But the girl didn't care so much, walked towards him quickly, and hugged him with open arms.

With the beauty in her arms, Su Nan also hugged her subconsciously, excitedly wanting to call out her name from the dream.

"Mu Nan, I finally see you." The girl said softly with her face pressed against his chest.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, her head didn't seem to react.

"What? Are you unhappy to see me?" Chu Xi raised his head and looked at him with a half-smile.

Su Nan's heart was agitated, and he quickly said: "Happy, but you have been with me in another way before, and I always feel that you have never left me. By the way, why did you come out?"

Su Nan changed the topic.

Chu Xi seemed to be in a good mood. He didn't notice any abnormalities in him, and looked at him seriously: "I tell you a good news, I'm free again, that guy is willing to let me out, and said he won't take care of my business from now on."

Su Nan was both surprised and delighted: "Really? Is she so easy to talk to?"

Su Nan was really happy. The fact that his girlfriend was free made him temporarily forget about other things, but he was a little surprised why the other party suddenly stopped playing Chu Xi, and he even felt a little uneasy about it.

"She said she lost interest in you, and said that she approached you to investigate you. Now that the inspection is over, she wants to leave. However, I think she was hit too hard yesterday, and she didn't have the face to stay by your side anymore before leaving."

Chu Xi smiled and said, her tone was indescribably cheerful, even though the other party let herself out, she still hated what the other party did, but not as strongly as before.Besides, Chu Xi didn't think she would be the other party's opponent. If the other party really didn't care about her own affairs, she didn't mind writing off the past.

Of course, it was impossible for her to forgive this woman, not to provoke her, just worried that she would come again to ruin her beautiful life.

Forced to be separated from Su Nan for more than a month, Chu Xi had endured the feeling of missing him, and didn't want to have other reasons to separate him from him.

After hearing Chu Xi's answer, Su Nan felt complicated. She didn't know whether the other party was really avoiding her, or if she really lost interest in her as Chu Xi said.

However, Su Nan wanted to see the other party, wanted to ask her personally if she was the girl in his dream, wanted to know the reason why she pretended to be Chuxi and approached him, and wanted to recall more of her past memories through her.

But these questions may be too cruel for Chu Xi.

Su Nan's heart was heavy. Looking at Chu Xi's happy smiling face at the moment, he suppressed the urgency in his heart, hugged her and said, "Congratulations on regaining your freedom, and we will never be separated again, okay?"

Chu Xi snuggled into his arms, without hesitation, nodded and replied: "Okay."

The two talked a lot, and then they noticed all kinds of strange glances from the people who came in and out, and then they left embarrassedly.

When she came to school, Chu Xi smiled even more. Seeing some "familiar" faces, and even seeing her rivals in love, did not affect her mood.

Because Chu Xi has been staying with Su Nan in the state of a flower fairy these days, there is no difficulty in reintegrating into school life, and no one even noticed that this beautiful girl has changed.

Su Nan was very happy with Chu Xi's return, but some thoughts in his mind were still lingering, which made him depressed. At the same time, the one-night stand last night also made him feel burdened, but Su Nan didn't take it These emotions were so obvious that Chu Xi didn't notice his abnormality.

There is another thing that Su Nan is very concerned about. When Chu Ge broke in last night, he saw Shu Baoer's figure. She stood outside the door for a long time. She didn't leave until she noticed Su Nan's gaze. .

Was she the one who opened the door last night?

How did she open the locked door, and why did she do such a thing?

Moreover, Shu Baoer's face was vaguely similar to another girl he saw in his dream, but the face of that girl's dream was not as clear as Chu Ge's, so he was not very sure.

After hesitating for a long time, after the bell rang for the end of get out of class at noon, Su Nan took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Shu Baoer, asking her to meet.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the news was sent, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. Now that he has made a decision, he will not hesitate any longer.

The phone vibrated, and Su Nan looked down at the phone. It was Shu Baoer's reply. She said that she was free after dinner and asked Su Nan to go to the playground to find her. Su Nan agreed.

"Munan, let's go eat."

At this time, Chu Xi packed up his things, turned to him and said to him, with a look of anticipation.She hasn't sat with everyone for a long time, and she misses everyone a little bit.

Su Nan put the phone away calmly, and nodded: "Let's wait for Xiao Min, her teacher in this class is used to procrastinating."

When they came to the next door, the class next door was still in class, so they stood in the corridor and waited. The position happened to be facing the door of the classroom. Chu Xi, who was outstanding in appearance, immediately attracted the attention of many students in the class. They also came to wait for the students of their friends, and the teacher in the classroom had no choice but to announce the dismissal of the get out of class reluctantly.

Seeing Zhao Xiaomin again, Chu Xi felt an indescribable joy. Fortunately, she was not good at expressing emotions, so she didn't attract Zhao Xiaomin's attention.

From Zhao Xiaomin's point of view, Chuxi today is the same as Chuxi yesterday. She let Su Nan walk in front, dragged Chuxi behind, and secretly asked Chuxi how he felt last night. Ask Xiaowan if she has disturbed them.

Chu Xi smiled, but did not answer.

Although Chu Xi was not the main character last night, except for the time when she went back to sleep, she was present all the time, knowing that nothing happened between Su Nan and Chu Ge, so her mood was not affected.

Unlike her, Su Nan heard their conversation and recalled yesterday's experience, feeling weird. Fortunately, the two girls walking behind couldn't see.

When we came to the cafeteria, after finishing the meal, everyone sat down in their usual seats. Slowly, other people gathered to have dinner together, Zhan Weiling, Li Gongting, and Zhao Xiaomin's two younger sisters.

Everyone chatted and laughed, Yingying Yanyan was so lively.

Chu Xi, who was eating with his head down, raised his head and looked at Su Nan, and they both smiled at the same time.

After dinner, everyone was going to the activity room to drink tea. Su Nan made an excuse to ask the boys in the class to play, and then he left amidst the girls' jokes. Everyone laughed at him for leaving the life surrounded by beauties and ran to play with the boys. Steel Straight one.

Su Nan bought two bottles of drinks, came to the playground, and saw Shu Baoer walking in the sun on the runway from a distance.

It was not long after the Chinese New Year, and the weather was still a bit cold. Shu Baoer walked slowly in the sun wearing a padded jacket, with a somewhat leisurely air.

Su Nan walked over, "The drink I bought for you, take it."

Shu Bao'er took a look at the drink, and asked him curiously: "Why does the senior know that I like this taste?"

"I had a dream last night." Su Nan pointed to his head: "You told me in the dream."

Shu Bao'er smiled and said, "I only told one person, and it was a long time ago. It's rare that the senior still remembers it so clearly."

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