Su Nan said innocently: "I remind you kindly, someone is coming soon, be careful not to be discovered."

Chu Xi sighed: "Sleep is not reassuring."

Having said that, she still stood up, her graceful figure exuded charm little by little with her movements, and the small wings on her back flashed past in the setting sun.

Su Nan asked curiously, "Did you not sleep last night?"

Chu Xi blushed and stared at him angrily.

Su Nan didn't know what to think of, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

It has been several days since I left Lu Anya's house that day. Lu Ying and Lu Anya treated him neither salty nor cold, but they never confronted each other again, let alone forced him to make a choice. Su Nan faintly felt that this Not bad.

After returning, Zhan Weiling and Zhao Xiaomin saw him and didn't ask him where he went when he left. They were just worried that he hadn't returned to normal, so they stayed with him all the time.

Su Nan took this opportunity to enjoy the blessings of being equal to others, and they didn't stop until they confirmed that the punishment incident was over yesterday.

Chu Xi has suffered a lot in the past few days. Witnessing the sisters' good show at night is a kind of torture for Chu Xi, both physically and psychologically.

However, since the past two days, Chu Xi has returned to her body every night, and she is out of sight, but today she looks sleepy. Obviously she sneaked over to watch a good show last night.

Su Nan didn't expect her to be such a Chu Xi, and looked at her with strange eyes.

Chu Xi felt very ashamed, her face was hot, and she was annoyed that she was so confused last night that she ran back to watch the show.

Ever since she planned to return to her body at night, although Chu Xi didn't have to watch Su Nan making out with other girls, she always seemed to have a fire in her heart, causing her to take a shower and change clothes every morning when she woke up. Last night, she was even more obsessed, and in a flash of excitement, she took a peek.

Discovered by Su Nan at this moment, Chu Xi felt ashamed and had no face to face him.

Fortunately, Su Nan didn't intend to dwell on this issue. He changed the subject and said, "It's okay for you to appear in this state every day, or I'll find a way to rescue you."

Although Chu Xi made an incomprehensible request to him that day, since Chu Xi found out that Chu Xi, who was in the state of a flower fairy, would be affected when he used the fragrance of flowers, Chu Xi's plan was almost bankrupt. I don't understand why she still stays by my side in this state.

Chu Xi shook his head: "No need, it's fine for me to do this, no one bothers me, and who said I'm going to give up? As long as I don't use the fragrance of flowers indiscriminately, that plan can still continue."

Su Nan's face was weird when he heard the words, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Don't you think this is very unsafe? You are affected by the fragrance of flowers. When I get along with that fake Chuxi, in case you lose control..."

Su Nan didn't complete the sentence, but he knew that Chu Xi should understand what he meant, she definitely didn't want to see that happen, it was absolutely too bad.

"It's fine if I don't plan to use Huaxiang." Chu Xi's eyes were a little cold, it seemed that she was absolutely unwilling to give up revenge on that fake Chu Xi.

Su Nan had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'll try my best, but it's obvious that fake you don't have that kind of thought about me. She's been avoiding me these days, I think you should think too much."

"She... will definitely look for you. These days are quite special."

Chu Xi said lightly, in her opinion, Chu Ge avoided Su Nan these days, mostly because Chu Ge knew about the shame disease.

She also believed that something happened between Su Nan and Chu Ge before, so Chu Ge was unwilling to face an unstable Su Nan, so he avoided seeing him. When Chu Ge found that Su Nan was normal, he would naturally take action.


The sound of footsteps came from outside, the two looked at each other and stopped communicating.

Chu Xi flew up and slowly blurred in the air.

Su Nan sat in a normal posture, just looking at the door curiously, not knowing who came.

Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling were exhausted these days, as if they had eaten enough, they didn't plan to accompany him recently, and went back as soon as school was over.Zhao Xiaomin also took the two younger sisters away on purpose.

Because Li Gongting had a breakthrough relationship with him, she didn't know how to face him, and she was avoiding him recently. The people who will come here at this time are probably only Qin Xiaowan and the fake Chuxi. The fake Chuxi should not be , Could it be Xiaowan?

A sweet greeting brought Su Nan back to reality.

Su Nan looked at Zhao Ruomin who opened the door in surprise and was looking at her happily.

However, Su Nan's gaze passed her and landed on Shu Bao'er who was behind her. When she saw her, Su Nan's face became a little unnatural. That night he and these two girls...

Shu Bao'er was very calm, and smiled sweetly at him, and greeted him softly: "Senior, long time no see, do you miss me?"

"Cough..." Su Nan was almost choked, her face was full of embarrassment and she didn't know how to answer, so she pretended not to hear, and asked Zhao Ruomin with a smile, "Why are you here? Didn't your sister tell you to go home?"

But he was full of doubts in his heart, why did Zhao Ruomin bring Shu Bao'er here?

"Hey, I ran away with an excuse to go to play with my classmates." Zhao Ruomin said triumphantly, then turned her head to stare at Shu Bao'er unkindly: "Bao'er, don't seduce my brother-in-law, tell me, what do you want from him?"

Ever since she was taught by her sister that day, Zhao Ruomin decided to sit in her sister's seat and defend Shu Baoer as an enemy. Therefore, after learning that Shu Baoer was coming to see Su Nan, she followed her resolutely, just to prevent them from happening what.

Hearing what Zhao Ruomin said, Shu Bao'er wiped her eyes, as if she was crying, and said angrily, "Ruomin, how could you go too far! If it wasn't for you, how could I have had sex with your brother-in-law? Just don't blame yourself, You still blame me for looking for your brother-in-law, is it wrong for me to look for him? He treated me that way. "

"Uh, I'm sorry, Bao'er, I was wrong." Zhao Ruomin panicked when she saw Bao'er crying, and she was indeed at fault for this matter.

That day when Su Nan took her and Shu Baoer home, and even went to bed, it all happened with her acquiescence. Even at that time, she didn't feel uncomfortable, but was faintly excited in her heart.

"Ruomin, tell me, should I look for your brother-in-law? Although you are responsible, your brother-in-law is also responsible, and he is even more responsible!"

Shu Baoer said that she was about to cry, but secretly she blinked at Su Nan with a sly smile in her eyes.

Su Nan fixed her eyes to see where she was crying, her big black and white eyes were rolling around, looking very cunning, Zhao Ruomin was definitely not her match.

"Don't cry, don't cry, okay, you can find him, I have no objection to you." Zhao Ruomin scratched his ears anxiously, and finally caught Shu Baoer's words.

Shu Bao'er immediately said: "Then watch, don't speak, don't move!"

Zhao Ruomin nodded heavily.

Shu Baoer showed a smug smile, Shi Shiran walked towards Su Nan with a smug smile on her face, but Zhao Ruomin who was standing behind her couldn't see.

Su Nan stared at her vigilantly, and asked, "What do you want?"

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