"Su Nan, I won't beat you up. There is something wrong with my computer keyboard. Go and fix it for me."

The two women were chasing to the bathroom and threatened outside the door.

"I have a stomachache, my stomach hurts from eating, and I can't open the door."

No matter what they said, Su Nan decided to play dead. About ten minutes later, the two girls snorted coldly and left unwillingly.

Su Nan still didn't go out, fearing that they would stay outside.

He planned to hide for an hour or two, and if he didn't hear any fighting outside, he would leave quietly.

Hiding in the quiet bathroom, Su Nan finally had time to think about the problem, but when he thought about the relationship between the three of them, his head began to ache.

Annoyed by their quarrel just now, he said in a hurry that he wanted both, but their reaction was more serious than expected. Obviously this was unacceptable to them.

Su Nan couldn't think of how to solve this problem. The only thing that could make his wish come true was that Lu Ying also suffered from shame disease, and she had to commit herself to him together with her aunt.

But let's not say that this kind of thing is not something he can accomplish if he wants to. Su Nan can't be so cruel if he wants to make Lu Ying suffer hardships just to satisfy his own selfish desires.

So how to solve the relationship between the three of them has returned to the original point. This is an endless loop. The more Su Nan thinks about it, the more troubled he becomes, and the more he thinks about it, the worse he feels. He doesn't know what to do. He can already see the three sisters The dawn is coming, and the pair of Zhan Weiling and Li Gongting are similar, but the pair of Lu Ying and Lu Anya is a cliff road, and they will fall into the abyss if they are not careful.

"Are you worried?"

Suddenly, an ethereal voice was heard in the ear.

Su Nan was startled, and turned her head to look, only to see a palm-sized white light floating in the air, and a graceful figure could be vaguely seen in the light and shadow.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The moment Su Nan saw this small figure, he felt his breathing stagnate, and his heart beat uncontrollably, as if some kind of emotion was crazily growing in his heart.

After he was stunned for a moment, he realized that the scene in front of him was no less than a supernatural event. He was a little nervous, his body jumped tightly, and he asked in a shy voice, "Who is it?"

"It's me, idiot."

The other party rolled his eyes at him and said coquettishly.

Su Nan faintly felt that her voice was a little familiar, but maybe it was because of her small stature that her voice was also small, so her ears couldn't hear her clearly.

Just as he was staring at the light and trying to see as clearly as possible, the white light suddenly dissipated, revealing the girl's true appearance.

Her body is only the size of a palm, she is wearing green clothes, and the skin that is occasionally exposed outside is as white as snow.

The young girl has picturesque features and a slightly indifferent expression on her face. There are a pair of transparent wings growing on her back, floating in mid-air, like a proud little fairy.

Su Nan's eyes widened in shock, and she opened her mouth and said, "Chu Xi? How did you become like this?"

Chu Xi was slightly taken aback, and asked, "How do you know it's me?"

Remembering the previous punishments, Su Nan didn't quite recognize who she was.

"Because you look exactly like Chu Xi."

Su Nan took it for granted that he didn't expect to see Chu Xi in this situation, and it was Chu Xi who had changed a lot. Although he had tasted the beauty of little Chu Xi, the Chu Xi in front of him was too small. It's less than the size of a palm, what can it be used for?

"No wonder you always refused to agree to open a room with me that day. It turned out to be the reason. That flower was changed by you. After the flower fruited, it became the current Douding Chuxi. It's really cute. Eh, no. , We obviously went to school together by car that day."

Su Nan shook his head and commented on Chu Xi, but suddenly his face became weird. Since Chu Xi had turned into a flower bud at that time, who was the one who accompanied him to school by car? Could it be that Chu Xi fell into it after that day? Another punishment incident?

Speaking of this matter, Chu Xi became angry, and gave him an angry look, "You still have the nerve to say that you didn't notice that I was dropped by someone, I think you don't have me in your heart at all!"

Chu Xi's tone was full of resentment. Although the woman looked similar to him, Su Nan shouldn't treat her as himself. It's fine to admit the mistake in a short time. It's been so long since school started, and the number of times the two met is not At least, he didn't notice anything unusual, what a fool.

"What? That's not you?" Su Nan was taken aback, but then felt something was wrong, and looked suspiciously at Douding Chuxi in front of her.

Chu Xi sneered: "I think I'm lying to you?"

Although Su Nan didn't make a sound, his expression almost meant that. Both of them claimed to be Chuxi, but Douding Chuxi in front of him was even less convincing.

Douding Chuxi took a deep breath, and she also knew that Su Nan's suspicion was reasonable, so she didn't get too angry, and said lightly: "Did you not notice any abnormalities when you got along with that woman recently? Isn't the abnormal phenomenon on the body the best proof? Don't forget that we have experienced many similar things before."

Su Nan looked at her in surprise, not to mention whether her words were true or false. The demeanor and temperament displayed by the Douding girl at this moment were indeed very consistent with the Chu Xi in his memory, and the other... the one who had recently met with Chu Xi, whom he often met, seemed to vaguely reject intimate contact with him.

At first, Su Nan didn't think it was wrong, because in his mind, Chu Xi was the kind of girl who was easy to be shy in sex, but he had reunited with Chu Xi for a while, and he didn't even do that kind of thing once. Not at all like a couple reunited after a long absence, that Chu Xi keeps saying that he is busy with work, is that really the case.

At the same time, Su Nan recalled what happened during the winter vacation. Although Chu Xi was holding Chu Xi’s mobile phone, there was no video shot by the two of them on the mobile phone. Later, the other party explained this, but the specific reason has never been explained.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment. Although her expression was calm, her heart was already turbulent. A woman who looked exactly like Chu Xi came to her side pretending to be Chu Xi. What exactly was she planning.

The scene where the two used to rub each other's ears and temples came to mind, and the other's shy appearance is still vivid in my mind. Are those all fake?

Su Nan didn't think about it deeply, and didn't show any abnormalities. If what Douding Chuxi said in front of him is true, then the woman pretending to be her must have a close relationship with her, and maybe the two are related by blood. .

The real Chu Xi must not be able to stand being ambiguous with her.

Su Nan was very vigilant in his heart. He looked at the Douding girl in front of him seriously: "I want to ask you a question."

"Ask." The other party nodded.

"When was our first time, can you describe the situation at that time." Su Nan asked.

Douding Chuxi blushed suddenly, glared at him, lowered her head shyly, and said in a muffled voice, "Can't you answer?"

Su Nan looked serious: "This is about my trust in you."

After struggling for a moment, Douding Chuxi still sighed, and replied in a low voice without raising his head: "School starts...soon...fox, fox...female..."

She tried her best to speak out, but the bean girl was already too ashamed to lift her head, and her fair skin was even dyed with a moving blush, making her entire palm-sized body red and red, which looked extremely delicious.

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