Kotori muttered to herself, then stood up, tidied up by the way, and prepared to continue going out to exercise.

The current time is still early, and there is still a lot of time to concentrate and temper the mind.As for that girl Shizuku, she probably won't have much time to come to her all day today.

"Stella, change your clothes and go out together."

Kotori was about to get out a set of tracksuits, but her footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because Stella, who had been sitting on the bed since just now, did not respond to Kotori's call.The whole person sat on the bed as if unconscious.


Kotori came to Stella with small steps in confusion, tilted her head and glanced at Stella's expression at the moment.Immediately, he was slightly taken aback.

Because Stella seems to be suppressing dissatisfaction and anger at the moment.The whole face was flushed red, of course, it was not as shy as Shizuku.But real anger!

"what happened?"

"You...why are you going, dear, dear Shizuku!?" Stella raised her head suddenly, and said in an extremely complicated tone.

"Why did you do such a thing all of a sudden!"


Hearing Stella's questioning voice like a whine, Kotori couldn't help but blinked in confusion.

What's wrong with this girl?

Could it be that they don't accept the kind of intimacy between sisters?

Ah, that's right.Not everyone is used to that kind of overly intimate contact.For Stella, who is in the royal family, what she did just now is simply deviant, right?

Thinking of this, Kotori also slightly apologized:

"Sorry, I was a little dizzy just now. I won't do this kind of thing again in the future."


Perhaps she didn't expect Kotori to give in so easily, Stella opened her mouth a little dumbfounded, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Instead, she turned her head angrily, pouted her lips and snorted coldly.Other than that, nothing else went too far.

It's so coaxing.

Fortunately, this girl's tsundere ratio is very normal.Kotori is really thankful that this roommate's personality attributes are perfect.Otherwise, Kotori was a little afraid that she would do something strange.

After tidying up the room a bit, they changed their clothes and the two trotted towards a woods inside the school.

Although it was delayed by many things before, it is actually very early today.Moreover, the current location of the two is in a remote corner of Pojun Academy, and even after the start of school, no one appeared.

After putting her sports bag on the bench next to her, Kotori turned around and looked helplessly at Stella who followed behind her silently.His face was still dark, and he still didn't seem to calm down.

"What's the matter, why are you so angry all the time? My sister and I will rebuild the relationship a little bit... Even if it's a little radical, you don't have to resist it all the time, after all, the matter is over. gone."

These words were very relaxed, but they were very annoying to Stella's ears.

"What is called a thing has already passed, how can this kind of thing..."

Seeing the confused expression on Kotori's face, Stella's heart skipped a beat.

Yes, why should I care so much about this kind of thing?

Logically speaking, this is just a slightly overly intimate exchange between the sisters.Why would I, an outsider like myself, and also a woman...would care so much?

Stella couldn't explain herself clearly.

However, there is only one point that she understands very well.

"Obviously... the relationship between the two of us." Her cheeks were flushed with shame, and Stella said slowly with some coyness:

"That's why I... don't want to see you kissing other people..."


Now, it was finally Miss Kotori's turn to make some funny noises.

What is... that kind of relationship! ?

Even if she didn't say it clearly, Kotori understood the meaning of Stella's words.But it was precisely because he heard the meaning that Kotori was so astonished.

When did the two of us have 'that relationship'! ?Why don't I know it myself!

Didn't they just meet for three days? !

"Why, why do you look so dumb! Obviously——— Kotori is my master!! If the master is a perverted sister, even I will be very troubled!!!"

The roar seemed to be like a roar, constantly echoing in this silent woods.



After the crazy hint yesterday, the blades have come a lot...

( * ▽ ▽ )

Chapter 287 Running and Flowing


Kotori couldn't help being shocked by Stella's sudden outburst of perverted breath, and took two steps back stiffly.

"You...why did you say such a thing suddenly?"

Wait, I seem to have made a strange bet with Stella a few days ago.At that time, I used this bet to tease Stella a bit...

