It's just that she immediately thought of what she had done, and suddenly felt that she didn't have the confidence to accuse Su Nan, her eyes darkened for a while.

She sighed secretly, and said to Ruo Min: "Are you really not planning to participate in the high school track and field competition held in our city? With your speed, you should be able to get a good ranking. If you want to participate, I can sign up for you."

"No." Zhao Ruomin didn't want to participate, she hated all kinds of rules the most, and she didn't run for competitions, she just liked sports.

Li Gongting felt it was a pity, thought for a while, and persuaded: "Don't you want Su Nan to see how good he is? When you stand on the field, he will definitely come to see you. When you win the game He will definitely cheer for you and give you rewards."

"Reward?" Zhao Ruomin's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Any reward is fine?"

"Why do you ask me? How do I know?"

Li Gongting thought strangely, and suddenly his heart trembled, wondering if Zhao Ruomin also knew about his relationship with Su Nan?That's why Zhao Ruomin asked himself, because he thought he could ask Su Nan for a reward for her?

Looking carefully at Zhao Ruomin, she looked expectant, but she couldn't see any other meanings. Li Gongting relaxed again, thinking that Zhao Xiaomin couldn't tell this sister about such things.

She smiled lightly and said, "You can ask Su Nan yourself, he must want to watch your game."

Of course Su Nan will go, it's not a big deal, it's just that Zhao Ruomin couldn't think of it, she's a bit stupid.

"I'm going to find my brother-in-law!"

Zhao Ruomin turned around and ran away after speaking.

Li Gongting looked at her big buttocks wriggling when she was running, and thought that it seemed to be a little bigger than before, is it due to Su Nan?

"Bah, you've learned badly too." Li Gongting spat to himself, feeling a little resentful. Ever since he met Su Nan and joined his harem gang by accident, Li Gongting felt that he was much more sensible and changed. It's getting dirtier.

On the other side, Zhao Ruomin looked for Su Nan everywhere. She felt that if her brother-in-law wanted to leave, she would definitely greet her and would not leave without saying a word, so there was a high probability that her brother-in-law was still nearby, so where would he be?

Zhao Ruomin's eyes fell on the small forest not far away, and walked over with the idea of ​​trying his luck.

After Su Nan and Shu Baoer kissed and lingered, he felt more and more impulsive, even to the point where he couldn't control it. Walk to the woods.

At this moment, his emotions were so hot that he didn't care about anything, he just wanted to be reckless.

Shu Bao'er was very docile, held by him, and watched his back with tender eyes, the tenderness in her eyes was so strong that it couldn't be melted away.

It's just that the impulsive Su Nan didn't realize this. He pulled Shu Bao'er into the grove, turned around and hugged her, pressed her against a tree, kissed her, and her hands were a little irregular.

After a while, he changed position, kissed her face, and moved down her neck.

"Senior, senior... Nan... Xiao Nan..."

Shu Bao'er inserted her hands into his hair, stroked his scalp gently, and muttered to herself emotionally, with a look of uncontrollable emotion.

Su Nan became more impulsive, and gagged her again to prevent her from speaking.

Zhao Ruomin ran into the grove, glanced at Su Nan, and was overjoyed when she saw Su Nan's figure. She was about to call her brother-in-law when she suddenly found that her brother-in-law was kissing a girl in his arms, and that girl was her friend Shu Baoer, who could see her Shu Baoer responded enthusiastically to her brother-in-law.

Zhao Ruomin froze, looking at this scene dumbfounded, then she raised her hand and pressed it on her chest, and said in confusion: "Brother-in-law is being kissed, brother-in-law is being kissed by Baoer, one of them is brother-in-law and the other is a friend, why would I feel happy?"

She had a strange expression on her face, she couldn't figure it out, just looking at the two people who were secretly entangled not far away, she felt her heart beating very fast, and besides the throbbing pain, she was also vaguely happy.

After a while, Zhao Ruomin shook her head so excitedly that she was dizzy, remembering that her brother-in-law was her sister's boyfriend, and finally realized what she should do, and ran to stop beside the two people who were entwined.

Zhao Ruomin thought that her arrival would scare them, but they didn't expect the two to kiss her passionately as if they didn't notice her.

Zhao Ruomin was a little angry, smelled the scent of flowers, she ignored her, stared at the couple, and said loudly: "Brother-in-law, Bao'er, what are you doing?"

Surprised, Su Nan saw Zhao Ruomin coming, and quickly released Shu Baoer.

But Shu Bao'er took a step forward and hugged his waist, as if unwilling to part with him, pressed her pretty red face against his chest, took a big breath of fresh air, turned her head to look at Zhao Ruomin and said, "Ruomin, may I help you?" Brother-in-law use it and return it to you later."

Zhao Ruomin was stunned, she didn't seem to be able to react, she shook her head after a while, and glared at Shu Bao'er angrily: "No, brother-in-law belongs to sister, Bao'er, let him go!"

Shu Bao'er was unwilling to let go, and said with a charming smile: "Ruo Min is really too much, she obviously cheated on her brother-in-law, but refused to let me for a while, anyway, I'm going to make up your brother-in-law."

After finishing speaking, Shu Baoer stood on tiptoe and offered the kiss.

Su Nan struggled a little, and then obeyed. Affected by the fragrance of flowers, he was very impulsive, and he didn't care that Zhao Ruomin was still by his side.

Zhao Ruomin saw that they were kissing again, but she didn't speak anymore, a touch of excitement appeared in her eyes, she watched her brother-in-law kissing Bao'er with a pretty face, unconsciously raised her hand, and wrapped her mouth in her mouth. Middle two fingers.

Shu Baoer opened her eyes and saw this scene, she was stunned for a moment, then she showed a meaningful smile, she pushed Su Nan away forcefully, stared at Su Nan panting, and said with a sweet smile: "Senior, don't be here Here, take Ruomin and me home, and go to Ruomin’s house, there’s no one there.”

Su Nan was still conscious at this moment, and upon hearing this, she also felt that this place was very unsafe, so she took Shu Baoer's hand, and Zhao Ruomin's hand, and led them out of the woods.

The two girls were too obedient and allowed themselves to be taken away by him.

Chu Xi inside the flower bud was full of disappointment. The Zhao Ruomin she was looking forward to finally came here, but the situation seemed to be getting worse. Shu Baoer asked Su Nan to take her and Zhao Ruomin home. What is the purpose?

Soon Chu Xi knew.

The three of Su Nan returned to Zhao Ruomin's house by an online car-hailing car. When they entered the door, he pressed the two girls against the door and kissed each other. After kissing one and the other, the strange thing was that the two girls obeyed him and did not resist at all.

After a while, Su Nan was not satisfied with this, and directly hugged the two girls in his arms, walked to the room, threw them on the bed after entering the room, and then disarmed himself.

Su Nan casually threw her clothes on the bed, and the flower buds rolled out of her pockets, allowing Chu Xi inside to see what was going on outside.

I saw Su Nan climbed onto the bed, and there were two young girls lying on the bed who were vying for beauty and who could be picked by you.

Chu Xi froze, eyes wide open, wondering if Su Nan was going to have a threesome?

She was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to do. The goal of preventing Chu Ge from dating Su Nan should have been achieved, but Chu Xi found that she couldn't be happy.

Such an inexplicable operation caused Shu Baoer to get involved with Su Nan, and she didn't know what would happen next, so she might as well do it herself.

It's a pity that the buds can't bloom, and even if they do, they probably won't be in the same shape as before.

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