But at this moment, a mutation happened.


There were terrified screams not far away.Immediately, everyone present looked over.It seems that a woman was pushed to the ground by someone, and the man who pushed her was very strong, and he was wearing a set of clothes similar to a camouflage uniform.

"Hey, what happened?"

"in argument?"

"I can't see clearly..."

The passers-by around began to bustling with each other in low voices.

But what happened immediately after that made everyone startled.

Because, the man who pushed down the woman raised the black object in his hand.

That's—a gun.

Da da da da da da da da da ——————

The M4 assault rifle fired into the sky, and all the bullets in the magazine poured out.The piercing sound of shooting and the collision of metal and iron continued to resound in the shopping mall.Immediately, there were terrified screams from the crowd.

"Everyone——don't move!!"

After the words fell, more than a dozen strong men filed in from nowhere.A dozen people held guns in their hands and aimed at everyone present.

All of these people were wearing gas masks and various camouflage bulletproof suits.It looks no different from a well-equipped army.

Standing in the crowd, Qin Li's expression sank slightly.

Shizuku and Stella also looked at each other, with a bad feeling in their hearts.



Thank you for the rewards of salted fish and chili~

Wait, didn't you see my blade bounty? (black question mark face


Chapter 292 Developments

'Revolutionary Army'

It is a notorious criminal organization even in the world.

People in this organization believe that the slasher is a person chosen by the gods, and defines ordinary humans as inferior humans.In this way it is intended to undermine the current social structure of 'cutters must protect powerless people'.

And all this is to build their paradise.

A new world of 'lower humans' ruled by the 'new humans chosen by the gods' - the Razor.

"I didn't expect to meet such a terrorist organization in this kind of place."

Kotori murmured in a low voice.

During this year, Kotori naturally learned some information about this terrorist organization.After all, it doesn't matter if it's the talk of students or the dissemination of information on social platforms.There will be more or less the name of this organization.

It's just that I didn't expect that I would actually meet in this kind of life.

What a disappointment...

"Everyone present, all raised their hands to me, and then lined up for me to go downstairs together!"

A man with a gun came up and roared impatiently.This rich and dull voice seemed particularly abrupt in the already extremely silent shopping mall.


A dozen or so terrorists around pointed their guns at the stiff people.

Suddenly, there was a panicked gasp from the crowd, for fear that these people would accidentally shoot their guns and shoot them.Because the cutters are still a minority after all, the tourists present are just ordinary people.If you are shot and don't get timely medical treatment, you will really die.

"Qinli, what should I do?" Taking advantage of those people not noticing her for the time being, Stella took a wide hat from a nearby shop and basically covered her face.

After all, she has been a hot topic during this period, and many people have an impression of her appearance.If there is any conflict in advance because of this, it would be bad.

"Wait a minute, these people are not the only ones here." Kotori narrowed her eyes slightly, scanning the well-armed soldiers around, and it seemed that several people were talking to someone on the walkie-talkie.

Moreover, the shopping mall, which was originally very noisy, was silent at the moment.Even if the fourth floor is hijacked, there should still be people on the floors below.but now......

"Among the three floors downstairs, it should be the same as here. They were all hijacked by these people."

Kotori's words made Stella and Shizuku frowned.The alarm in my heart became more and more obvious.

"Shut the fuck up all of them!—"


Another burst of flames burst out from the muzzle of the gun. The leading soldier looked around and nodded in satisfaction after seeing that no one spoke again.

He pointed at a tourist closest to him with a smoking gun.

"You, take the lead and go down first."

"Yes, yes!" The man almost fainted from fright, but he did what the soldier said honestly.

With such a leader taking the lead, the rest of the people naturally followed in a hurry.Under the supervision of these soldiers, they lined up to leave the fourth floor and returned to the food street on the first floor.

Among the crowd, Kotori and the other three were also mixed in.After all, the heights of the three girls are not impressive. Even Stella, the tallest, is only about [-] meters tall.Without disturbing those soldiers, it is more than enough to hide in the crowd with peace of mind.

After arriving at the food court on the first floor, Kotori and the others found out.The place was already full of tourists who were held hostage early.It seems that they were forcibly captured from other floors.

These people were also trembling under the surveillance of the soldiers around them, not daring to move rashly.

However, it is these soldiers who want to facilitate the management of custody.That's why all the people in the shopping center were suppressed here.

After Kotori memorized all the surrounding situation in her head, she whispered softly to Shizuku who was leaning on her side:

"Is there any way to protect the tourists here? At least the kind that can block the guns."

"...Don't worry, sister."

Shizuku nodded with a calm face, then closed her eyes, and lightly tapped her fingers on the ground.Some undetectable magical power slowly swayed between the girl and the ground, like fine ripples on the water.

Seeing this, Kotori secretly praised.

Shizuku's ability to control magic power is indeed beyond ordinary people. If it weren't for this extremely close distance, it would be difficult for even Kotori to notice that she was using her knife-cutting skills.

Now that Shizuku is already trying to find a way to protect the safety of the tourists around him who are also squatting on the ground.Then I should also suppress my emotions a little bit.

The revolutionary army that appeared here should be operating in groups, and they should not be fully assembled yet.

"Stella, we'll..."

Unfortunately, the situation began to develop in an unexpected direction.

"Don't bully my mother!—"

A young boy among the hostages screamed loudly and attacked a soldier of the Revolutionary Army at the same time.

Kotori and Stella were slightly startled, and turned their heads away quickly.

It happened that the little boy yelled and threw the ice cream in his hand at the soldier.And he didn't have time to dodge, the whole ice cream was glued to his crotch.Dyeing a layer of wet marks, it looks like it is peeing pants.

This level of counterattack is not even considered an attack.However, it was more than enough to provoke the soldier.

"You stinky bastard!!"

The soldier howled furiously, raised his foot at the same time, and kicked the child who was only six or seven years old mercilessly!

The little boy was kicked impartially, let out a cry of pain and flew several meters backwards.

"Xin Two!!"

A woman in her thirties ran out in terror, who seemed to be the little boy's mother.

Just looking at the appearance of her big belly, she should still be a pregnant woman.

"Woman, get out of here, don't get in my way!"

"I'm very sorry, very sorry! He's just a child! Please forgive him!" The mother cried bitterly and picked up the little boy who was unconscious.

Such a noisy conflict naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!"

"Damn it, this kid actually threw ice cream at me, I won't kill him today!"

"Are you a fool!? How old are you, and you still get angry about this kind of thing!? How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to shoot hostages! If you want to be stupid and be killed by Mr. Smile, it's up to you It’s convenient! But don’t make us suffer together!”

"It's so noisy! There are so many hostages, what does it matter if one or two are missing!!"

The soldier who fell into a rampage pointed the muzzle of the gun in his hand at the mother and child who were lying on the ground.

"Please, please! Don't kill us..."

"Shut up! If a mere lowly human dares to say such a thing and stain my uncle's pants, then I will apologize with death!!"

The soldier pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

Then, a flash of fire flashed by.



(# ̄~ ̄#)

Chapter 293. 'Smile'

Pieces of lead symbolizing violence broke through the air and flew out.

Even if the pregnant mother could rely on her body to subconsciously resist, it would be futile after all.

The bullet would penetrate her body, and then hit the little boy who was tightly held in her arms.

Originally, it should be like this.

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