Su Nan was awakened by the ringing of the phone, and he struggled to move away from the stretched thigh of the girl beside him to get the phone.

Qin Xiaowan murmured a few times in her sleep, put her thigh on his lap again, wrapped her arms around him, and slept comfortably in his arms.

Su Nan ignored her and answered the phone, "Hey, Chu Xi, what's the matter with calling me so early?"

While speaking, another girl came up behind him, touching his delicate body to his back, and at the same time, the girl let out a weird laugh.

Su Nan glanced back, and what caught her eyes was Zhao Ruomin's lovely face. She hadn't woken up yet, and she didn't know what dream she was having, so she was smiling so happily.

As for how Qin Xiaowan and Zhao Ruomin, two irrelevant people, climbed onto his bed together, it started with Zhao Ruomin's weird habit.

During Chu Xi's last punishment session, because of carelessness, he used the scent of flowers to influence Shu Bao'er, and Su Nan was making out with Shu Bao'er at the time, but Zhao Ruomin ran over and entered the range of influence of the scent of flowers.

In that state, when she saw the intimate scene between her good friend and her brother-in-law, her first reaction was not to get angry, but to unexpectedly awaken a strange interest, and then it got out of control.

Last night Zhao Ruomin asked Su Nan to accompany her, saying that she missed him, but at that time Su Nan had already agreed to accompany Qin Xiaowan, so she could only refuse, the girl was not angry, she just left, and Su Nan didn't take it seriously.

When he got home, he and Qin Xiaowan entered the honeymoon session. At this time, less than a week had passed since Qin Xiaowan's first experience.

Who knew that when the two of them were applauding, Zhao Ruomin somehow got the key from her sister and sneaked in to watch the show. At that time, Su Nan and Qin Xiaowan were too fascinated and didn't notice it. By the time they found out, it was already too late.

Zhao Ruomin just joined their game.

Later, Chu Xi had something to do, so he came to look for Su Nan, but no one opened the door.

She called Su Nan, and when she learned what they were doing from the noise on the phone, she blushed and hung up the phone in a hurry after talking about the matter.

I hope Chu Xi is not here to ask for guilt at this time.

Chu Xi's cold voice came from the phone, she frowned and said, "It's still too early for the sun to dry your ass, you must not forget what you promised me last night."

Su Nan looked at the time, only to realize that it was past ten o'clock in the morning, because the room was a bit dark with the curtains drawn, so she couldn't tell.

He sneered and said: "How could I forget, I'm going to accompany you home, right? I remember, get up right away, you wait."

"Oh, then what is the purpose of my going home?" Chu Xi asked him.

Su Nan couldn't remember, and concealed: "You can do whatever you want, just tell me. By the way, you are next door, right? Just come and find me, it's too strange to call so close."

He quickly changed the topic.

"I'm worried about the eye of the needle." Chu Xi said calmly, but he didn't insist on answering his own question.

After hanging up the phone, Su Nan left the room to wash up. It was too late to make breakfast, so she went back to the room and told the two girls.

"I'm going out, you guys will be hungry when you wake up, remember to order takeaway, or Xiaowan and Ruomin go to her sister's for lunch."

Zhao Xiaomin took Zhao Junmin home yesterday, because her father came over yesterday, and although she didn't have much affection, she still wanted to receive her.

Originally, Zhao Ruomin followed her back, but this girl sneaked out to look for Su Nan.

Qin Xiaowan closed her eyes, waved her hand lazily and said, "Go, Chu Xi hates me to death, and stay with her well."

Zhao Ruomin is an ordinary person. The labor intensity was too heavy last night, so he didn't recover so quickly. At this moment, Qin Xiaowan was hugging Qin Xiaowan as a pillow, and Qin Xiaowan didn't care about him.

Su Nan was excited watching such a loving scene, fearing that she couldn't help it, she hurried out of the room.

When he came to the next door, Chu Xi was already waiting. She even made breakfast today and asked him if he wanted some.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Su Nan didn't eat, and decided to eat together again at noon.

When the two came downstairs, the car was already waiting. After they got in the car, the car drove to Chu Xi's house.

Su Nan was a little nervous that he might see Chu Ge later. He hadn't seen Chu Ge since that night visit to the boudoir.

Chu Xi noticed that he was nervous, but she didn't expect to go there. She said: "The woman is at work today and is not at home. I went back this time to pack some things and move to the place where I live now. I won't go back there in the future." gone."

It seems that Chu Xi is determined to get rid of Chu Ge's control over her, and Su Nan also agrees with this decision. After all, if the two mother and daughter live together, he has no chance at all!

When I came to the villa, I saw a middle-aged man waiting at the door from a distance. He looked like a successful man in a suit and leather shoes.

Su Nan secretly asked Chu Xi, "Who is he?"

"My dad." Chu Xi said.

"Ah!" Su Nan was inexplicably surprised.

"Are you surprised?" Chu Xi was puzzled and turned to look at him.

"I didn't know you had a dad, cough..." Realizing that she said something wrong, Su Nan quickly covered it up: "I mean, I've never seen him before, if you take me there like this, will he take me away?" I'll beat you up, you see, he is your father, so I'm equivalent to abducting his daughter."

"It doesn't matter." Chu Xi shook his head, "He's just my father in name, but that woman came here to deceive others. After all, I need a guardian for my studies. He is usually abroad. He should just come back to deal with things this time."

Hearing this, Su Nan was completely relieved.

After meeting, Chu Xi, the cheap father, didn't regard himself as a father at all, but kept his voice low like a servant, and didn't dare to say a word about Chu Xi.He came here just to maintain his superficial skills. After all, as a "father", he didn't even come to visit his "daughter" after returning from abroad, which was unreasonable.

With Su Nan's help, Chu Xi packed her luggage and left the house. For her, this place was a sad place, and there was nothing worth remembering.

On the way back, Chu Xi nestled in Su Nan’s arms, looking forward to the future, and said softly to him: “Let’s buy a big villa by ourselves in the future. The house we live in now is a bit small, and there are many residents around. inconvenient."

Su Nan also thinks that the current residence is not good, but the price of a villa is not cheap. Although he is not short of money, he is just not short of small money. He does not know when he will earn enough money.

But of course he couldn't ignore his girlfriend's request. After thinking about it, he said seriously, "I'll find something to do after the college entrance examination. It should be fine."

But Chu Xi said: "You don't need to think of a way, we can take care of the money, the senior sister has already started a business, and made a lot of money playing the stock market, and I have a lot of resources in my hand. In short, money is not a problem, you just agree. "

Su Nan is ashamed, what is this, eating soft rice?Can't even support the family by yourself?

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