Su Nan swallowed her saliva, thinking that with such a small stature, she couldn't do it by herself.

He shifted his gaze with difficulty, and nodded: "Okay, I think you are Chuxi, but who is that? And how did you become like this?"

Although it was inappropriate to mention the fake Chuxi in front of the real Chuxi, Su Nan couldn't stand it and was curious about the identity of the other party.

"You don't care who she is."

Sure enough, Chu Xi was unwilling to answer his question, her voice was cold, and she said in a deep voice: "You just need to remember that she is uneasy and kind to us. I was imprisoned by her for more than a month. If I didn't use this method , I can't see you at all."

"She locked you up?" Su Nan frowned, and when she heard that her woman had been restricted in her personal freedom, her anger suddenly rose, and her impression of that fake Chuxi suddenly became bad.

Of course, Chuxi's performance made him feel that the relationship between the fake Chuxi and the real Chuxi was very complicated. Douding Chuxi stared at him intently, as if he wanted to see his feelings for that woman from his face , and calmly said: "In short, you are not allowed to associate with her in the future. If you do this, I can not pursue what happened this month."

Seeing her staring at him, Su Nan knew it was going to be bad, and she was even more shocked when she heard what she said. Chu Xi must be very concerned about the relationship between him and that fake Chu Xi.

"That...Chu Xi, let me explain first, I didn't do that kind of thing with that fake you, you have to trust me."

Su Nan quickly explained that if the fake Chuxi had a blood relationship with the real Chuxi, the real Chuxi would not be able to accept the intimate contact between her relatives and her lover. to die.

Douding Chuxi was rather indifferent: "I've seen it all. You hugged her and kissed her wildly in the car, and even asked her to have a room. It must not be the first time for you."

Su Nan blushed, "That's really not the case. I kissed her because I was influenced by the fragrance of flowers, and asked her out because I regarded her as you, and didn't she reject me? In fact, she has always been repelling contact with me, so we Didn't do anything like that."

Douding Chuxi was expressionless, and did not say whether he believed it or not.

Su Nan said madly: "I really didn't lie to you, you have to believe me, I swear, if I lie, then..."

"I believe it."

Su Nan didn't expect her to be so eloquent, she couldn't believe it, and asked tentatively, "Do you really believe it?"

Douding Chuxi glanced at him, and there was helplessness in his faint tone: "What can I do if you don't believe me?"

"Uh..." Su Nan choked for a while, and after a while, he wanted to continue to prove himself. At this moment, Chu Xi interrupted him, and only heard her say: "Whether you do it or not, I don't intend to do it." To investigate, as long as you guard against her in the future, if you want to prove that you were wronged, you don’t need to say it now, I will see it with my own eyes in the future.”

Su Nan was speechless, and felt that it was unrealistic for Chu Xi to let go of her knot now, so she could only try her best to prove herself in the days to come.

He said: "Well, I just want to emphasize that I really haven't reached that point with her. Now that you have appeared, how will she deal with it? Are you going to expose her? And where are you locked up now? I think to save you."

Regarding the fact that Chu Xi was imprisoned by the fake Chu Xi, Su Nan had already imagined a good show, thinking that they were twins, otherwise why would they look so alike.

Fake Chuxi was not valued at home since he was a child, and was treated as an abandoned child, so he harbored resentment towards his fellow sisters, and when he grew up, the resentment could no longer be suppressed.

Accidentally, the fake Chuxi cheated, and won the competition for the heir of the family, so she imprisoned Chuxi, which didn't relieve her hatred, and she also focused on the person Chuxi liked, trying to play with this man , in order to achieve the purpose of revenge and humiliation Chu Xi.

This is simply the plot of the counterattack of the useless in the routine, but the sad thing is that his own woman is actually the target of the counterattack.

Su Nan had mixed feelings in her heart, looked at Chu Xi with caring eyes, and said warmly: "Don't worry, no matter what happens to you, I will be your strong backing, and I will always be by your side to accompany you."

The indifferent expression on Chu Xi's face could no longer hold back, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you thinking, I and her..."

Suddenly realizing that the relationship with that woman was inappropriate and telling Su Nan, Chu Xi looked at Su Nan's sympathetic eyes, hesitated a little, and decided to keep silent.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi's silence was regarded by Su Nan as an acquiescence. After expressing his feelings, he didn't continue the topic, saying: "You are locked up at home, I'll go and rescue you now."

Su Nan couldn't wait to start taking action. When he thought that Chu Xi was restricted from personal freedom and locked up for more than a month, he felt uncomfortable.

"It's not urgent." Chu Xi said.

Su Nan was taken aback, isn't this urgent?What is the rush.

He was a little dissatisfied: "You have been locked up stupidly. Anyway, this matter cannot be delayed. Maybe she will deal with you sometime. I will set off right away, and you will go with me."

Seeing how anxious he was for her, Chu Xi couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, and then she thought of something, and her face turned cold: "She treats me like this, this matter can't just be left alone."

Su Nan frowned: "You want to take back the position of the heir of the family? Although I support you in doing so, there is no rush. You have been imprisoned for so long, and the matter is probably a foregone conclusion. It is better to ensure personal safety first."

He didn't know exactly what happened to Chuxi's family, but since the fake Chuxi was able to lock up the real Chuxi, he must have controlled the situation, most likely because of the support of the heavyweight elders in the family, it would be difficult for Chuxi to stand up , although he can provide military support, but it is not a fight. Could it be that the Chuxi family agreed that Chuxi would not succeed if the fake Chuxi was killed in the past.

What he wants to do most now is to rescue Chu Xi, expose that fake Chu Xi face to face, and figure out the rest later.

Chu Xi didn't explain, and said vaguely: "Don't worry, my safety is fine, I can ignore other things, but that woman humiliated me so much, I absolutely can't just let it go!"

Her own mother pretended to be her own identity and went to make out with her man. Chu Xi only felt that she had been greatly humiliated and disgusted. She even lost her composure and was eager to let out a bad breath, but she couldn't. My heart couldn't go along with it.

Su Nan probably understood her state of mind, and was a little embarrassed, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"How to do it?" Chu Xi stared at Su Nan with complicated eyes. After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind and said seriously: "Mu Nan, you have to help me."

"What do you want me to do?" Su Nan asked.

He made up his mind that if Chu Xi made an excessive request, he would try his best to persuade her to give up.

Chu Xi's face was as cold as ice, and he said: "Didn't that woman want to tease us? You can just pretend you don't know, and then humiliate her in turn. If she seduces you, you refuse her. Put down your dignity to seduce you but get caught." Rejection is the biggest embarrassment for a woman, but don't reject it too hard, lest you scare her away."

Su Nan looked at Chu Xi with a gloomy face in surprise. She must be very angry. She wanted to do such a thing by herself, and she just told herself not to associate with the fake Chu Xi.

I can't foolishly agree, there is no guarantee that Chuxi will not settle accounts after the fall, who knows what relationship that woman has with Chuxi.

"I don't agree." Su Nan quickly refused without thinking, he said: "I don't think this is appropriate, whoever asks his boyfriend to do such a thing, isn't he afraid that the meat bun will beat the dog and never return? Just now you told me to guard against her, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Because I'm not happy." Chu Xi frowned beautifully, Su Nan's refusal so flatly made her feel a lot better, and said softly: "It's not that you are asked to do it for real, it's just acting, you don't want to prove that you have nothing to do with her Well, just prove it to me."

Su Nan realized her determination, frowned, and asked, "Can you trust me?"

She dodged her eyes, then nodded: "I believe my man will not let me down."

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