Shu Bao'er didn't lose her memory, doesn't that mean she won the victory?

Su Nan had a strange expression on his face. He wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask in the end.

If there is a winner in the game, then the winner should get the prize, and judging from the content of the game, it seems that he is one of the prizes. Doesn't it mean that he belongs to Shu Baoer?

It's just that since Shu Bao'er has not lost his memory, why hasn't he visited him for so many years? What's more unusual, Su Nan, who is the prize, doesn't need to erase his memory.

Su Nan vaguely felt that there was something strange in it, which was also what Shu Baoer didn't explain, but he didn't show it. Looking at Shu Baoer with a look on his face, Su Nan finally asked, "Why did you choose Chu Ge to restore my memory?"

In fact, he wants to ask more, Shu Baoer, you can do it yourself, maybe the effect will be better.

Shu Bao'er said seriously: "When I was with you and Ruomin that day, I thought about letting you forget it like this, but I am not reconciled, the senior doesn't remember me at all, he treats me like a stranger, My heart hurts, but I was sweetly called Sister Bao'er back then. So I made a decision!"

"Chu Ge who decided to match me up?" Su Nan was ashamed, but the other party's infatuation moved him slightly.

Shu Baoer nodded embarrassedly.

Su Nan looked at her, and felt an urge to ask her a question, but when she realized it, she had already asked her.

"What about now? I have recovered my memory."

He regretted it a bit, what the hell question did he ask.

Shu Baoer blinked her eyes, shook her head and said, "It's almost there, the senior obviously doesn't remember me, you only remember that vixen Chu Ge!"

She pouted, seemingly dissatisfied.

Su Nan was embarrassed and didn't speak. He did recall most of Chu Ge's memories. In the dream, Chu Ge's face was the clearest, but Shu Bao'er and another nurse girl seemed a little vague.

"Nurse girl..." Su Nan said to himself, then suddenly stopped.

Shu Bao'er turned her eyes, stared at him and said quietly: "Senior already knows who she is, right? If you want to get back your memory quickly, you can attack her. Anyway, she can't refuse you. Of course, you don't either." Might reject her."

Just like Su Nan and Chu Ge, the deep-rooted emotion makes it easy for them to spark sparks when they are together.

After listening to Shu Baoer's words, Su Nan was in a daze.

When he came to his senses, Shu Baoer had already left, but the shock she left Su Nan was still there.

The shame game started ten years ago. The three young girls forgot everything and started their lives again, but now they appear next to Su Nan again, and they don't know whether it is good or bad.

Su Nan has no time to think about the past for the time being. What is more important now is to let his other women become like Chu Xi, keep this precious memory, and get rid of the possible reincarnation.

For this reason, Su Nan must take the initiative and abandon unnecessary morals.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That night, Su Nan dragged Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin to Zhan Weiling's house, and after some shameless teasing, the four of them successfully slept together.

Among the three women, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling had cooperated to accompany Su Nan some time ago. The two formed a life-threatening friendship during the battle. They treated each other frankly without blushing.

And Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi are also partners who have cooperated many times, only Chu Xi and Zhan Weiling are still a little unfamiliar.

Zhan Weiling didn't care, but Chu Xi was a little embarrassed, but everyone was interested, and she was also excited because of the reunion, and the excitement became a good thing.

Su Nan was very happy that night, but he did not forget his purpose of dragging everyone to sleep together. After exhausting the three girlfriends, he secretly unlocked the phones of Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling, and saved the share in their phones. The video used for emergency is deleted.

Chu Xi doesn't need this kind of videos anymore. She seems to have gotten rid of the rule of shame disease that occurs every once in a while, so Su Nan doesn't care about her, but with Chu Xi's cautious temperament, she should know those unhealthy videos by herself. delete.

After deleting the video, Su Nan sighed, and couldn't bear the pain they would suffer next time, but it was a necessary process.

Senior sister and Xiao Min haven’t had an attack for a long time, and they should enter a similar bottleneck state like Chu Xi before. As long as they have an attack again, they will enter the punishment link and should be able to reach Chu Xi’s realm, so deleting the video is a must. necessary.

As for the others, Su Nan didn't care about them for the time being. Except for the three on the bed, the other girlfriends are far behind. Let's get rid of the three on the bed first. Qin Xiaowan is suitable, but it's not convenient to be with her tonight, so it's only next time .

After waking up overnight, neither Zhan Weiling nor Zhao Xiaomin noticed that the video on the phone had been deleted. Su Nan kept silent, waiting silently, while waiting for an opportunity to attack other girls.

Soon, Qin Xiaowan followed his lead.

One night, Su Nan resorted to the "beautiful man trick" and asked Qin Xiaowan to come to her room. The two played games in the room until midnight, and by the way did something that couples should do.

After realizing that she was sleepy, Qin Xiaowan fell asleep on Su Nan's bed, but Su Nan didn't remind her, but lay down and hugged her to sleep.

At the beginning, Qin Xiaowan was very excited and a little nervous, thinking that Su Nan had opened up and wanted to play with her shyly, but after waiting for a long time, Su Nan didn't move, she began to realize that she had misunderstood, and she was not discouraged, and instead took the initiative He hugged and kissed Su Nan until he was so sleepy that he closed his eyes.

After she fell asleep, Su Nan secretly took her phone, deleted the video and put it back for her.

After doing all this, Su Nan felt very uncomfortable. How can I say that Qin Xiaowan is also a girl, she is beautiful and cute, her body is also fragrant, she is very soft in her arms, full of youthful breath, and she is so close to her when she sleeps, plus she was still After making out, he was so impulsive that he couldn't sleep!

Fearing that she would do something beastly, Su Nan endured the anger and got out of bed, going to sleep in Qin Xiaowan's room next door.

When I came to the door of the room and opened the door, there was a small exclamation, and then a body much softer than Qin Xiaowan fell into her arms, the soft body and the fragrant smell of a mature woman rushed into her nose, instantly making Su Nan's heart That fire burns hotter.

He looked down, the darkness couldn't block his sight, the woman in his arms looked up at him in astonishment, with a bewildered expression.

This woman is Qin Ying, and she was actually eavesdropping at night!

Su Nan's face was strange, smelling her body, his heart itched unbearably for a while, some strange and familiar emotions rose from the bottom of his heart, making him hug the woman in his arms uncontrollably.

Qin Ying originally saw that her daughter didn't go back to her room to sleep for a long time, and planned to come over to eavesdrop on their progress, but she didn't expect Su Nan to go out suddenly, and accidentally threw herself into his arms, and she couldn't bear to leave all of a sudden.

When she raised her head and met Su Nan's eyes, when she saw the longing in Su Nan's eyes, her heart jumped and she wanted to struggle, but her hands and feet became very weak.

Su Nan lowered her head and sealed her mouth that was about to speak.

As if the explosives were ignited, the lust instantly swept through the whole body and mind of the two people, dragging them into the lost ocean.

Su Nan once again recalled the feeling when she was with Chu Ge that night. They were also like this at that time, uncontrollable, just like nature.

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