"Ahem..." Zhan Weiling was half-dead from Zhao Xiaomin's anger, what does something with a strong smell mean.

The two who were eating outside also coughed a few times, they looked at each other, and then looked away awkwardly.

Zhan Weiling knew that Zhao Xiaomin was deliberately angry with herself, but she had nothing to say. The reason why she hid in the bathroom was because she really didn't know how to face Li Gongting. She felt embarrassed and at the same time felt ashamed of Li Gongting. Well, if she hadn't insisted on bringing Li Gongting over, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

Zhao Xiaomin continued to laugh and said, "Senior sister, this is not like you at all. Didn't we accompany Ah Nan together, and I feel embarrassed to be someone else."

Zhan Weiling spat secretly, angry at Zhao Xiaomin for talking too much, and also a little angry, so she gritted her teeth and walked out of the bathroom.

She glared at Zhao Xiaomin, walked to Su Nan's side without squinting, and ate.

Li Gongting's expression changed, and his head lowered even more, as if about to bury it in the lunch box.

Su Nan froze, then continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Xiaomin sighed, feeling so tired, facing these people.

Don't be so angry with Zhan Weiling, she is really worried that Zhan Weiling will keep running away, since things have happened, she should face it well, even Zhan Weiling is like this, how can Li Gongting let go.

Fortunately, Zhan Weiling was willing to come out, Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, thinking of how to get everyone out of their embarrassment, she twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and walked over to sit down to eat.

After the meal, Zhao Xiaomin took the flower bud and looked at it curiously, and found that the flower bud was in a half-bloomed state. The outer petals opened layer by layer, but the inside was still wrapped. Through those gaps, a strong floral fragrance seeped out. Before you know it, the whole room is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

Li Gongting raised her head abruptly, staring at the flower bud with fear in her eyes. She already realized that the flower bud was causing trouble. At this moment, she felt that her heart was about to move again, so she gritted her teeth and stood up, wanting to escape, but the wound was too painful. She kept inhaling, unable to lift her legs.

Zhao Xiaomin sat down on her shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you won't be allowed to play in the future. Senior sister Wei Ling and I are enough. You can watch from the side."

"Look?" Li Gongting was startled.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, and said embarrassedly: "There is no way, isn't it, and you will get used to it after a few more visits, and we will always be together in the future."

Li Gongting was in a complicated mood when he heard the words, but the feeling of ready to move became stronger and stronger, and the idea of ​​wanting to leave disappeared unknowingly.

On the other side, Su Nan and Zhan Weiling who were sitting at the table had already kissed each other.

"Ah, don't be on the ground, go to the bed quickly."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at it, then suddenly exclaimed, and hurried over, bringing them back to the bed.

Chu Ge has been restless today, worried about Su Nan's situation, after get off work at night, she hesitated and came to the hotel.

This hotel is her property, Chu Ge ordered the hotel staff not to disturb Su Nan and the others, and then went outside the door by himself.

Just standing at the door, Chu Ge felt her legs were weak, flustered, and her heart was beating fast. She couldn't imagine what was going on inside, and she didn't dare to go in to check. She pinched her thigh cruelly and fled in embarrassment.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Xiaomin stared at Su Nan who still refused to admit defeat, and was stunned. Then, with trembling arms, she took out her mobile phone and muttered, "No, I need to find a helper, otherwise... who can I find? Chu Xi can't do it, and Xiao Wan can't do it either." , Ruo Min? No way!"

After struggling, she threw away her phone and rushed towards Su Nan: "It's just me!"

In the middle of the night, Su Nan looked at them who were sleeping in embarrassment beside him, and felt sorry. He felt that he could not continue, and they would not be able to bear it.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, it was the monitor's call, and Su Nan connected immediately.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ying asked him concerned.

Su Nan smiled wryly and replied, "The situation is very bad."

He glanced at the half-opened flower buds, and said, "It's about to bloom, and its power has become stronger. No one around me can help me now."

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, and said shyly, "How about...you come to me, cough, I've made some preparations."

She didn't say what she was preparing for, but Su Nan's eyes lit up, knowing that the squad leader must be sure of what she said. Although she couldn't imagine what she would do, but now she can only hold the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Without hesitation, while the buds were sleeping, Su Nan put on her clothes and left the hotel, and took a car to Lu Ying's place.

After opening the door, Lu Ying welcomed Su Nan in, knocked off his outstretched hand, and led him into the room.

Su Nan looked at the figure on the bed, dumbfounded, of course it was not a real person, it was just a toy.

Seeing his strange look, Lu Ying couldn't help being amused: "Whoever told you that you are not human, I have nothing to do with you. I can only deal with you like this. Of course, I will help."

She blushed and whispered.

Su Nan wanted to say something, but the fragrance of flowers hit him again, he couldn't control himself, hugged Lu Ying, and got her enthusiastic response, then the two of them fell on the bed, ignored the toy, and began to develop.

"I'm so tired, I'm exhausted, Xiaoying, are you home?"

Lu Anya carried the suitcase into the door, rubbed her sore wrists, and yelled at home, but no one responded.

"Huh, aren't you at home?" She frowned and didn't care. She was going to sit on the sofa for a while, but suddenly she heard strange movements in the room and smelled a faint scent of flowers.

Lu Anya's complexion changed, and she felt dizzy again, her heart seemed to be ready to move, and her delicate body became hot for no reason.

"What's going on, in the room..." Lu Anya took a deep breath, with a strange expression on her face, she walked to the door of Lu Ying's room, but the door was not closed, she looked inside, and was stunned.

This... Su Nan and Xiaoying?

Her eyes widened suddenly, watching this scene in surprise, she only felt pain in her heart, but in addition to the throbbing pain, there was an inexplicable excitement growing, and her breathing became short of breath.

"They...they...how could they treat me like this!" Lu Anya murmured to herself, her eyes were red. Although she had already speculated about the relationship between Su Nan and Lu Ying, she still felt sad when she saw it for real endlessly.

It's just strange that the pain was accompanied by inexplicable joy, her heart seemed to be itchy, and her legs rubbed against each other unbearably.

"Ah Nan, go play with toys, please."

It was Lu Ying's pleading voice, weak and powerless, which made people feel pity.

Lu Anya couldn't help worrying, secretly annoyed that Su Nan didn't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic to jade, could she, a niece, couldn't stand it without seeing her.

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