This kind of thing is actually quite normal.Even if they are good girlfriends and the like, they will occasionally have some jokes or something.From Kotori's point of view, such an approach is quite self-contained.

"Well..." Stella kept her mouth shut and said nothing.

Although she really wanted to say that this was not a matter of flirting, but that she seriously wanted to be something to Kotori... But in this case, it's better to keep silent.

"You two...really..."

The chairman sighed sadly. "Forget it, this kind of behavior is indeed normal for you young people, but I can't say anything. But at this time, it's better not to make any strange behaviors in public."

"...Don't worry, there is no such thing as strange behavior." Kotori assured with righteous words.

The relationship between the two is still in a hazy stage, so it is naturally impossible to do anything as intimate as a couple.The photos published in the newspapers are, after all, just fake photos that have been misplaced.

At that time, it was just that Stella moved her body, and wanted to shrink into Kotori's arms just like Shizuku, but she didn't realize that her body size was far from Shizuku's, and her whole head collided with Kotori's head.

It was this scene that was captured on camera, and people mistakenly thought that the two were kissing passionately.

Fortunately, the person who took the picture didn't go any further. If he took a little more pictures, he might be able to capture Shizuku who was curled up in Kotori's arms.Of course, if you get too close, even if Kotori doesn't take the initiative to sense the surroundings, you can still find those subtle sights.

"Don't be in a hurry to deny it, and I don't mean to blame you..." Seeing Kotori's rebuttal, the chairman said dumbfoundedly:

"I'm not an old woman who doesn't understand the past. It doesn't matter to me whether this kind of thing happens or not."

"The real question now is whether you can get Stella's parents to notice what's going on here through this scandal with enough weight."

These words immediately brought Stella back to her senses, who had fallen into a delusional fantasy.

"Let my parents, notice?"

"Yes, there is no need to cover up and deny the possibility of that fact, and go along with the flow to acquiesce in the occurrence of the special relationship between you and Wuhe. In this way, your parents should spare time to rush here maybe."

Even kings and queens are parents after all.

Once Familia's king or queen personally admits the correctness of this relationship and accepts Kotori's existence.Then, all those scandals and malice will become powerless attacks.

Stella suddenly realized, and quickly took out her student handbook.

"If that's the case, then I'll contact my father and queen mother now, is that okay?"

"I can't ask for it." The chairman nodded immediately.

This is already a relatively good and stable solution that she can think of so far.

If it can be achieved.

She glanced slightly, and saw Qinli sitting next to Stella where the old god was.That look didn't seem to care about this scandal at all. To Kotori... on the contrary, she cared more about the chat between Stella and her parents.

Because it is an international call, the call time is a little longer.Kotori and the chairman were silently listening to the beeps in the student handbook, waiting secretly.

And Stella, who dialed the number, clenched her hands slightly.My heart beat violently.




Chapter 317 Subtle Dialogue

Stella felt the weight of this emotion when she really had to face it.

Can I make my parents accept such heterogeneous emotions?

Can he convince his parents to accept Kotori's existence?

Or... can it make parents happy?

And so on, all the confusion lingered in her heart, and it turned into the most basic and nervous emotions that permeated.

Stella felt a little sweat in her palms, and her heart was beating non-stop.

"Don't mess up."

At this moment, Kotori reached out her hand and held Stella's both.

Stella turned her head to look, only to find that Kotori was staring at herself firmly.

"Although I say this kind of thing, it's a little suspicious of talking to myself. But Stella, sometimes it's good to follow your inner impulse. Your parents would not want to see their daughter because of this Emotionally turned into such a weak and hesitant look, right?"

If they saw their daughter turned into this indecisive look, no matter how enlightened Stella's parents were, they would never agree to the existence of such a relationship.

Because, this will definitely not bring any benefits to Stella, but will pull her into the abyss instead!

"I don't remember that my Stella would become the submissive look she is now. No matter in front of anyone, stand tall and proudly speak out about your experience and past."

