But as a faint flame flashed by, the bullet that shot straight out turned into ashes in mid-air.And it was the radiant Stella who appeared in front of the mother and son.

"What... there is a knife cutter?"

The surrounding Revolutionary Army soldiers couldn't help but feel shaken when they saw this scene.Almost subconsciously, they all raised the different guns in their hands, and shot at Stella together.

Bullets poured down like a storm, but the final result was no different from before.

These torrents of bullets, which were enough to shoot ordinary people into sieves, were all burned up before reaching Stella's body, turning into a gleam of flame and disappearing invisible.

This is the girl's flame coat named 'Feilong Yuyi', and the extremely hot high temperature has become the most solid barrier!

But the bursts of intense gunfire roared, causing the hostages present to panic and let out terrified wailing.

If this continues, the stray bullets will definitely hit those innocent hostages.

Stella breathed a sigh of relief when she thought of this, with an unusually serious expression on her face.

"Give it to me, all calm down!!"

The loud yelling immediately made the soldiers startled, and even the shooting action in their hands couldn't help but stop.It seemed to be overwhelmed by some kind of 'high-ranking' creature.

Originally, they were a little afraid of the knife cutter, but after hearing Stella's roar, they immediately kept silent and did not dare to act rashly, for fear that they would become the first target of Stella's attack.

"Very well, everyone calmed down."

Stella looked around and found that these soldiers were all standing in place with sad faces.Obviously, his own 'Feilong Yuyi' also played a very good deterrent effect.

Although she is only an overseas student in this country, she is a unique royal princess in her own country.

Therefore, she still has a little understanding of this so-called 'revolutionary army'.

Just like the internal structure of the 'Revolutionary Army'.

Especially their internal thinking has caused many people who don't understand to mistakenly think that this organization will have a large number of knife cutters.But in fact, most of the members of this organization are not knife cutters, but ordinary people.These ordinary people who agree with the organization's philosophy are called 'believers'.

But the real swordsmen are a minority in the organization and are called 'apostles'.

A team of ordinary people commanded by a small number of swordsmen to fight is the combat policy of the 'Revolutionary Army'.

The soldiers present were all ordinary people.From this point of view, the 'apostle' who led the team should still be staying elsewhere.

It's bad.

Stella snorted secretly.Originally, she shouldn't have appeared at this time, such a reckless move would be tantamount to giving up the initiative.But in the crisis situation just now, she couldn't remain indifferent and refused to save her.

The girl glanced at Kotori in the crowd, but saw that Kotori's face didn't show any annoyance, but was unusually calm.From the looks of it, Kotori seems to have a plan in mind.

Thinking of this, Stella also calmed down.He stared sharply at a soldier in front of him.

"On behalf of the hostages here, I will talk to your boss."

"Nonsense! Who are you... Where do you have the qualifications to say such things!?"

Stella couldn't help frowning when she heard this, raised her hand and took off the sun hat on her head and threw it away.Just as he was about to speak, a somewhat frivolous laughter came from one side.

"Ah, ah, I didn't expect a great person to be mixed in among the hostages."

Stella looked in the direction of the speaker, and found that a man with some tattoos on his face was slowly walking towards this side with a dozen soldiers.

After the man caught Stella's gaze, he couldn't help showing a somewhat funny smile.The tattoos on his face became more hideous and terrifying.

"Isn't this the Second Princess of the Vermilion Kingdom? It's really disrespectful."

"You are the leader of this group of idiots, aren't you?" Stella said coldly.

"Your Highness the Princess is very clear about this. That's right, my name is 'Smile', please give me more advice, Your Highness the Princess."

After the man introduced himself, his face immediately changed.He roared at the troublesome soldier beside him:

"Trash! Didn't I let you stay at ease! And, how dare you disobey my order and prepare to attack the hostages!?"

"No, no, it's that kid..."


Smile was about to yell at this stupid subordinate, but he closed his mouth as if thinking of something, and fell into deep thought silently.

"...Ah, yes. As an 'honorary citizen,' I will seek justice for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Smile took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at the trembling mother and son.

Stella was slightly startled when she saw this.

"what do you want to do?"

"Isn't it obvious what I want to do!?" The man named 'Smile' showed a ferocious smile, and his finger on the trigger slightly increased.


Without any hesitation, Stella immediately reached out and summoned the 'Feilongsin Sword'.When the flames spread, she jumped up and slammed down on the man!

