"I want..." Shu Bao'er smiled, her watery eyes stared at Su Nan with cunning.

For some reason, Su Nan had a bad premonition in her heart, afraid that she would make some excessive demands.

With a "pop", a tender white palm came over and pressed Shu Bao'er's mouth, preventing her from speaking.

Zhao Ruomin got up and stared at Shu Bao'er: "Bao'er, you actually seduced my brother-in-law, why did you do that!"

Shu Bao'er pushed her hand away and said innocently: "It's obviously your brother-in-law who seduced me, if you don't believe me, ask him."

Zhao Ruomin turned suspiciously to Su Nan.

Su Nan's face was a little red. It was hard to tell who seduced whom yesterday. If he had to say, under the influence of the fragrance of flowers, he and Shu Baoer should be attracted to each other. He couldn't say that Shu Baoer seduced him. .

Shu Bao'er rolled her eyes and said: "Ruomin, your sister called you last night, do you remember, she already knew about our affairs, do you think your sister will come to block the door later?"

Both Zhao Ruomin and Su Nan were taken aback, they looked at each other, quickly got out of bed, picked up the messy clothes, and put them on indiscriminately, Shu Baoer was right, Zhao Xiaomin didn't come over last night, she will definitely come here now, She would come here even to find out Shu Baoer's identity.

Shu Bao'er didn't want to encounter this kind of thing either, so she got dressed with them and left without even washing her face, while Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin were also fully dressed and sat on the sofa waiting to be released.

Su Nan was still holding the flower bud in his hand, and feeling the touch of the flower bud on his palm, he felt a lot more at ease in his heart. With this thing, he would give a hint at that time, and Zhao Xiaomin would guess that he was being punished Incident, don't blame him too much.

He took Zhao Ruomin's hand and said earnestly, "Ruomin, when your sister comes over, you won't know anything, and you won't remember what happened last night."

Zhao Ruomin thought that he was going to fight everything alone, and was so moved for a moment, she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, "Don't worry brother-in-law, I won't let my sister blame you, if she won't forgive us, we can elope gone."

Su Nan was speechless, and comforted: "Don't, don't be like this, just say that you are confused, and leave other matters to me. Don't worry, it's fine."

"Brother-in-law is so kind." Zhao Ruomin said in a sweet voice, "I didn't intend to do that, but brother-in-law, you are so kind to me, Ruomin wants to repay you."

Zhao Ruomin whispered: "Brother-in-law, do you know that Ruomin was really happy last night, especially when she saw her brother-in-law and Bao'er together, she felt very happy, brother-in-law, you should be very happy too, I can tell , although I'm a little sorry for my sister, but let's continue to be happy like this in the future, it's cheap for Bao'er."

"Ah, what Ruo Min is talking about, why can't I understand what's going on with Guan Baoer?" Su Nan was a little confused.

Zhao Ruomin raised his head and gave him a white look, and said with a smile: "I found out that I don't hate my brother-in-law playing shy games with Bao'er. It's so strange, and my brother-in-law also likes Bao'er, so next time we will look for her again, Ruomin just wants to see her." Brother-in-law is happy, of course Ruo Min is also happy."

Su Nan was dumbfounded. What is this? He played too crazy last night and hasn't woken up yet.

"Ruomin, I heard what you just said, what do you mean?"

The door opened, and two sisters Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin rushed in angrily, staring at Zhao Ruomin with cold faces.

Zhao Ruomin was startled, and hid in Su Nan's arms, she dared not speak.

Su Nan was also surprised. Before he could speak, Zhao Junmin walked up to them, gritted her teeth and stared at him: "Let go of her soon, are you so worthy of my sister?"

The voice is miserable.

Su Nan quickly pushed Zhao Ruomin away, with an embarrassed expression on her face: "Jinmin, last night..."

"Who is that woman?" Zhao Junmin asked pressingly with a cold face.

Zhao Ruomin didn't dare to make a sound, and Su Nan couldn't speak, she froze for a while, looking at Zhao Xiaomin with apologetic eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin frowned and stared at him, walked over to look at Zhao Ruomin and asked, "Who is Baoer? Is it Shu Baoer? Ruomin, why do you do this kind of thing? Are you happy doing this kind of thing? Why are you so happy?"

"That's right, that..." A series of questions made Zhao Ruomin dumbfounded, so she turned her head and looked at Su Nan for help.

Su Nan bit her head, "It's Shu Bao'er, but she didn't do it voluntarily. Ruomin and I don't know what's going on. I feel like I lost my head yesterday. We didn't make a mistake on purpose."

When he was talking, he deliberately exposed the flower buds in his hands, hoping to attract attention. As long as Zhao Xiaomin saw this, the misunderstanding would be resolved.

Zhao Junmin was expressionless, and said to her sister: "Eldest sister, they still want to quibble, so I said that I should have come here last night and caught them on the spot!"

Zhao Xiaomin looked at Su Nan in disappointment, tears dripped down, and said with tears: "Ah Nan, I will forgive you if you confess, why do you still want to lie to me? Do you treat me as a fool? dizzy."

She was very sad. The excuse Su Nan made was too mentally retarded, which made her feel that she was being treated as a fool and that she was not taken seriously at all.

The more I think about it, the more miserable I am, and the tears flow more joyfully,

Both Su Nan and Zhao Ruomin panicked, Su Nan stood up and wanted to hug her, "Don't cry, what I said is true..."

Zhao Xiaomin took a step back, refusing to be hugged by him, just crying.

Zhao Ruomin was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately, knelt down in front of her sister, and said guiltily: "Sister, I seduced my brother-in-law, don't blame him, just hit me, every mistake is my fault, don't cry gone."

Zhao Xiaomin gritted her teeth, and really went to find a chicken feather and brushed it over, and greeted Zhao Ruomin heavily, Su Nan's expression changed, and she wanted to go forward to stop her.

Zhao Junmin stood in front of him, and the girl looked up at him stubbornly.

Su Nan was secretly annoyed, angry at what she had done, making their sisters so angry. At the same time, the flower bud in Qi's hand seemed to be dead at the critical moment, and it didn't work at all. Obviously, as long as Zhao Xiaomin and the others discovered the abnormality of the flower bud, it would be fine. Explained clearly.

Looking at the stubborn Junmin, the tearful Xiaomin, and the silent Ruomin, his heart ached.

At this moment, a strong fragrance of flowers spread out, spread throughout the living room in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was beating her sister, froze for a moment, and her hands settled down.

Zhao Ruomin's body trembled, his face flushed, he raised his head to look at Su Nan quickly, then lowered quickly, gritted his teeth and endured desperately.

Zhao Junmin stared fixedly at Su Nan, then suddenly stepped forward and hugged Su Nan with open arms.

After a while, Zhao Junmin blushed, quickly let go of Su Nan, took a few steps back, looked at him in shock, then turned to look at her sister with a guilty conscience, as if she was afraid that her sister would be angry.

Xiao Min didn't look at her sister, but stared at Su Nan in a daze, her eyes filled with longing and searching, and then her eyes fell on the strange flower bud in Su Nan's hand, and she suddenly understood.

She looked down at her younger sister who was kneeling in front of her, and her heart ached. She quickly pulled her up and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, Ruo Min, it's all my sister's fault that my sister hit you. My sister didn't understand anything."

Zhao Ruomin was a little ignorant, and asked weakly, "Sister, are you not angry anymore?"

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