To be able to raise an upright and outstanding girl like Stella, her parents must be quite excellent and enlightened.Although Kotori couldn't guarantee it, she also had some intuition in her heart.

Stella's face was startled, and she nodded emphatically after a while.

At this time, the broken international long-distance call was finally connected.

"I'm Stella Vermilion, my father or mother."

Stella raced against time to speak first, and the other party responded immediately after a moment's pause.

A little busy tone came from the other end of the phone, as if the call had been transferred.

Soon, a somewhat dull and thick voice came from the other end of the phone, which seemed to be Stella's father.

"Is it Stella?"

"It's me, father." Stella's face was serious, and she changed from her previous anxious appearance.

"I want to tell you something about..."

"About the scandal between you and that wild girl who doesn't know where she came from?"

Before Stella finished speaking, the other person immediately said in a strange tone: "Tell me, it's not with any wild boy, but with a wild girl?"

He didn't refer to 'scandal' as the 'scandal' the public is talking about these days.It can be seen that Stella's father and king did not believe in the random fabrications of those newspapers and periodicals, but judged everything with his own eyes.

But obviously, even if he can see that there is something fake in the 'scandal'.But still a little bit delicate about his daughter having an intimate relationship with another girl.

"Or, you have nothing to do with that wild girl at all. You were just slandered and threatened?"

Speaking of this, the strong voice on the other side carried a bit of awe-free momentum.


Interrupted like this, Stella didn't know what to say.The rhetoric that had just been brewed was suddenly disrupted, and I was a little unable to react how to answer it.

"I...didn't have that kind of thing with some wild boy. Those scandals or something, it's..."

Seeing her faltering for a long time and not being able to explain clearly, Kotori couldn't help rolling her eyes, and reached out to take the student handbook in Stella's hand.

"Let me say it. After all, I'm also the person involved, so it's not a problem for you to solve it alone."

"Kinli..." Stella opened her mouth, but finally she had no choice but to lower her head.

She really didn't know how to confess that kind of thing to her parents.It's not that they are timid to be denied by them, but that they don't know how to organize their words.

It was a little too early for her.

"Ahem, you are Stella's father, right?"

"...A different person, are you that wild girl?" An angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How about tempering your temper a little before we talk, King Familia."

Kotori glanced at the director who was silent and listening peacefully.I didn't pay too much attention to it.He continued to speak calmly:

"I'm not the wild girl you say, and I don't want to be a punching bag for you to vent your anger casually. This is the most basic respect for the other party, isn't it?"

"Smart teeth... You used that mouth to coax my daughter into bed!?"

King Vermilion gritted his teeth and growled.

Although it was understandable to be angry, why did it sound so strange to Kotori's ears?

When did I put Stella to bed? ?

The scandal didn't go into so much detail! ?

Kotori stroked her bangs on her forehead and said helplessly:

"Your Majesty, have you misunderstood something? There is no such dirty relationship between Stella and I, and... there is no one who has just known each other for such a short period of time. Are you delusional? "


There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone.

Kotori's eyes also became more subtle.

"Ah! Disrespectful brat! It would be disrespectful to speculate on the king's mind!"

At the end, the tone also returned to its original majesty and serenity.

But Kotori could barely squeeze out a word.



Obviously, Stella's father was half-deadly pissed off by Qinli's insipid response.Kotori and the others could hear the roar of the flames on the other end of the phone.

Really annoyed...

The director and Stella looked at Kotori and couldn't help but laugh.

After spending so long with Kotori, they naturally understand how rascal Kotori's sometimes annoying communication methods are.It's just irritating.

"Damn girl, let me tell you first, if you talk to me in this tone again, I will end all future relations between you and Stella!"

"Hmm~ If you speak in a better tone, will it stop?"

"...How dare you lie to me!?" His Majesty the King laughed angrily. "Don't tell me you think I'm Stella's father, so you think I can accept you in this way of talking like a house!?"

"wishful thinking!"

A roaring voice came from the other end of the phone.

Kotori hastily removed the student handbook and gritted her teeth.muttered softly:

"It's so loud..."

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