Explosives like fireworks suddenly exploded from the sky above Pojun Academy, which naturally attracted the attention of quite a few people.The teachers naturally rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Immediately, he saw the three Kotori who stayed in place.

Actually, Shizuku and Stella were not planning to run away either.After some chaotic emotions calmed down, the two girls were originally good children who were very polite and obeyed the rules.

After the agreement of the teachers, it was finally decided that the two of them would have a day off.Go back to the dormitory and face the wall to think about it once.

Such a punishment decision is already quite tolerant.After all, judging from the scale of the explosion just now, if it was detonated on the ground, the two buildings on both sides of the trail would definitely be affected.

But luckily, that didn't really happen.Even the ground roads in the school did not cause any damage.Although these teachers complained quite a bit, they didn't say much in the end and dispersed separately.

In a sense, it was because of Shizuku and Stella's face.

After all, Shizuku is currently the only orthodox heir of the famous Kurotetsu family.And the strength potential is very good.

And Stella is the royal princess of the Familian Empire in Europe. Even if these teachers encounter a worse situation, they can't actually punish Stella too severely.

So this matter ended hastily.

After watching those teachers and some students watching the fun leave, Kotori sighed slightly and looked behind her.

Stella and Shizuku were standing there with unease on their faces, lowering their heads and pursing their mouths like a wronged little daughter-in-law.After realizing that the woman beside him was doing the same thing as him, he snorted coldly with a strange expression, and turned his head away.

"You guys..." Kotori scratched her cheek in distress.

Could these two be the legendary Huanxi friends?

It's just...that little girl named Kusakabe Kagami seems to have been thrown away?

But Kotori didn't take her too seriously, after all, it was just a one-sided relationship.The most important thing now is to teach these two immature fools a good lesson!

"Sister..." Shizuku carefully observed Kotori's face, her tone was more like a frightened kitten than before.

"Shut up and don't talk!"

Then, Kotori glared at her.When Zhuyu heard the words, she immediately fell silent with a worried face.

"Hmph, Kotori, your..."

"Stella!" Kotori frowned, looking at Stella with a bit of blame.

As the princess of a country, she would still mess around with an immature child, and in the end she fell into it even more.It's too bad!

"Well..." Stella also lowered her head a little ashamedly.

Glancing back and forth at the two girls with bowed eyebrows and nodding heads, Kotori sighed with some melancholy.He took a few steps forward and held the hands of the two of them.

"Let's go back and talk about it first. Sit down and have a good talk with the two of you face to face. Clear up the misunderstanding."

"Of course, fighting is absolutely not allowed!"

Kotori, who likes to reason with her fists the most, said something very against her will to these two girls.


The three returned to the student dormitory together.

Although the distance along the way was not long, Kotori really understood how fierce the rivalry between the two girls was.

Even though there is still a self in the middle, the eyes of the two people still look at each other from time to time.Kotori could even feel the crackling sound of the two colliding fiercely.

This is trying to kill each other with their eyes! ?

"sit down."

After entering the dormitory room, Kotori greeted her.Just as she was about to turn around and prepare two servings of tea, she was slightly taken aback, and quickly turned around and said:

"Absolutely no quarrel or fight!!"

"Understood, Kotori...you've said it almost ten times along the way."

Stella, who had just sat on the edge of her bed, couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Although she and Shizuku looked at each other fiercely at the beginning, as Kotori turned her head from time to time to give orders and orders to the two of them, no matter how big her anger was, it gradually subsided.

"Sister, don't worry, Shizuku won't do what she did just now again."

Shizuku is sitting on the bedding at this moment, returning to the virtuous appearance of a lady in the beginning.A slightly apologetic smile could also be seen on the small face.

It seemed that he was too worried.

Kotori patted her forehead, turned around and went to the kitchen to prepare hot tea.These two guys were fighting and bickering just now, so it's a 'reward' to give them some tea now.

