Seeing her clumsy rolling, Su Nan laughed happily. The strange thing is that, unlike the previous punishment sessions, Su Nan didn't lose control when she looked at Xiaodouding Chuxi in front of her.

Perhaps Chu Xi also felt that his posture was not elegant, so he was a little embarrassed, so he gave him a blank look, and said angrily, "Go out soon, they are going to knock on the door later."

It was only then that Su Nan remembered that the problem between Lu Ying and Lu Anya had not been resolved. Although Chu Xi said he would help him, he still had no confidence in whether Su Nan could comfort them.

"Can you really make them not angry?" Su Nan asked.

Chu Xi said: "I haven't tried it, but I think it should be fine, let's try it later."

Su Nan is speechless, is this going to use him as an experiment, but he has no other way, and he can't hide in the bathroom all the time, so he can only try.

Walking to the door, Su Nan suddenly thought of a serious problem. He turned his head and asked Chu Xi: "When you were like this before, I would lose control every time I faced you. What if I lose control later?"

Chu Xi said: "Didn't you realize that I have been around for so long and you have always been normal? This time it should be different from before."

Su Nan has not always been normal. In fact, for the little Douding Chuxi in front of him, he was a little impulsive in his heart. He always felt very cute and cute, and wanted to hold her in his hand and play with her carefully. When he wakes up, he can't make his behavior out of control.

"Why did this happen?" Su Nan asked subconsciously, it was also a punishment incident, why was she so calm this time.

Chu Xi was also puzzled, but she remembered the voice that sounded in her mind before entering the punishment link. The voice told her that she had passed the test. Perhaps this was the reason. The benefits of official players turned the original ordeal into A fun game to play.

Chu Xi didn't tell Su Nan about this, and said vaguely: "Probably the link that made you lose control has passed. When I was still a 'flower', you were the same as before."

Su Nan's face was strange, he glanced at Chu Xi, and said: "You bloomed once at that time, and that shape..."

Chu Xi's pretty face quickly flushed red like a fire, she clenched her teeth, and said in shame and indignation: "Don't ask, don't mention it, and don't think about it!"

Not allowed three times in a row, told Su Nan how angry she was at the moment, and indirectly told Su Nan the answer, his heart fluttered, and he hurriedly said: "Okay, got it, I'm going out first."

Without teasing Chu Xi any more, Su Nan opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Chu Xi fell behind, staring at his back with complex eyes, his legs were tightly closed, his chest was rising and falling, and his whole body exuded a charm.

It took a long time for her to get rid of the shameful thoughts and shameful memories in her mind, and quickly followed Su Nan. During the flight, her figure slowly blurred and disappeared.

This is one of the abilities possessed by Chuxi's flower fairy state. She really deserves to be called a fairy. What's even more bizarre is that her instinct told her that this flower fairy state will not disappear like before, but can last forever. She can Switching between the real body and the flower fairy state at will is equivalent to having another magical body.

However, in the current state of Flower Fairy, she only has the ability to confuse others, the fragrance of flowers, and invisibility.

Su Nan came to the living room and saw that there was no one there. The door of Lu Ying and Lu Anya's room was tightly closed, and she didn't know if they were hiding inside.

He didn't dare to go up and knock on the door, remembering that they hadn't had breakfast yet, so he came to the kitchen and planned to make breakfast for them.

Unexpectedly, he was startled as soon as he reached the door.

I saw Lu Ying and Lu Anya standing in the kitchen, they were holding a kitchen knife in one hand, and a rolling pin in the other, facing each other, as if they would break apart at any moment.

Holding a rolling pin, Lu Ying persuaded, "Auntie, you don't know how to cook, so put down the kitchen knife, Su Nan is coming out soon, it would be bad to delay everyone from having breakfast."

Lu Anya, who was holding a kitchen knife, smiled bluntly: "It's true that I don't know how to cook, but I can still chop meat. Xiao Nan did it to me several times last night. I'm weak. I can't just eat vegetarian noodles. I I plan to get some meat for him to supplement."

Lu Ying's face was dark: "I can cook and cut meat, just give me the kitchen knife. Auntie, go out and sit and play with your phone."

Lu Anya proudly said: "I heard that men like women who can cook. After Xiao Nan discovers my virtuous side, he will definitely be inseparable from me. Xiaoying, do you like this little uncle?"

Lu Ying was furious and raised her rolling pin, while Lu Anya raised her kitchen knife, blood was about to splash in the kitchen.

Su Nan was so frightened that his heart trembled, and he had no time to rush in, so he could only shout: "Stop, don't fight any more!"

Lu Ying slammed the rolling pin on the dough, and Lu Anya lowered her head and chopped the meat viciously with a kitchen knife. They heard Su Nan's voice at the same time, and turned their heads to look at him unkindly.

"Are you willing to come out?" Lu Ying said expressionlessly.

Lu Anya smiled: "Xiao Nan, you must be hungry. Breakfast will be ready soon. You can go to the living room to play with your mobile phone. We women will leave the kitchen to us."

Lu Ying turned her head and looked at her aunt with contempt. She didn't expect her aunt to be so shameless. Even though she was the chef, she was just a helper. She actually showed a gentle and virtuous appearance in front of Su Nan.

However, Lu Anya's behavior successfully made Lu Ying fall into a passive position. Originally, she planned to show Su Nan some face, but her aunt was too spineless, which made her very embarrassed, and she didn't know whether she should continue.

If she continues to give Su Nan bad looks, Su Nan will definitely be fascinated by her gentle aunt. Could this be the purpose of her aunt.

Lu Ying became vigilant.

Seeing that they were not fighting, Su Nan's tense mood relaxed, and seeing that they were confronting each other, she quickly said, "You are busy, so I won't bother you."

After speaking, Su Nan hurriedly left. If he was not present, the two of them would not do anything.

Sitting in the living room, Su Nan was fidgeting. She turned her head to look for Chu Xi's figure, but she didn't see it.

"I'm here..." I heard Chu Xi's faint voice, but the voice was too small, and Su Nan couldn't hear what she was saying, so she said, "Fly closer and talk next to my ear."

Then Su Nan felt his ears being grabbed, and the small soft body was pressed against his ears, and there was a comfortable touch. He only heard Chu Xi's voice and said: "After you have breakfast together, I will spread the fragrance of flowers on the dining table." , to make you happy."

Eating at the same table with Lu Ying and Lu Anya, the atmosphere must be very stiff, and it may develop into a Shura field at any time, but Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Chu Xi's words.

Soon, Lu Ying came out with three bowls of noodles, frowning slightly.

Lu Anya followed behind with a smile, and warmly greeted Su Nan: "Xiao Nan, come and eat noodles, how about letting you try my cooking skills."

Lu Ying frowned even deeper, this face was obviously her credit, but her aunt took the credit for it, she wanted to explain to Su Nan, but she couldn't hold back her face.

Lu Ying held her breath in her heart, took three bowls of noodles, and put them heavily on the dining table, making heavy noises.

Lu Anya didn't seem to see it, she continued to smile and said to Su Nan: "Come here, isn't Xiao Nan hungry?"

Su Nan was a little uncertain about Lu Anya's attitude. He was obviously angry before, but why did he suddenly treat him so well again? However, Lu Anya was so enthusiastic, so he couldn't face her coldly. He was about to smile at her when he heard Bian suddenly heard Chu Xi's prompt.

"Idiot, look at Lu Ying's face."

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