He felt a little sad.

Chu Xi seemed to know his scruples, and lightly drew circles on his chest with his fingers, complaining: "Do you still want to be busy with your career? You have so many women, you can hardly handle it, and then devote your energy to other things Come on, aren't we going to be widows?"

Chu Xi's words made Su Nan very speechless, which seemed to be the reason, and he was not good at business.

Because of the curse of the shame disease, his women seem to have become the sons of heaven. Their lives are extremely smooth. Even a trip to Macau can empty the casino. Money is really not a problem for them.

But why is it a little reconciled in my heart, I am a big man and need a woman to support me.

Seeing his gloomy face, Chu Xi was amused, but he still gently comforted him: "How about this, we start a business in the future, and those industries will write your name, so that you will be the big boss, and we will be your wage earners, okay? it is good?"

"Forget it, do whatever you want."

Being interrupted by her like this, Su Nan figured it out, let's just be an idler in the future, besides, for him, the current crisis has not been completely resolved, so it is inappropriate to look forward to the future so soon.

Chu Xi was serious, turned around and told the driver to drive to see the house, and even called Zhan Weiling, chatting about the house on the phone for a long time.

Su Nan even heard the senior sister say that she will also buy a house where she goes to college, and when the time comes, everyone will have a place to live.

It seems that a house is really important to a woman. In the short term, unless Su Nan does something less harmonious, she won't be able to spend such a large amount of money, so she gave up struggling and let them be happy.

On the way, Su Nan received a call from Lu Anya, looking a little nervous.

"Xiao Nan, come here quickly, something happened to Xiaoying!"

Su Nan quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"You come over and talk, hurry up!"

After Lu Anya finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

With her excellent hearing, Chu Xi also heard what Lu Anya said, and she thoughtfully said to Su Nan: "You go first, I'll let the driver take you."

"Okay." Su Nan didn't hesitate. After giving her a sorry look, she got in the car and went to Lu Anya's house.

After arriving, when she entered the door, she saw Lu Anya's face full of displeasure, she ignored him when she saw him, and turned her head away with a cold snort, looking arrogant.

Su Nan felt very strange, didn't it mean that something happened to Lu Ying, why did Lu Anya throw a face at him.

At this time, Lu Ying came out of the room, she was holding a pair of Su Nan's panties in her hand, she took it up and sniffed it from time to time, with a happy expression on her face.

Su Nan was a little confused.

Seeing him, Lu Ying blushed, and quickly put down the things in her hands, but she didn't seem to feel ashamed, instead she ran over excitedly and said to Su Nan, "Su Nan, do you think I'm any different?"

Su Nan's face was weird, and she couldn't say the word abnormal, so she said, "You have become beautiful."

Lu Ying gave him a white look, and said happily again: "I've also been cursed by the shame disease, and now I'm having an attack, Su Nan, tell me, do I need treatment, or go directly to the punishment link, I don't know what will happen, Ah, I'm so looking forward to it."

She looks like a nympho.

Su Nan was taken aback, and asked, "You have a shame disease? What's going on?"

He looked at the fat times in Lu Ying's hands, and thought to himself that this was the case, something happened, and it was such a big deal, no wonder Lu Anya gave him a look when he entered the door.

"I don't know, but it's a good thing, isn't it?" Lu Ying smiled endlessly, and she glanced at Lu Anya: "And I'm different from some people, I'm looking forward to suffering from the shame disease, and I've always been Waiting for this day."

Lu Anya looked displeased: "Xiaoying, girls don't be so mean, men won't cherish them."

"Don't worry, Auntie, Su Nan will cherish me, right, Ah Nan."

Lu Ying turned her head and asked Su Nan with a smile.

Su Nan was very nervous, and the two of them were about to fight again. According to past experience, every time they were like this, it was his unlucky day.

Without Hui Huiying, Su Nan pretended to care about her, and hurriedly said: "Xiaoying, today is not suitable, you should receive treatment quickly, so as not to miss the opportunity later."

"Okay, you can treat me." Lu Ying said with a smile.

"Uh, don't you have 'tools' in your hand?"

"You said this, I'm not a pervert, why do you use this?"

Lu Ying threw the things in her hands away in disgust, then threw herself into Su Nan's arms, raised her blushing face and urged, "Hurry up and treat me."

She also gave Lu Anya a provocative look.

Su Nan was very embarrassed, and didn't know whether to listen to Lu Ying, but if she did, Lu Anya would definitely be angry.

Lu Anya trembled with anger, but there was nothing she could do. Now, from the standpoint of her family, she had no reason to force Lu Ying to leave Su Nan, because Lu Ying had also become the same kind.

Turning her eyes, Lu Anya suddenly thought of something, she put away her anger, looked at the two of them with a smile, and said gently: "Yes, Xiao Nan, you should treat her quickly, it's quite painful."

The disease of shame is an open secret among all people these days.

Both Su Nan and Lu Ying looked at Lu Anya suspiciously, not knowing why, and even Lu Ying's eyes showed a look of vigilance.

"What's the matter, don't you treat it? It's too late." Lu Anya urged kindly.

Lu Ying couldn't help it anymore, she was very impulsive in her heart, she simply ignored her aunt, raised one leg, hooked Su Nan's thigh, and kissed Su Nan's face: "Ah Nan..."

Su Nan was heartbroken, hugged Lu Ying, and "healed" in front of Lu Anya.

Just as the two were making out, Lu Anya approached from behind.She stood close to Su Nan with her arms outstretched, causing damage to Su Nan and Lu Ying.

The two were taken aback, but Lu Ying couldn't stop. She gave Lu Anya a bitter look, and continued to take the initiative to ask Su Nan for it. Su Nan also knew that she couldn't stop at this time, so she maintained her original status and endured Lu Anya's harassment of her.

After a long time, the treatment was over.

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