Taking out her mobile phone, Zhao Xiaomin found out Zhao Ruomin's contact information, struggled for a while, and finally made up her mind to call.

It was inevitable that she was a little nervous. Zhao Xiaomin was ready to expose the relationship between Su Nan and Ruomin, but she felt that Su Nan might be with Lu Ying or Lu Anya at this time. After all, she knew what was going on with her sister and Su Nan. Nan felt that Su Nan would not secretly go to hook up with his sister on this important day.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the phone was dialed, and Zhao Xiaomin was on speakerphone.

"Hey, sister, do you have anything to do with me so late, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

Didn't hear any abnormal voice over there, although Zhao Ruomin's voice felt a little weak, but Zhao Xiaomin only thought that her sister was sleepy, and at the same time relieved, said with a smile: "It's okay, I want to see if you slept, you haven't slept so late Ah, go take a shower and sleep..."

"Ah~ seniors don't want~ Ruomin, come and satisfy your brother-in-law."

The sudden sound of begging for mercy froze Zhao Xiaomin's smile, feeling that the voice was faintly familiar, Zhao Xiaomin was about to burst into anger, but suddenly her eyes widened in shock and she asked, "Ruomin, who is that? Who is with your brother-in-law? What the hell are you doing?"

"No...I don't know, sister, I...ah, Bao'er don't push me...Brother-in-law, wait a minute..."

Zhao Ruomin's tone was flustered, and before he finished speaking, he exclaimed again, as if being pushed down, and the intermittent voices of men and women rang out immediately.

Then everyone heard another girl's voice saying coquettishly: "Senior, let your sister-in-law help you, I'm afraid... Hey, Ruo Min, who are you calling, damn it, you heard it all."

Then the call was hung up by the girl.

Zhao Xiaomin was dumbfounded holding the phone.

Zhan Weiling, Chu Ge, Qin Xiaowan, and Zhao Junmin also looked unbelievable. Su Nan was not only with Zhao Ruomin, but also another unidentified girl was present. What are they doing with the three of them?

Everyone looked at Zhao Xiaomin strangely, the shock even suppressed the resentment and jealousy in their hearts, Zhao Ruomin actually accompanied her brother-in-law with other girls!What kind of great sentiment is this? Isn't this sister-in-law too weird? Not only did she overthrow her brother-in-law, but she also found a good friend for her brother-in-law?Playing a threesome game with your brother-in-law?

Everyone seemed to see Xiao Min's whole body glowing green, and looked at her with sympathy for a moment.

Zhao Xiaomin was also terrified, until she saw everyone looking at her weird eyes, and she gradually remembered it. Her pretty face flushed instantly, and she was angry and anxious. This little sister is really worthless, and she treats her sister like this.

Zhao Junmin was also trembling with anger, took out her mobile phone to call, but found that the other party was turned off, she went to call Su Nan again, but also couldn't get through.

Zhao Junmin stood up and said coldly to her sister, "I'll go back and find them!"

Although Zhao Xiaomin was also full of anger, she hesitated when she heard the words.

If you go to block the door now, other people will follow, and it will be relieved to catch your sister, Su Nan and another vixen at that time, but two of the three parties are people she values, and one is her husband. One of the boyfriends is her own sister. Isn't this intentional for everyone to see their sisters' jokes.

And although she was angry with her younger sister's behavior, in fact, her younger sister and Su Nan had been together for a long time, and she knew this, so there was nothing to be angry about. This is Su Nan.

This is something that a sister-in-law should never do.

But in the final analysis, this is just a matter between their sisters, and there is no need for other people to get involved.

Zhao Xiaomin calmed down, and when she saw the angry look of the third sister, her heart warmed up, and she said softly, "Little sister, calm down."

After reassuring her sister, Zhao Xiaomin said to the others: "Don't worry about it so late, everyone go to bed early, and I will ask Ah Nan again tomorrow."

Zhan Weiling nodded, didn't say anything, took Qin Xiaowan's hand with a displeased face, and said with a smile: "Sister Qin is waiting for you to go back to sleep, don't worry Sister Qin, and don't tell her about it, just in case When the incident got to Xiaonan's parents, we couldn't bear it."