However, in the face of Stella's powerful blow.The man had a weird smile on his face.

He stretched out his left hand neatly, and easily clamped Stella's 'Feilongsin Sword' directly with his two fingers!

"What?!" Stella was extremely astonished.

You know, this cut is almost her hard blow.Resisting with two fingers like this is simply not something humans can do!

What's more, the flames wrapped around the sword are enough to melt refined iron, how could the human body be able to bear it! ?

"It's a pity. Although you are very powerful, you don't know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Before Stella could react, the man raised his right fist and hit the girl's abdomen.The powerful force pierced through the air directly, and the momentum was terrifying!


But this powerful punch was blocked between lightning and flint.There was a dull roar.

A small white palm firmly blocked the path of the fist, preventing it from advancing an inch.

"This farce is over."

The cold and clear voice echoed in this silent space.



(; '⌒`)

Chapter 294 Sword Light Flashes (Fourth Change)


Seeing that his attack was so easily resisted, the man named 'Smile' couldn't help but change his face, and immediately took a few steps back extremely vigilantly.She stared at Kotori's figure and face rather gloomyly.

"Is it 'Yasha Ji'? No, no, she is not red-haired and red-eyed. Are you..."

"Do you think I need to tell you?"

Kotori responded indifferently, and at the same time gently put down Stella who was hugging her waist.Looking sideways, he said to Stella beside him:

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

It was at that moment just now that Kotori realized that there was something wrong with that man, so he chose to make a move.

All the power and flames released by Stella were absorbed in an instant, and turned into the man's attack instead.

If she hadn't stepped forward to stop her, Stella would probably have been hit in the abdomen by a fist equivalent to her full blow, right?

Even if she won't be fatally injured by then, she will definitely be in pain for a while.After all, Stella is not using the 'fantasy form' spiritual outfit mode now.Instead, they are using the 'real image form', which is a real fight!

"It's okay, I haven't called yet."

Stella touched her abdomen with lingering fear, just at that moment.She already felt that the flame coat on her body was completely smashed and pierced by a punch. If Kotori was a little later, she would have probably received a punch for nothing.

And at this time, 'Smile' seemed to have regained his original composure.

"Hmph, forget it. It's okay if you don't tell me your identity. Anyway, for me... having you one more is just a sideshow."

'Smile' didn't care about Kotori's indifferent tone just now, instead he grinned with great interest.He regained his composure and looked down at Kotori and Stella with disdain.

"Even if 'Yasha Ji' appears in front of me, he must kneel down!"

The 'Yasha Ji' who was mentioned by him is a teacher who just entered the academy this year.Kotori has fought against that short little girl teacher a little bit, and her strength is quite good.


"Big words." Qin Li evoked a strange smile.

Because, the strength between these two people is simply heaven and earth!

And at this moment, a piercing cry suddenly sounded.

"Water barrier water lotus—!"

The girl named Shizuku Kurotsutsuki unleashed the sword-slashing skill that she had prepared for a long time.A clear torrent suddenly spewed out from under the outer circle surrounded by the hostages!

In an instant, all the hostages were isolated from the sight of the soldiers.


'Smile' suddenly realized that apart from the two knife-cutters in front of him, there was also a knife-cutter hidden among the hostages! ?

He immediately roared angrily: "Since you are looking for death, kill them all! Everyone, shoot them all, and kill all the guys who get in the way!"

Following the order of 'Smile', the soldiers raised their rifles and fired at the water barrier that suddenly appeared.The flames from the muzzle of the gun kept flickering, and the metal storm poured out.

The hostages shrank into a ball in shock, covering their heads and screaming.

However, after the bullets with strong penetrating power touched the water, their kinetic energy was quickly dissipated, and they flew towards the sky along the direction of the torrent.

Mixed with water droplets, it fell to the ground clangingly, as if it was raining.

"how can that be!?"

A mere layer of water curtain was able to withstand the fire of the guns, and such a thing suddenly made the soldiers scream in shock.

But unfortunately, they don't know.The turbulent water flow can still block a simple impact, and with the help of Shizuku's magic power, it is no problem to block a mere bullet!

Seeing this, 'Smile' gritted his teeth tightly.A bad premonition rose in my heart.

The next moment, a bone-chilling voice blew into his heart like a cold wind.

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