"Well, don't be angry, don't be angry anymore, my sister hit you, don't blame my sister, okay?"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded heavily, regretting in her heart, regretting that she was overwhelmed by anger, didn't believe Su Nan's words, and didn't notice the strange thing Su Nan was holding in her hand, which broke his and his sister's hearts.

Zhao Ruomin stared at her sister in a daze, until she confirmed that she was really not angry, then heaved a sigh of relief and showed a sweet smile, "I don't blame my sister, it's all Ruomin's fault, my sister was right to hit me."

"Ruomin..." Zhao Xiaomin became more and more sad, hugged Zhao Rumin, and looked at Su Nan with apologetic eyes.

Su Nan nodded to her, smiling.

Zhao Junmin calmed down, and gradually realized what happened. She looked at Su Nan with complicated eyes, moved her lips, and wanted to say something, but couldn't say it. At this moment, Su Nan looked at her and smiled at her .Zhao Jun Minyu's cheeks flushed, and she turned her face away unnaturally.

The turmoil was invisible because of the sudden fragrance of flowers, the three sisters reunited, and their relationship grew deeper. Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin also settled their suspicions, and even Zhao Junmin's eyes softened a lot when he looked at him.

Neither side could explain the shame disease to the other. In order to conceal the abnormality, Zhao Xiaomin had to ask Su Nan about what happened last night, and then pretended to believe what he said, and the four of them enjoyed themselves for a while.

Zhao Xiaomin's three sisters didn't realize that they were all unknowingly crowded beside Su Nan at this moment. Their cheeks were pink, their eyes were blurred, and their bodies were in close contact with Su Nan. Among them, Zhao Xiaomin was sitting on Su Nan's lap.

As soon as Chu Xi inside the flower bud came over, she noticed what was happening outside. In order to resolve the conflict, she had to send out her own flower fragrance to remind Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin.

Although she quickly took Huaxiang back and successfully resolved the conflict, she soon found that she could not control Huaxiang faintly. She had to grit her teeth and hold back, lest the warm scene outside turn into love and desire field.

But slowly, her consciousness became blurred, her heart was filled with emotions, and a scent of flowers drifted out unconsciously.

The tender cries were tactful, and the whole living room turned into a pink Shura field for sisters and sisters.

The young girl still retains a faint sense of sobriety. She looks at the wanton postures of the two sisters, and there is a trace of strong dissatisfaction and longing in her confused eyes. But even if she tried to participate, she was repelled every time by the two sisters who lost consciousness but still cared for her sister, so she could only drink a sip of soup unwillingly.

Unintentionally, the flower buds that were casually discarded quietly bloomed a little, so that the flower fairy inside could see the outside world more clearly. The fairy is passionate, and the flowing water is ruthless.

Su Nan felt bad when she regained consciousness. Looking at the terrible environment in the living room, she couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off her forehead, thinking that this time she played crazy.

He removed Xiao Min and Ruo Min who were pressing on him, carefully observed Jun Min, and found that he did not ruin her innocence, so he was relieved, and then memories slowly emerged. Fortunately, the two sisters took good care of her, Junmin is fine.

Similar to Qin Xiaowan's situation, Junmin is still so young, even if Su Nan has evil intentions, she can't bear to do it. It may take another year or two before she can eat her with peace of mind.

Seeing the situation at the scene and them sleeping soundly, Su Nan gradually began to feel a headache. Although she had done this kind of thing with them, it was the first time for the sisters to join the battle.Of course he was happy, but these sisters were not in the same mood. When he woke up and found that his sisters were almost killed by a pot, he was probably half-pissed off.

The more Su Nan thought about it, the more he had a headache. He felt that he couldn't handle such a scene, so he wanted to go out to hide from the limelight. Besides, if he didn't leave, what would Huabu do if he made trouble again? Would he have to bring them all together again?

To prevent this, it is best to stay away from them.