Although Qin Xiaowan was not worried that her mother would find out about this matter, seeing that no one was going to block the door right away, and she herself didn't want to be the first bird, so she sighed and left in a depressed mood.

Chu Ge also returned to the car and asked the driver to take her back. She frowned along the way, feeling very upset. She couldn't explain why she was upset, but she was probably angry with this fickle son-in-law.

It's better to tell Chu Xi about this.

Chu Ge's heart moved, he took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and put it down again.

It was already late at night when Chu Xi woke up, staring blankly at the ceiling for a while, and then gradually recalled what happened last night and today, a moving blush appeared on his cheeks, his legs rubbed against each other a few times, and he felt that he needed to change Small items, as well as bathing and cleaning the body.

After Chu Xi came out of the shower, he saw a few special side dishes and rice on the computer table, so he walked over and sat down, touched the bowl with his hand, it was still warm, so he started to eat slowly.

Although she turned into a flower last night, no one doubted her when she was lying on the bed all day, after all, no one wanted to be punished.

In order to be able to go out, she threatened to go on a hunger strike before, but the effect was not good. She persisted for a day or two before giving up. After all, that woman didn't pay attention to her, and her health would not be good if she was starved. I guess the person who delivered the meal today should I mistakenly thought that she was fighting again, so I didn't take it seriously.

A mocking smile curled up on the corner of Chu Xi’s mouth. Although it was a lot of hardships, he finally got to Su Nan’s side, and he successfully stopped the woman from going on a date with Su Nan tonight. Now she just needs to wait for her body as a flower fairy to get out of the bud. Then you can meet Su Nan.

Chu Xi was in a good mood, but thinking about what happened tonight, her happiness was halved by [-]%.

In her opinion, that woman had already hooked up with Su Nan, but Shu Baoer had an ordinary relationship with Su Nan before tonight, and she was implicated tonight, causing her to go to Su Nan's bed, and it is very likely that she will be there from now on. By sticking to Su Nan, an extra rival in love emerges out of thin air.

Fortunately, Shu Bao'er is the kind of person who attaches great importance to her body. Even in that situation, she can control herself and prevent Su Nan from completely succeeding.

Chu Xi only hopes that when they wake up tomorrow, they will realize their mistakes and become passers-by instead of continuing to develop further.

A little worried about his situation after he left, Chu Xi wanted to go back and have a look, but his brain was dizzy and his spirit was extremely sleepy, so he had to give up this plan.

After eating a little something, he went to rinse his mouth again. After coming out, Chu Xi couldn't hold on any longer, and fell asleep on the bed.

When Su Nan woke up, she saw Shu Bao'er sitting beside her. Her thin body was only wearing underwear, and she was carefully and curiously looking at a flower bud in her hand, while Zhao Ruomin was fast asleep with her limbs wrapped around him.

Seeing him waking up, Shu Bao'er smiled shyly, pulled the quilt to cover her body, and said softly: "Senior made him so embarrassed last night, you have to be responsible."

Su Nan's eyelids twitched, she sat up and took back the flower bud in her hand, and said with little confidence: "We didn't do anything last night, did we?"

Although he turned into a beast last night, he still remembered clearly what happened. Shu Baoer didn't let him succeed at all last night. At every critical moment, she would pull Zhao Ruomin to block the gun, but Zhao Ruomin was exhausted.

The smile on Shu Bao'er's face disappeared, and her eyes became tearful in an instant. She said aggrievedly, "Aside from that, what else did you not do to him, especially you kissed him all over his body with your tongue, so you're not ashamed."

Her cheeks were hot, and the eyelashes of those big eyes were stained with a few small teardrops, and she stared at Su Nan angrily, as if she was complaining silently.

Su Nan couldn't hold back her face, and quickly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, but there's a reason for it..."

Shu Bao'er curled her mouth and said: "I don't care, anyway, you are bullying others, and you have ruined their innocence, you must make it up!"

Su Nan had no choice but to say, "What do you want to add?"

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