No, Xiaoying couldn't take it anymore, so she went to save her.

Such an idea was born suddenly, Lu Anya's face flushed for a while, her eyes were blurred, she entered the room as if fascinated, and walked towards the big bed.

Soon she walked to the bed, and Lu Ying seemed to sense her coming, opened her eyes, stared at her blankly for a while, and then stretched out her hand: "Auntie, help me."

Lu Anya swallowed her saliva, reached out her hand, and held her niece's hand together.

Su Nan looked back and saw that it was her, so she gave up on Lu Ying, and pulled her to the bed to lie down. Lu Anya was completely lost in his tenderness and could only accept it passively. During this long process, she and Lu Ying Lu Ying could feel that her palms were sometimes held tightly and sometimes loosely.

Looking at the situation outside, Chu Xi felt very uncomfortable, and even began to regret what he had done.Obviously, she decided to accept this punishment voluntarily in order to stop the woman's conspiracy, but in the end the result made her feel that the gain outweighed the loss.

The three sisters of the Zhao family.

Zhan Weiling and her best friend.

And Lu Ying and her aunt.

They were all taken over by Su Nan because of her.

Chu Xi felt guilty and sad, and hated that woman even more. If it wasn't for that woman, none of these things would have happened.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A burst of white light rose from the surroundings, and Chu Xi raised her head in surprise. She saw the last circle of petals surrounding her bloom one by one, and the whole outside world was completely presented in front of her.

Bear the brunt, is a man and two women.

Chu Xi's heart moved, she flapped her wings, and flew to them. After witnessing what happened to them, they didn't notice her coming because they were too focused.

Chu Xi stared at it for a while, and her eyes suddenly became soft and watery. She couldn't help but think in her heart that since she is so small and her body is not as big as a palm, she will definitely be overwhelmed if she joins in.

But, I can't help it.

She flapped her wings and flew towards Su Nan, but her figure flashed and disappeared on the way.


On the big bed in the room, Chu Xi opened her eyes, her eyes were bewildered. She didn't realize that she had returned home until a moment later, and she sighed slightly regretfully.

She can't stay by Su Nan's side all the time. If she stays for too long, her consciousness will automatically return to her body. She can also take the initiative to control the return of consciousness, but it's the same, it's not good to keep her consciousness in her body.

Returning to the body again, Chu Xi was still emotionally excited, subconsciously wanted to go back to Su Nan, this thought made her feel shy, her face turned red involuntarily, but her head was dizzy, she couldn't hold it anymore, so she closed her eyes fell asleep.

Su Nan woke up at dawn, he deeply recalled what happened last night, he didn't dare to open his eyes, feeling ashamed in his heart.

He came to look for Lu Ying last night, and the two were lingering on the bed, but Lu Anya suddenly came back in the middle of the night and broke into the room.

Although he was emotionally excited at the time, he was conscious, but he broke out in a cold sweat from the fright, until he realized that Lu Anya was also affected by the fragrance of flowers, so he did not stop doing anything and dragged Lu Anya to bed.

Although he was conscious at that time, his thoughts became very animal under the influence of the fragrance of flowers, but now he wakes up and regrets it a bit.

Unlike Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting, who are best friends, Lu Ying and Lu Anya have a very special relationship. At the same time, they are not like Xiao Min, who can tolerate what he does.

When they woke up and recalled what happened last night, they were absolutely pissed off. Su Nan must have no good fruit to eat.

Just when Su Nan was feeling extremely entangled, she heard the sound of getting up, and someone beside her was getting dressed, and there was more than one!

They actually woke up at the same time.

Su Nan was taken aback, and quickly listened carefully

The atmosphere was very silent, and no one spoke for a long time. Su Nan felt that something was wrong, and secretly opened his eyes to look, but saw that Lu Ying and Lu Anya looked at each other after they got dressed. Both of them looked at each other expressionlessly. Lu Anya There was even a hint of anger in his eyes.

Su Nan swallowed, closed her eyes again, and pretended to be dead, but she kept her ears up, paying attention to their movements at all times.

"Xiaoying, are you sorry for me?" Lu Anya's voice remained unchanged.

"Auntie, what do you mean by that?" Lu Ying asked.

"You slept with him!" Lu Anya's tone was tinged with anger.

"Is there anything wrong? I like him, and he likes me too." Lu Ying said.

Lu Anya gritted her silver teeth tightly, and said in a strange way: "Then you are really my good niece, climbed into my little uncle's bed, I would like to thank you, little aunt."

"He's not my little uncle. He's my classmate. It has nothing to do with you, auntie. We are in free love." Lu Ying said.

"Hehe, free love! Xiaoying, do you dare to say that I didn't do it first? When I asked you to help me get close to him, you also agreed."

Lu Anya sneered.

Lu Ying said: "That's because you forced me. I was dependent on others, so I had no choice but to do it against my conscience. In fact, I have always regretted the things you did for you."

Lu Ying looked down at Su Nan with tender eyes.

Lu Anya's chest slowly swelled and then slowly shrunk. She exhaled and said coldly: "I have slept with him a long time ago, don't you know? Why do you still sleep with him? Do you still have any shame?" heart!"

Lu Ying shook her head: "I don't know, I always thought that the relationship between you and him is very pure, after all, you are not young, you have never been able to get married, and I have never seen you find a boyfriend, I thought you were very Conservative, do not accept premarital sex."

"You..." Lu Anya stared angrily at Lu Ying, at her beloved niece, never expecting that the other party would rob her of a man.

After a while, she said angrily: "Auntie will give you a chance, no matter what happened to you before, from now on, you are not allowed to be together again, do you hear me, or I will beat your little ass to death!"

Although very annoyed, Lu Anya couldn't leave Su Nan at all, and could only force them to break up.She had always doubted the relationship between Su Nan and Lu Ying before, but now, although the matter has come true, she was somewhat psychologically prepared, so instead of falling into rage, she calmly chose a way to deal with it that was beneficial to her.

Lu Ying sighed: "I'm sorry, I can't do it, auntie, it's you who should break up, he and I are a natural match."

"I don't know how to be ashamed!" Lu Anya said coldly.

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