Did I just say something that could be misunderstood?

no! ?

Obviously I am apologizing seriously!

"Shizuku, I..."

"Stop talking, big sister. I've already understood everything, thank you for your hard work." Shizuku immediately turned her head, staring at Kotori's face with tears in her eyes.As if looking at her lover who had been tortured and humiliated, she pressed Kotori's hand to her chest in grief.

Suddenly there was a soft touch, which made Kotori startled.

"Sister, you don't need to say anything. You don't need to do anything. Stay here with peace of mind. Your dearest sister will help you get everything back."

"What are you talking about?!" Kotori said dumbfounded.

But before Kotori could calm down the little sister who was in a bad mood, Shizuku gently pushed Kotori away by herself, staring at Stella with a disgusted face.Even without any words, the certain emotion contained in this look has undoubtedly been revealed.

Stella, who was still a little confused at first, understood this look as if she had a tacit understanding.

This woman... really has more than family affection for Kotori!

"Hehehe, my sister will never do anything that makes Shizuku sad. My sister will never say something that makes Shizuku misunderstand. Then... there is only one reason."

Shizuku's eyes turned into that of a ghost at some point.He stared at Stella fiercely.He grinned a somewhat permeable hypocritical smile.

"I actually grabbed my sister's handle to hold her in my hands. I have to match her words to say these words to me. Well, there will be no other reason besides this. Theoretically There will be absolutely no other reason!"


Kotori called softly, but Shizuku didn't seem to hear it at all.He muttered to himself very quickly:

"Oh, my sister is so pitiful. How can there be such a hateful woman like you? You forced my sister to do such a thing! That's why I don't want my sister to run away from home, because my sister is so cute and charming. It's beyond gender. That's why it attracts women like you, and all the nutrition goes into the chest, which is stupid and promiscuous!"

"You...!" Stella's face also darkened.His hands creaked.

No matter how good-tempered she is, she will be angry when she hears such words, not to mention that she is not a good-tempered girl in the first place!




Chapter 284 Ice and Fire (Fourth)

"My sister is not wrong at all, it's just that my sister is too charming, too charming. It's all your fault, all, all, your fault!"

Shizuku's complexion was as cold as frost, and the faint layer of mist floating around her became brighter and shinier because of the sudden fluctuation of magic power, as if layers of ice crystals were shining in the sun.

"Zhuzuku is going to free my sister now!" Zhuzuku stretched out her hands, and water rippled out of her palms.A delicate and small Taidao slowly appeared like a reflection in the water.

"Water foam flying - 'Xiaoshiyu'!"

"Hey, Shizuku, calm down!"

Even Kotori couldn't help screaming when she saw her sister suddenly pull out her unique spiritual outfit.

I was just stunned by the kung fu of God, why did I suddenly start to wield swords and swords! ?

"You must have misunderstood something... Shizuku, are you listening to me!?"

Facts have proved that Shizuku, who was in a state of bewilderment, didn't listen to Kotori's words at all, but just tapped her lips with her fingers as if talking to herself, and smiled coquettishly.

"Sister, really, of course I'm listening to you. Every word of yours, Shizuku will firmly remember it in my heart."

Then the next moment, Shizuku's smile suddenly faded.

"Sister, don't worry, I will never lose. Although I am the second freshman, after this woman, I only have a B-level evaluation. Even if I don't want to admit it, I am indeed inferior to her in terms of ability. But I Her ability is 'water', enough to restrain her 'fire'!"

Shizuku turned her head, and gave Kotori a FLAG smile. "Thank you very much for your concern, sister, I really... like you the most, sister!"


Kotori felt that the two sisters did not seem to be chatting on the same channel.

Didn't you let her calm down?

What the hell is she talking about all this time! ?

But at this time, some harsh shouts sounded one after another.

"Come and serve me—'Concubine Dragon Sin Sword'!"

An incomparably hot vortex of flames soared into the sky.Stella also pulled out her inherent spiritual outfit with a look of fighting spirit.With a grin on his face, Shizuku and Shizuku looked at each other aggressively.

"Stella, why are you starting to mess around..."

Qinli twitched the corners of her eyes, and couldn't help complaining: "Calm down a little."

