Su Nan's face became serious, and he looked at Shu Bao'er with complicated eyes: "So you admit it? The girl who was hospitalized with me... I remember your ID card is from [-]s, and you still lied to me to apply for an identity card Got the wrong year in the card."

Shu Baoer still smiled and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Nan, you should call me sister."

Su Nan was silent for a while, not knowing how to face this "sister". Except for the vague memory of her, Shu Bao'er was still a girl after many years, which made him realize that there might be secrets hidden in it, and this The secret may be related to his forgetting childhood memories.

He fell on his head before he met Shu Bao'er and the others. If his head was defective, why did he only forget about them since he was a child?

Shu Bao'er looked at him, her eyes were gentle: "Senior, walk with me."

She didn't change her name to Xiao Nan.

Su Nan wanted to ask her many, many things, but at this moment, meeting her gaze, she nodded.

So, the two walked along the runway, there were only the two of them in the huge playground, the sun was warm, no one spoke, the surrounding was quiet, and there was a sense of tranquility.

After walking about half a circle, Shu Baoer asked him, "What do you want to know?"

Su Nan opened his mouth, yes, what does he want to know?

When I asked Shu Baoer to meet, I just wanted to know if she and Chu Ge were the person in my dream. Now that Shu Baoer admitted it himself, he suddenly didn't know what to ask.

After thinking about it, Su Nan asked blankly: "Why do I lose my memory? Did you do this last night to help me recall the past?"

Shu Baoer nodded: "Yes, it seems that the effect is good. You remember a lot of things. As for why you lost your memory, I think you should have figured it out in your heart. Didn't you also have forgotten memories when you were with Chuxi and the others at first? Did you experience it?"

Su Nan was shocked, unable to speak for a long time. Yes, he had some guesses about the reason for his amnesia, but he never thought it would be like that, because if that was the case, wouldn't it mean that the game of shame disease has been played since ten years ago? started?

And Shu Baoer, Chu Ge, and another girl were the participants back then!

He was only eight years old then, right?

Shu Baoer said quietly: "When you were hospitalized, Chu Ge, me, and another girl encountered this kind of thing, just like Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin today."

Su Nan didn't make a sound and listened to her silently.

"However, there were only three of us as participants at that time, and the duration was very short. After you are discharged from the hospital, the basic game will be over."

Shu Baoer showed an inexplicable and complicated smile: "Later, everyone gradually forgot about those days, as if they never existed, but the influence of the game remained. I recovered from my illness, survived, and got some special benefits. Ability, Chu Ge also won the family's inheritance competition, and has been invincible in the mall since then, and you, senior, have escaped our clutches and grown up to such a healthy size."

"I'm sorry, we treated you like that back then."

She stopped suddenly, turned her head to look at Su Nan, stretched out her hand lovingly and caressed Su Nan's face, her eyes were sad and owed, and she still had a bit of nostalgia.

Su Nan took a step back subconsciously.

Shu Bao'er was startled, put down her hand, lowered her head and said in frustration: "I'm sorry, I reminded you of those bad memories. In fact, I have thought about making you unable to recall the past and keeping a happy appearance, but it's just a little bit uncomfortable. Willingly."

Su Nan didn't know what to say, he didn't have any shadows about what happened back then, and now the memory is not complete, but objectively speaking, he was indeed a victim back then, even though the murderers had no choice.

Su Nan chose to change the topic, and he asked: "Now let me think about it, is this game at the crux again? Is this a reincarnation? When the game is over, everyone will forget everything and start again."

Shu Bao'er raised her head and looked at him in surprise, shook her head after a while, hesitated for a while, and said: "I don't know the details, the games back then were different from today's, not as exaggerated and smart as they are now, but there is one thing you are right about, senior. Alright, this time the game has reached a critical point, senior, if you want to get rid of the result of losing your memory, you must get serious!"

Shu Baoer looked serious.

Shu Baoer seemed to know something, Su Nan couldn't help asking: "Why do you help me, you can prevent me from losing my memory?"

"Because this is my atonement." Shu Bao'er lowered her voice, looked at Su Nan with gentle eyes, and said quietly: "Senior, do you know that although I feel very guilty for treating you like that back then, I am actually happy in my heart , because I finally see the hope of living, as long as I treat my senior like that, my body will gradually improve, and in the end, my condition will also improve, I... actually hate myself like this, I'm sorry."

Su Nan was taken aback, thinking of some abnormalities in Shu Baoer's body. She was extremely weak and easily caught colds and fell ill, probably due to the aftereffects of her illness that year.

Looking at Shu Bao'er who was full of shame, he felt sympathy in his heart, shook his head and said: "Forget it, you also wanted to survive, and you didn't have a choice at the time, so let's talk about what I should do first, what can I do to avoid it?" lost memory."

Thinking that there will be a so-called winner of the game, and everyone will forget this memory, Su Nan's heart is extremely heavy. What makes him even more uncomfortable is that fate is manipulated and he cannot control freedom.

Shu Baoer's words faintly revealed that such an ending could be avoided, and Su Nan became excited.

Shu Baoer showed hesitation, as if it was inconvenient to speak. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, "Senior, do you think it was because of Chu Ge that you regained your memory? In fact, it is not entirely true. The stimulation from Chu Ge is certainly one of the reasons, but more The important reason is, Chu Xi!"

"Chu Xi?" Su Nan was surprised.

"Yes." Shu Bao'er nodded, and asked again: "Senior, you should be aware of Chu Xi's recent changes."

Su Nan blushed, knowing what Shu Baoer was referring to, but it was an important matter, so he nodded, and at the same time vaguely understood something.

Shu Baoer showed a smile: "Then let the senior's other girlfriends become like senior sister Chu Xi, I think that there will be variables when I think about it, and if the senior sisters become like Chu Xi, they won't have to suffer .”

"I know what to do." Su Nan realized the benefits of doing this, his eyes were firm, and it was worth trying just because everyone didn't have to suffer anymore.

Shu Bao'er looked at him fixedly, and said in a low voice: "Senior, you have to work hard, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Su Nan asked cautiously.

Otherwise, you will never be able to leave me.

Shu Bao'er shook her head, didn't say anything, and smiled: "It's nothing, anyway, senior just work hard, for your harem dream."

Su Nan was a little depressed, and always felt that Shu Baoer was hiding something from her, but if she didn't tell her, Su Nan couldn't help it.

Su Nan still remembered what Shu Baoer said just now. After the game ended, she got some special abilities. Even if she wanted to press her, Su Nan didn't have the confidence.

Suddenly remembered something, he glanced at Shu Baoer's face, and asked inadvertently: "When the game is over, who won?"

Shu Bao'er was a little surprised, and then replied with a smile: "What is the senior thinking, of course it is me, they are all losers."

There was a certain air on her face.

Judging from Shu Baoer's performance, she always remembered what happened back then, but Chu Ge lost her memory. This is also the reason why Chu Ge approached him instead of Chu Xi, just because of the hidden emotions in her heart.

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