what happened to Su Nan and his woman was unbelievable, she was still very surprised when she saw it for the first time.

But after knowing the reason, she was not so worried, and asked Su Nan curiously, "What will happen next?"

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