Su Nan picked up the clothes thrown in every corner of the living room, carefully put them on while they were sleeping, then carried them back to the room, covered them with quilts and went to sleep.

After finishing all this, Su Nan put the flower buds in her pocket and left the three sisters' home.

This Saturday, he didn't have to go to school. Su Nan was walking on the road. It was time for work. People were coming and going on the road, which made him a little uneasy. He was afraid that the fragrance of flowers would come again and turn him into a beast.

If there is a disturbance in the street, it will be a big joke.

The most urgent thing now is to find a quiet place as soon as possible and lock myself up, but the flower buds can’t be thrown away, and they will only follow him all the time, that is to say, he can’t get rid of the influence of the fragrance of flowers, even if he locks himself up, he still loses his mind. There is a possibility of escape.

So a quiet place must be found, but girlfriends are also indispensable. Once there is a need, I can find them at any time.

If you don't want to bother them, you can spend some money, but Su Nan is a bit of a clean freak and can't accept it. Besides, there are so many girlfriends, and going to the big sword is enough to fail.

Su Nan thought about it, Xiao Min and Ruo Min didn't dare to look for it for the time being, but there are senior sisters and Chu Xi, now that Xiao Min knows the situation, Xiao Min will naturally tell them about his situation, just wait for them Just come to the door by yourself.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Su Nan's phone rang, and the person who called was Senior Sister.

"Xiao Nan, are you free today, senior sister misses you, please accompany senior sister."

As soon as the call was answered, the senior sister's soft voice was a bit coquettish and soft, and it rang in her ears. Su Nan heard it softly, and realized that the senior sister was deliberately seducing herself.

It seems that Xiao Min has already called her, otherwise she would not do such a thing.

Su Nan immediately asked: "Then I go to your house?"

Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "Come on, senior sister is waiting for you."

Su Nan shook her head, teasingly said: "You should come to me, let's open a room."

Zhan Weiling was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Su Nan was worried about. After all, they were neighbors, and it was easy to meet Qin Ying. If Su Nan happened to be irrational when they met, it would be over, and Qin Xiaowan also knew about his situation. It's hard to guarantee that Qin Xiaowan won't take the opportunity to push him down.

"Okay, then you can open the room first, remember to be interesting." Zhan Weiling hung up the phone after telling her, thought for a while, then picked up the phone and called Li Gongting.

After the call was connected, Zhan Weiling said with a smile: "Gong Ting, please do one thing, let's not talk about it, you come to me, I will send you the address later."

Putting down the phone, Zhan Weiling murmured: "I can't handle it alone, Gong Ting, I have wronged you, but it will happen sooner or later, maybe you will secretly thank me later."

After Su Nan booked the hotel, she received a call from Lu Ying. Lu Ying was very concerned about his well-being, so Su Nan roughly disclosed her situation to her, but omitted what happened last night.

Knowing Su Nan's difficulties, Lu Ying gritted her teeth on the phone, hesitated for a long time, and said in a low voice, "Ah Nan, senior sister Wei Ling probably can't handle you alone, you must treat her with compassion, if, if...if If you can't help it, come find me."

Although Lu Ying was very shy, her tone was firm.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan was moved when he heard this, and said with a smile, "Are you okay, your body hasn't recovered yet."

That night Lu Ying used her weak body to comfort him throughout the night. Unlike his other girlfriends, Lu Ying's body had not been strengthened, and it was not easy to achieve that level.

Lu Ying's face was blushing, but she was not convinced, she said stiffly, "What's the matter, the girl recovers quickly, it's only for one night, just come!"

Su Nan smiled and nodded: "Okay, if there is really no other way, I will go to you."

Just as she hung up the phone, the doorbell rang. Su Nan walked over to open the door. The person standing outside the door was Zhan Weiling, but she was followed by Li Gongting.

"Senior sister!" Su Nan was taken aback. She couldn't figure out why the senior sister did this. She knew that something was wrong with him, but she even brought her good friend here.

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