After a while, Kotori came over with two cups of hot tea.They were handed to two girls respectively.

"Drink a little to calm yourself down."


"Thank you very much, my sister is still as gentle as before." Shizuku showed a trace of nostalgia for the past, holding the small teacup with both hands.

However, her nostalgia made Qinli sigh inwardly.

"Let me tell you first, what I said to you before is not lying to you. It's not because Stella did something to me that she said such a thing."

Shizuku's expression froze immediately, and she pressed her lips together tightly.Her petite body trembled slightly, as if she was afraid of losing something important.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the girl's original emerald green eyes have turned into a pitch-black and hollow color.

"elder sister..."

In fact, she didn't misunderstand the meaning at the time.Only then did he rashly get angry at Stella.

Seeing her reaction, Kotori immediately reacted.

This kid... is very smart, and he can even be said to have a very clever mind.He clearly understood the meaning of Kotori's words at that time.

That's why she forced herself to change the subject, turning the uneasiness in her heart into anger.Vent to Stella who is closer to Kotori.


Seeing her somewhat pitiful appearance, even Stella couldn't help opening her mouth.It seemed that he wanted to say something comforting.

She didn't know what happened between Kotori and Shizuku, nor what Kotori said to Shizuku.

But after seeing the desperate expression on Shizuku's face, she still felt a little bit of sympathy.

"Kinri, she..."

"That's why I feel that girls are really unpredictable."

Kotori crossed her legs and slowly sat down in front of Shizuku.

Yes, Shizuku understands the general meaning of Kotori's words, although she may not know what the "Lord God Space" is.But it didn't prevent her from clearly understanding what happened.

Her own sister had undergone changes that she didn't know about.

That's why she was so desperate and sad.Hope confuses itself with false dreams.

"What a fool."

Kotori glanced at the back of her hand, and the bright red lines on it were faintly visible.But this time, there was no tingling sensation.

Thanks, Nero.

Then, Kotori gently embraced the delicate body of the girl in front of her.Facing Shizuku with a sluggish face, she kissed him very jerky.




Blade change (72/80)

Thank you Mo Shaoxuan for the 100 blades~~

d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b

Chapter 286 That Kind of Relationship

This sudden kiss didn't last long, and it was just a touch away.

After Kotori felt the smooth touch of her lips, she immediately retracted her head.At the same time, I noticed Shizuku's extremely shocked expression at the moment.

"Don't be so surprised, although I said 'I am no longer the sister you remember'. But I did not deny my identity."

He stretched out his hand and held Shizuku's small face in the palm of his hand.Kotori approached slightly, and the eyes of the two looked directly at each other.

"elder sister..."

"It's okay to count it as a return gift, or to say it's evened."

Can't help recalling what Shizuku did to her not long ago, Kotori squeezed her little face amusedly.

"In the future, you can't do this kind of thing to your sister casually, you know?"


But obviously, Shizuku didn't seem to listen to these words.

After understanding the development of the situation, her little face immediately became rosy as if it was about to bleed.Bursts of green smoke steamed from her head.It looked as if he had fallen into utter embarrassment.

It's just... You were so active before.Why does it look like this after being touched on the lips now! ?

Kotori drooped her shoulders with some exhaustion, and sighed helplessly.

The only thing that made Kotori feel lucky was that her younger sister didn't really fall into despair.As long as she could kiss her a little and she would return to normal, it would look more like a child making a fuss.

The pair of emerald green eyes have regained their vitality, and even now they are still filled with tears.It seems that he is already emotional.

Then, Shizuku suddenly stood up.

Covering his face, he quickly ran out of the bedroom.Not a single person could be seen.


Kotori stretched out her hand, and could only watch her sister rush out the door.But I could barely let go of a big rock in my heart, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that although the younger sister had spoken very promiscuously before, she would always put some sensitive words on her lips.But after really teasing her, she was so shy that she almost cried.

Sure enough, he was trying to be strong before.

"You have to apologize to her afterward."

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