Obviously, Qinli has been calling all the way from here to now.This is the first time I feel embarrassed, I don't know whether to use violence to force these two hot-blooded girls to calm down.

Probably seeing Kotori's hesitation, Stella raised the big sword in her hand solemnly.

"The other party has already shown me the spiritual outfit, so I naturally can't back down. But don't worry, Kotori. I will be careful when I strike."

After all, Shizuku in front of her is Kotori's younger sister no matter what.In terms of emotion and reason, Stella would not do anything heavy.

However, facing this situation, Kotori couldn't relax.

Because she felt very clearly that although there was a huge difference in the magic power of the two, Shizuku was superior in the micro-control of magic power, plus a little bit of restraint in attributes.

Stella couldn't take Shizuku down as easily as she said.

If left alone, these two girls might fall into an endless fight to the death.Even though they are currently in an outdoor area far away from human traffic, the magic fluctuations emanating from the battle between the two are enough to attract the attention of the teachers.

At that time, there will definitely be some punishment.

Kotori doesn't want her roommate and sister to become the laughing stock of tomorrow's students.

But these two girls have completely aroused a raging fighting spirit at this moment.In the emerald green and red eyes, only the enemy in front of him is reflected!

The auras began to compare with each other, and the two completely different magical properties of the cold and the fiery rose up like a whirlpool.Both of them are ready to use [-]% strength to crush the enemy on the other side with one blow!

And when the two raised their momentum, it was obvious that they seized this tiny moment of tacit understanding and began to mock each other.

"Your spiritual outfit is still pitifully small, almost as barren as your chest."

"Where, no matter your spiritual outfit or your chest, you are quite vulgar, and there are only big things left on both sides. Oh, I really feel sorry for you."

Stella used her brain rarely, and responded with a sneer:

"Narrow-minded people really have this kind of virtue. But it doesn't matter, I will forgive you well. After all, I am so big both in the heart and in the chest~"

Being repeatedly attacked by the opponent with this kind of question, Shizuku's expression became more gloomy.Staring at Stella not far away with eyes like knives, he slowly spit out two words.

"...fat pig!"

"!" The corners of Stella's eyes twitched, and the veins on her forehead also began to throb.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly fell into dead silence.

One person has already turned into the embodiment of ice and snow, and the ground under his feet has begun to be frozen and spread by solid ice.

One person seems to have thrown himself into the flames of hell, and the surrounding air is getting hotter and roaring.

The confluence of ice and fire brings forth—the song of killing!

"Kill you!!"

The two girls roared with ferocious faces.Almost at the same time, he swung the spiritual outfit in his hand, and the angry flame collided with the icy wind and snow!

All the restraint and calmness disappeared at the moment when the two energies collided.At this moment, the two girls had only one thought in their minds.

"Let the woman on the other side bow down to me!"


A gust of wind suddenly appeared.The timing was skillfully interspersed. It entered the gap between ice and fire.The figure suddenly appeared, and a long red hair that was like fire flew up in mid-air.


The footsteps stopped, and the toes gracefully drew an arc on the ground.

Kotori stretched out her hands silently, as if teasing a brook, one left and one right touched the offensive on both sides of her body.


"Sister!?" The two girls screamed in horror.

"I've said it all—give it to me, calm down!!"

Kotori opened her eyes, and the light burst out from the depths.The majestic but invisible power of mind is wrapped around the arm.His hands were like waves, guiding the violent energy, converging towards Kotori's palm.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the escaping torrent of energy was collected by Kotori.

Ice and fire, two completely different energies.Under the horrified gaze of the two young girls, they seemed to be floating slightly like two brightly colored flowers.

"How...how is this possible!?" Stella put down her spiritual outfit dully.And Shizuku who was opposite was even more surprised and speechless.

As a genius whose magic power control ability has even reached A-level, she understands how whimsical it is to simply manipulate the energy that has gone out of control and berserk.

But what happened before her eyes was simply beyond her imagination!

"It's... troublesome!"

Kotori stared at the unstable object constructed by the two energies in his palm, frowned slightly, and threw it towards the sky!

The next moment, the sky above Pojun Academy burst into incomparably gorgeous red and blue light.



Blade change (71/82)

Thanks to Burkatovsky for the 100 blades~~

( *^-^)ρ(^0^* )

Chapter 285 Jerky (Fifth)

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