The room was full of heat, and the equipment of the two girls was also decreasing. At the critical moment, Shu Baoer finally showed panic. She pulled Zhao Ruomin over as a shield, and said in a shy voice: "Xiao Nan...senior, I can't do it today, let you Auntie will accompany you."

Hearing this, Su Nan regained consciousness and nodded.

Zhao Ruomin got what she wanted today, one T, two T, three T...

She counted in her heart.

Seeing this, Chu Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Shu Baoer persevered in an emergency.

Shu Bao'er is really good at controlling herself under the fragrance of her flowers, she can't do this by herself.The inside of the buds is exuding a strong fragrance at this time.

It was past ten o'clock in the night, Chu Ge was sitting in the office, she seemed to be still reading documents, but her attention was not on it at all, she glanced at the mobile phone on the table from the corner of her eye from time to time, frowning slightly.

"President Chu, it's time to go back and rest." The secretary reminded her.

Chu Ge put down the file and nodded lightly, then she grabbed the phone with a little force.

Su Nan clearly said that he would ask her out tonight, but it's almost eleven o'clock, could it be that he fell asleep?

Although he didn't plan to have anything to do with Su Nan tonight, Chu Ge still felt very uncomfortable being put on a dove like this, guessing that he would spend the night in that girl's arms tonight, Zhao Xiaomin?Jane Weiling?

The phone rang, and Chu Ge looked at it. It was actually Zhao Xiaomin's call. Could it be that he came to find Su Nan?

She answered the phone and heard Zhao Xiaomin's voice saying, "Chu Xi, Ah Nan is with you, can I have a word with him?"

"He's not here." Chu Ge's voice was cold.

"Not here?" Zhao Xiaomin was surprised and asked strangely, "Then where did he go?"

"I don't know, is there something wrong?" Chu Ge frowned.

Zhao Xiaomin said: "By the way, the flowers that Ah Nan gave you are here, do you want to come and get them? Today, Ah Nan sent everyone a bouquet of flowers, and I want to praise him, but I didn't expect to call Can't get through his phone."

Chu Ge thought for a while and said, "I'll go right away."

When Chu Ge arrived, he found that there were a lot of people, Zhan Weiling, Zhao Xiaomin, Zhao Junmin, and Qin Xiaowan, each holding a bouquet of flowers in their hands, and another bouquet of unowned ones, which should be for her.

But Chu Ge looked surprised, not only her, but also other girls. Everyone looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Where did Su Nan (Xiao Nan) (A Nan) go?"

Almost all the women related to Su Nan are here, but he disappeared on the night of Valentine's Day, and he may not come back tonight, which makes people wonder if he is still hiding women outside .

"who is it."

"Who is close to him."

"Normally you can't see it at all."

"It's well hidden."

Even though Chu Ge had seen the storm, he was also taken aback by the chill emanating from these women. She mourned for Su Nan in her heart, but she also felt a little schadenfreude, calling you a scumbag, right?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The more the girls thought about it, the more angry they were. They were already depressed because they couldn't get the company of their lovers on Valentine's Day. They only let Chu Xi and Su Nan see each other for a long time, so they gave her this important day. However, Su Nan didn't know where she had gone now, and she didn't know that she was holding that vixen in her arms.

Qin Xiaowan snorted coldly and asked Chu Ge: "Did he not ask you out today?"

It was inconvenient for Chu Ge to tell everyone that he deliberately broke the appointment, so he pretended to be embarrassed and said, "I declined at the time, but he didn't agree. It seems that he will come to me when the time comes."

"It's already eleven o'clock. No matter how late it is, it won't be so late. It seems that he has indeed gone to find someone else."

Qin Xiaowan said angrily, rolled her eyes, and asked again: "Sister Chuxi, who else has a better relationship with that guy, but he stayed out all night last night, and now he must have gone to find that vixen again."

Everyone also turned their attention to Chu Ge. Only Chu Ge and Su Nan are in the same class. Whoever Su Nan has a good relationship with, it is impossible to completely hide it from her.

Chu Ge was a little embarrassed. She and Su Nan had been in the same class for less than ten days since the beginning of school. Even if Su Nan hooked up with other girls, it would not be so soon to find out.

Recalling Chu Xi's diary, Chu Ge immediately said: "I don't know, could it be someone I met during the winter vacation?"

Zhao Xiaomin looked thoughtful: "Winter vacation? He spends most of his time either with us or with Xiaowan, so he probably doesn't have time to get to know others. Senior sister Li Gongting won't take advantage of him so quickly, could it be ..."

She suddenly changed her face, thinking of Lu Ying and her pretty aunt Lu Anya, she had some doubts about their relationship with Su Nan, but she only suspected that only one of them had an affair with Su Nan, but she took Not sure who it is, did Su Nan go to find them these two days?

Qin Xiaowan glanced at her, but asked: "By the way, Miss Xiao Min, is Ruo Min asleep?"

This unintentional question immediately lifted everyone's spirits, and they all looked at Zhao Xiaomin subconsciously.

They were just suspicious in their hearts, but Chu Ge knew about the relationship between Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin, so his eyes became strange, wondering if Su Nan really went to find Zhao Ruomin?

She couldn't help feeling a little resentful, and there was a slight feeling of jealousy in her heart. This sudden jealousy made her a little flustered, thinking that Su Nan is not her man, what is jealousy, it must be an illusion, and she is just fighting for her daughter That's all.

Zhao Junmin's face darkened, and she wanted to take out her mobile phone from her pocket and immediately call her second sister, but when she remembered that her eldest sister was here, she forcibly controlled her impulse.

"Xiaowan, what do you mean? Suspect my sister? How can you think like that!" Zhao Xiaomin was a little angry, but her tone was filled with guilt.

"Yeah, Xiao Wan, you talk too much, and Ruo Min is not like us, how could she have anything to do with Xiao Nan, if you don't believe me, ask Xiao Min to call and ask Ruo Min."

Zhan Weiling also accused Qin Xiaowan, but Zhao Xiaomin's smile froze when she said the following words, and then she gave Zhan Weiling a bitter look, scolding her for taking the opportunity to turn on her.

Looking back, Zhao Xiaomin was in a dilemma. She guessed that Zhan Weiling was also suspicious, but Qin Xiaowan was better off fooling around. Once Zhan Weiling doubted, she must have found some clues.

What should I do, should I call, in case it is true...

In fact, it's okay for everyone to know. Anyway, I have already told Chu Xi, and I will tell everyone sooner or later. It is impossible to keep the secret, but Zhao Xiaomin still feels very ashamed if it is only completely exposed.

Seeing her standing still, Qin Xiaowan deliberately took out her mobile phone and said, "Let me see if there is any contact information for Sister Ruomin."

Zhao Xiaomin sighed and said, "Let me fight."

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