"You still remember that kind of joke!?" Kotori yelled dumbfounded.

Is it really okay for an elegant and decent woman to keep such filthy things in her mind all the time! ?

But it's a pity that Kotori's questioning seems to have aroused Stella's resistance instead.With a blushing little face, she clenched her fists.He yelled out like venting.

"This... this is clearly the truth!!"

"The two of us blocked everything in that duel, and the result was that I lost to you neatly, that is to say, even if I have thousands of unwillingness, my body and mind belong to Kotori you!"

"I and Kotori are already in the same life community, and there is absolutely no relationship! And as a maid, isn't it a matter of course to guide the master to the right path!?"

As it should be... what a ghost!

Kotori hastily explained:

"So, from the very beginning, I was not prepared to bet on you!"

However, Stella immediately shook her head violently, her face full of reluctance.

"No, absolutely not! As a member of the royal family, that dignity doesn't allow me to break my promise! Besides, didn't Kotori already give the first order?"

Speaking of this, Stella's face changed, and she assumed a somewhat melancholy and cold expression and a cold and arrogant posture.Raising her finger, as if she were a peerless and haughty queen, she solemnly declared:

"'Stella, you must be mine!'"

"Who is it!!"

Kotori couldn't help complaining. "When did I talk to you with this expression!?"

Stella withdrew her face, and complained with a little resentment on her hips:

"It's just as good as the meaning, don't worry about it."


Meaning... is it really close?Kotori was almost surrounded by Stella.In the end, he scratched his hair helplessly, and said as if out of strength:

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong. You shouldn't do that kind of thing casually."

"...I barely forgive you." Stella muttered, and finally calmed down.

Of course, look at her like this.In fact, even if Kotori hadn't said such an apology, she would probably calm down soon.

It's just a little bit of pride.

"That's really thanks to Her Majesty Queen Stella for her generosity." Kotori shook her head dumbfounded.Seeing Qin Li's expression, Stella, who had calmed down, couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Well, I finally felt how childish what I said and did just now was.


Stella quickly patted her face, and Qiang Bo settled down by himself.After taking a few deep breaths, he finally threw those messy things out of his mind.

At this moment, Qinli also showed Shuanghui Yintie, holding it in his hand.

"Do you want to practice right?"

Ask Stella next to her.

In the three days of free time before, the two of them except for the long-distance run in the morning.During the day, they basically practiced simple sword techniques.

Although Stella's swordsmanship has been tempered and sharpened for a long time, every move and style is very standard and precise, as accurate as a textbook.You can see her hard work on weekdays.

But it still seems too immature to be on the world stage.

The actual combat that Stella has experienced is too rare, and she has not mastered the swordsmanship used in real combat.At present, she only knows, only that set of dry 'swordsmanship'.If there is a sudden change, she will not be able to respond appropriately.

That's why Kotori helped her overcome this problem.And the best solution is actual combat training.

"Okay...but Kotori, can you show that trick you did earlier?"

With a flash of fire, a golden sword appeared in Stella's hands.A trace of solemnity and admiration flashed across the girl's face.

She still has a fresh memory of the previous one.

A blow with almost all his strength, and Shizuku's attack on the opposite side.In Kotori's palm, like an obedient and well-behaved little animal, it can be manipulated and absorbed at will.

That scene was the first strange sight that Stella had seen until now.

"Ah... did you say what happened before?"

Kotori posed in a similar posture, and swipe and tug twice casually.

Seeing this, Stella nodded, "Yes, that's the trick. At that time, my flames and Shizuku's ice and snow were all blocked by you, Kotori. And...you were completely controlled by you Compressed into a ball. This is really..."

At the end, Stella still showed a terrified expression.

She could see that the two groups of violent energies were forcibly compressed into the palm of the hand by Kotori in some way.If you accidentally miss it, the end will definitely be a huge and fierce explosion.

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