She already seemed very unconfident in her words, Su Nan smiled bitterly: "But the problem is that I can't trust myself."

A woman who looks exactly like Chu Xi, the two have seen each other frequently in the past ten days, and Su Nan didn't feel anything unusual. Facing the seduction of such a girl, Su Nan really didn't know if she could hold the bottom line.

Chu Xi was silent for a moment, and then said: "You have been together for more than ten days, and these days are not bad, Mu Nan, in fact, apart from hating her and wanting to take revenge on her, I also think that she should have some kind of relationship with you when she approaches you. Purpose, I hope you investigate clearly."

Chu Xi remembered one thing. When Zhan Weiling, Zhao Xiaomin and others were accompanying Su Nan yesterday, they accidentally talked about her. Zhan Weiling complained why she didn't come. When Zhao Xiaomin excused her, she mentioned her inconvenience.

The woman that Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin mentioned, of course, refers to the woman Chu Ge. Their conversation inadvertently revealed one thing, that is, Chu Ge came into contact with everyone's secrets and noticed the existence of shame disease.

However, Chu Ge pretended to be indifferent, and continued to stay by Su Nan's side, and did not ask Chu Xi about it.

Intuition tells Chu Xi that this is very abnormal. Normal people know this kind of secret, so they dare to stay in such a weird circle, and how can normal people come into contact with the existence of shame disease?Chu Ge didn't look like he was sick either. Those who were new to the disease would have seizures every day, and they couldn't hide it from anyone.

There seemed to be a secret in that woman, and Chu Xi felt uneasy if she didn't figure it out.

Surprise flashed in Su Nan's eyes, and he also realized the problem. From this point of view, it is really necessary to contact the fake Chuxi.

But because she didn't know how to confess her situation to Chu Xi, Su Nan still pretended to be embarrassed.

Chu Xi didn't doubt that he was there, so she flew in front of him, looked at him tenderly, blushed, and begged softly, "Help me, please?"

Su Nan's heart fluttered, and it was the first time he heard Chu Xi beg him for help in a coquettish tone. No matter how hard his inner shell was melted, he agreed with the situation: "Okay, I will try my best."

Chu Xi smiled, feeling a little sour for no reason.She flew a little closer to Su Nan's face and kissed him on the cheek.

After she backed away, Su Nan smiled and said: "You are too small, you don't feel like kissing me."

Chu Xi rolled his eyes at him with anger.

"By the way." Suddenly remembered something, Chu Xi looked at Su Nan guiltily, and said embarrassedly: "I have harmed you these two days, and put you in trouble again and again."

"Forget it, you can't help yourself, so there's no need to apologize." Su Nan shook his head, knowing that Chu Xi didn't do it on purpose.

"I didn't apologize to you." Chu Xi smiled, "Forget about you and Xiao Min and the sisters, but what about Lu Ying and Aunt Lu Ying, you were very lively last night."

Su Nan felt guilty, but her face darkened, and she said angrily: "You are ashamed to say that you killed them all. It is all your fault for messing around last night and involving Aunt Lu Ying. Now I am trapped in the bathroom. If you can’t get out, what do you think? By the way, there is also senior sister Li Gongting, who made her like that, you will not deny it.”

Chu Xi thought it was funny, Su Nan thought she hadn't heard their quarrel just now, and insisted that last night was the first intimate contact with Lu Anya.

In fact, she had come a long time ago, but she didn't show up at that time, and she completely saw their dispute, but Su Nan admitted her relationship with Lu Ying, probably because she felt that she couldn't hide it.

She didn't expose Su Nan's crappy lie, besides, she really felt guilty about Li Gongting, sighed, and said: "It's my fault, I will apologize to Senior Sister Gongting in the future, now... ...Let me help you get through the difficulties in front of you first."

When she said that, Su Nan was a little uncertain, and asked, "How do you plan to help?"

Chu Xi glanced at him, and said angrily, "Of course it's to help you achieve your wish. They are all your women now. Can you still give up on them?"

