But less than ten minutes later, she still went back there uneasy.

As soon as Chu Xi came over, he saw the scene where the two women asked Su Nan angrily. They probably suspected that Su Nan used the fragrance of the flower to achieve his goal, and then took the opportunity to play with the two of them.

It was inconvenient for Lu Anya to tell Su Nanming that after pinching his ears for a while, she ran back to the room and sulked herself.

As soon as Lu Ying saw that her aunt had left, she stuffed herself into Su Nan's arms, pinched the soft flesh around his waist with her small hand, and asked, "Say, is it your fault? We were eating in the morning, so why... ...became like that."

He blushed while questioning.

Su Nan yelled that she was wronged, and said, "No, the bud has disappeared, if you don't believe me, go find it."

Lu Ying started looking for Su Nan, and without hesitation, she reached into his clothes with her little hand, but she couldn't find anything, but the two of them got to the point of laughing and squabbling.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xi was thoughtful. Su Nan and Lu Ying seemed to have a secret?

She didn't show up immediately, but watched from the sidelines.

After fighting for a while, Lu Ying grasped the gap and grabbed Su Nan's ear, threatening: "You are not allowed to treat my aunt like that, or I will tear your ear off!"

"This is really none of my business, and she can't do without me. What can I do?" Su Nan said pitifully.

Lu Ying frowned, and said ferociously: "Then why did you spend so much time on her in the morning? Don't think I don't know, I remember, do you like her more?"

"Didn't I feel sorry for you? You couldn't bear it yourself at the time, so can you blame me?" Su Nan complained, and took a breath of air, "Can you let go of your hands first, your ears are about to fall off."

Lu Ying didn't use too much force, but Su Nan still pretended to be in pain. Chu Xi, who was watching, was very worried. He gave Lu Ying a bitter look, and raised his hand to shoot out a scent.

After listening to Su Nan's words, Lu Ying recalled the fact that she was not as good at fighting as her aunt, and her face was very embarrassed. Seeing Su Nan crying out in pain, she quickly let go.

At this moment, Chu Xi's fragrance fell on her body, Lu Ying was slightly taken aback, then her gaze fell on Su Nan's ear, and she said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I hurt you, let me lick it for you."

"It's good that you know you're wrong..." Su Nan didn't react until she felt a sense of moisture in her ears.

Chu Xi frowned and watched them make out, regretting her recklessness, but after using Huaxiang, her mood became strange, and she allowed Su Nan and Lu Ying to enter the road of sustainable development.

It seems that it is not only the fragrance of flowers that affects her, but also the fiery emotions that Su Nan feels when making out with others.

At this time, Lu Anya came out of the room and saw the pair of idiots on the sofa, she was so angry that her fingers trembled, but soon she was affected by the fragrance of flowers all over the living room, and gradually became no longer angry, and walked away happily. Come forward, join in.

When the three of them regained consciousness again, Lu Ying and Lu Anya looked at each other with a look of hell.

The first time and the second time are fine, but they actually accompany Su Nan again and again, which is really unbelievable. Could it be that they really enjoy this kind of thing, so they can't help it every time?

The two girls had thought about the fragrance of flowers, but after Chu Xi evolved into a flower fairy, he used the fragrance of flowers to the point where no one could notice. After confirming it, I searched every corner of the house, but I couldn't find the existence of flower buds.

Since it is not affected by the fragrance of flowers, it can only be their own problem, right?

When Su Nan woke up, she was ready to meet their wrath, but after waiting for a long time, she couldn't help feeling strange to see them suspicious of life.

"What's the matter with you?" He couldn't help asking, a little worried that they might be fooled by the stimulation.

Ignoring him, Lu Ying went back to the room in a daze, and Lu Anya also lowered her head, entering the bathroom to take a bath with a pensive expression.

Su Nan couldn't figure it out.

At this time, he felt a bit itchy in his stomach, as if some kind of small animal was sitting on his stomach and rubbing against it.

Su Nan looked down and saw Xiao Douding showing his figure, sitting on his stomach with one leg...

Seeing him looking at him, Xiaodouding changed his sitting posture back to normal with a face full of embarrassment, bowing his head not knowing what to say.

However, Su Nan was aroused by Xiao Douding's posture, and the emotions that had just subsided rose again, and he couldn't control it.

He reached out to pick up Xiaodouding, moved it to his eyes, and stared at it intently, like looking at a baby.

Obviously Su Nan can't do anything with such a small thing, but it's still possible to play with it as a figure.

When they were enjoying themselves, the two women who had just returned to the room opened the door at the same time and walked out.

They looked at each other with a shy expression, and then walked towards Su Nan, as if there was something interesting waiting for them there.

When I woke up again, it was already late at night, and the location was the big bed.

Lu Ying and Lu Anya were stunned for a moment, thinking of something, they turned their heads to look at Su Nan who was hugging them, and then their eyes passed over Su Nan, and fell on each other.

The two had strange faces and stared at each other with complicated eyes.

After a while, they all looked back at the same time, closed their eyes, and let out a faint sigh.

Su Nan, who was sleeping, inadvertently pushed them closer together. The two girls felt uncomfortable and wanted to struggle to get up, but they had already exhausted all their energy during the day, so they could only think about it, and even felt a little bit confused. The meaning of conquest, they didn't feel particularly angry in their hearts, and they didn't know if they were confused.

Unknowingly, exhaustion struck, they could no longer hold on, and fell asleep.

That night, everyone slept soundly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At dusk, the sun shines through the windows and sprinkles on the floor of the activity room, reflecting the entire department room in yellow and orange.

Su Nan lay lazily on the conference table, holding a piece of dogtail grass that he picked on the way when he came here, and teased the little thing sleeping on the book in front of him boredly.

Although the little thing is small, it looks beautiful, but it's a pity that the only use of this size is to watch it.

Su Nan gently brushed the furry tail of the dog's tail grass on the face, neck, arms and thighs of the little thing, goose bumps appeared on the delicate skin of the little thing.

She suddenly opened her eyes angrily, pushed the dog's tail grass away with her hand, sat up and stared at Su Nan awkwardly, her pretty face flushed slightly: "It's so itchy, let me beat you again."

The feigned fierceness is not scary, on the contrary, it has a bit of fairy-like cuteness, which makes people melt from the heart.

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