Su Nan's face was embarrassed, and he wanted to show his loyalty to his girlfriend, but he couldn't say anything, because he really thought so. Chu Xi obviously understood his mentality very well, and what made him a little excited was that Chu Xi actually said that he would help him, This girlfriend is really caring.

Chu Xi has her own considerations. Just now, after listening to the conversation between Lu Ying and Lu Anya, it is obvious that these two are not normal people. Lu Anya has the same curse as her, and Lu Ying is even more similar to Chu Ge. , can perceive the existence of the secret.

It was also because of Lu Ying that Chu Xi realized that there might be something wrong with her mother, but in Chu Xi's view, Chu Ge is different from Lu Ying. Chu Ge is a woman with too deep thoughts. Since she chooses to lurk by Su Nan's side, she absolutely What is the purpose? What is the purpose? Is it a perverted mentality when facing the daughter's lover, or is it some other ulterior secret?

Chu Xi couldn't figure it out for the time being, and planned to ask Su Nan to try it out.

Back to Su Nan's current predicament, Lu Ying and Lu Anya probably couldn't do without Su Nan. The matter is over, Chu Xi might as well sell his favor to Su Nan.

After a lot of struggle, Su Nan finally couldn't refuse Chu Xi's temptation, and asked cheekily: "Chu Xi, what can you do, help me comfort them."

Although he decided to help Su Nan, Chu Xi still felt a little uncomfortable, and said in a slightly sour tone: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to let them stay by your side, and they are not fools, but since I became this After changing the form, you can control your own flower fragrance, and you can use this to help you do bad things."

Su Nan didn't expect Chu Xi to actually plan to help her in this way. When she thought of renewing her relationship with Lu Ying and Lu Anya with her help, and playing a game of donkey, her heart was pounding with excitement. Both touched and ashamed, but the physical condition is very honest.

Chu Xi seemed to be aware of his thoughts, her pretty face flushed suddenly, she gave him a look, and said bitterly: "Pervert, Zha Nan, where do you want to go, I won't help you like that!"

It wasn't!

Su Nan was disappointed, but on the surface he pretended to be serious: "It's fine if you don't. It seems that I misunderstood you. Chu Xi is really a good boy and deserves praise."

Chu Xi rolled his eyes at him coquettishly, and said: "If the amount of my own flower fragrance is small, it can affect people's emotions. When you go out, I will help you calm them down so that they don't lose their temper with you. The rest is up to you." yourself."

Hearing the faint hint in her words, Su Nan was overjoyed, grabbed Douding Chuxi, and kissed her: "My wife, you are so kind, I like you so much."

"Change, perversion, all wet me."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The little fairy fluttered her wings, her face was flushed with shame and indignation, her slender hands rested on Su Nan's nose, her legs kicked back and forth on his lips and teeth, and finally struggled out.

"Pervert, be careful I will kick you!"

Wiping the saliva off his face in distaste, Chu Xi glared at Su Nan angrily, left a word that had no deterrent effect, then flew to the faucet, hugged the faucet to turn on the water, and began to wash his face.

Later, she found that her clothes were also a little wet, and she couldn't help but turned her head and stared at Su Nan angrily, her face was as red as if dripping water.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed, too excited, and forgot that Chuxi's body was only the size of a palm, and her body was dirty with a few kisses.

"Let me wipe you with a towel." Su Nan said courteously.

"No need." Chu Xi looked vigilant, afraid that Su Nan would suddenly become a beast, and she couldn't satisfy Su Nan with her small body.

Su Nan said again: "Take a tissue and wipe it off, I just don't get close to you."

He took out a few tissue paper towels, walked over and put them by the sink, and then backed away.

Chu Xi looked at him, then flew to the tissue, thought for a while, lay down, rolled over, and rolled up the tissue with his body.

After rolling in a circle, she rolled in the opposite direction until she revealed a clean body and a wet tissue.

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