"Ahaha..." Stella could only laugh awkwardly.

Maybe Stella's loud voice when she was angry was the man who inherited it?

"Where's Stella!? Ask Stella to come out and talk to me. I don't recognize this wild girl. This kind of guy who can only speak beautiful words to confuse people will never want to take away my daughter's body and mind!"

"..." Qin Li pursed her lips and sighed lightly.



(@[email protected];)

Chapter 318 A Simple Provocative Method

To be honest, Stella is not the only one who is very nervous about talking to her parents and doesn't know how to face and talk.

Kotori is actually the same way.

This is a faint sense of tension that I haven't felt in a long time.Anxiety and excitement that touches the heart.

Combining the past and the present for more than [-] years, Kotori has never been in love.Even getting along with girls has gradually become more comfortable in the recent period, let alone talking with the girl's parents in person.

That kind of thing is too far away, and Kotori doesn't have the slightest experience to speak of.

I don't know what tone to use to talk to parents, and I don't know what depth of conversation to have.Even before that, Kotori didn't know about the preferences and personalities of Stella's parents.

Just communicating directly with parents without any preparation is no different from self-explosion.Even though Kotori thought that she was pretty good at talking on weekdays, she was helpless in the face of this situation.

She is not omnipotent.

If possible, Kotori can also let it go and leave all this to Stella to face and solve it alone.As her biological daughter, she was naturally more comfortable communicating with that king.

But ah...

That's really too bad.

"Where's Stella! Hurry up! I know you're listening! Your mother and I will never admit to such an impolite girl, so you should die as soon as possible!"

When Stella heard this, she couldn't help but bowed her head deeply.My heart is twisted into a ball.


Kotori glanced at the disappointed expression on Stella's face.I already have an idea in my heart.

Yes, the conversation this time should not be handed over to Stella.And I should not lower my stance in a low voice to beg others.

Because this is the way to meet Stella and the others' expectations and resolve this matter safely.Rather than 'seeing parents' in the true sense.

Since it's just a means to solve the problem, the process... is better if it's simple and rough!

"Have you said enough?" Kotori made a somewhat cold voice.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly froze into ice.Both Stella and the chairman looked at Kotori in astonishment, they didn't expect her to speak in such a tone suddenly.

"Kin... Kotori..." Stella became even more panicked, and quickly stretched out her hand to grab Kotori's arm.

"Do not be angry..."

"..." The other end of the phone probably didn't expect Kotori's tone to change suddenly.All of a sudden fell into silence.

"It's over, isn't it?"

Kotori lowered her head slightly, and her tone was blowing softly like a biting cold wind.

"You're so noisy, you're still the king of a country!? What do you say for the sake of your daughter? In fact, it depends on your own mood!"

"You woman..." The opposite party laughed, but his tone became quite gloomy.

"Finally unable to hold back, are you ready to tear your skin apart with me?"

"Yeah, it's not my style to speak politely. Especially when the other party has 'bad intentions' at all."

Kotori didn't wait for the other party to reply, and immediately continued:

"I'm not going to beat around the bush and try my best to please you. Even if I rack my brains about that kind of thing, you won't be able to have a satisfactory day. It's better to just treat you the same way you treat strangers."

"To a middle-aged uncle like you... I usually only say one word."

Having said that, Kotori paused slightly.Then the corner of his mouth formed a somewhat strange arc.


"Bold!!" An angry voice roared from the other end of the phone.

And Stella's face also became a little pale.

She could tell that her father was really getting angry and angry.

"A commoner who was expelled by the family dared to say such presumptuous words to me, do you really not know how the word "death" is written!?"

"Oh, of course I know how to write, so I won't bother you."

Qinli rolled her eyes and said lightly: "Oh, right. Didn't you yell at me not to recognize me before, and wanted Stella to continue talking with you? I'm sorry, Stella is busy now, no I have no time to answer your phone, so I feel sorry for you, so I can only sit here and chat slowly with me."


"Don't come and go, just change the word. We'll talk for a long time. Seeing you like this, you shouldn't be short of words. Then I'm going to have a headache."

"..." There was only a panting voice on the other side.There seemed to be considerable anger brewing in it.

"Hey, uncle. Don't pant like that, it sounds very intrusive. People who don't know will think it's a salty and wet monster."

While speaking, Kotori's expression became more and more relaxed.Her petite body leaned against the sofa behind her, crossed her legs, and swung around on her toes.

Already mastered the rhythm of speaking.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Now Stella is busy packing her luggage, and I'm too busy to take the time to talk to you. I'm quite embarrassed if you don't say a word like this."

The truth is, Kotori isn't embarrassed at all, she's even flattered.

Stella seemed to understand Kotori's actions after the initial shock.While secretly laughing, he poured a cup of tea for Qin Li to moisten his throat.

Qinli took the tea cup handed over by Stella, and sipped the hot tea in it.He half-closed his eyes and said lazily:

"Psychological quality doesn't have to be that bad, does it? It's just that the tone of your treatment has changed a bit. Why did you suddenly misfire?"

"You wild girl... a noble princess like Stella will never be handed over to a ruffian like you!"

"I'm sorry, but she's already been handed over to me." Kotori smiled pretendingly.

"Tell you, Stella, great!"


Kotori immediately heard a click-like sound from the opposite side, it seemed to be the sound of a mobile phone being crushed?

"You are... looking for a way to die!"

"I'm sorry, Stella and I are preparing to run away now."

Qin Li immediately said without hesitation: "Now the world is really dangerous. We were accidentally photographed and people started pointing at us everywhere. I don't mind it. Stella can't bear this. So we both decided to go back to seclusion. Xianglin, find a secluded mountain village to live in. Ah, it’s best to stay away from human society.”


"Should I say something?... You are really incompetent as a father. Your daughter is slandered and still indifferent. You only know how to yell with your daughter. What kind of king is it?"

After pondering for a while, Kotori spoke decisive words.

"It really deserves my daughter to be snatched away by me."


On the other end of the phone came the sound of jingle bells and palm trees smashing things.

The three people present could probably imagine how angry and helpless His Majesty the King of the Familian Empire was at the moment.

The next moment, the voice rang on the other end of the phone, making the corners of Qinli's mouth slightly curl up.

"You wild girl, wait for me! Don't even think about running away! Don't think you can be forgiven just because you are a girl! I'll rush over and beat you up right away!!"


Kotori hung up the phone and handed it to Stella.

He showed a narrow and mischievous smile like a little devil.

"Look, isn't your father and king coming soon?"



(o_ _)?

Chapter 319 A Good Father (Fourth Change)

"...I really don't know what to say about you, Wuhe."

The chairman held his forehead and sighed helplessly.

She already understood what Kotori wanted to do in the previous series of words.

His Majesty the King of the Vermilion Kingdom is a little awkward and stubborn in character. To put it bluntly, he is the demeanor of a king, but to put it bluntly, he is quite difficult.

It's not that others can fool you with a few words.

To be honest, if the chairman is allowed to choose from Kotori's point of view, and Stella is allowed to negotiate with the king alone, the success rate may be quite high.

To be able to cultivate an upright and pure girl like Stella, it can be seen that the king is not as intoxicated with power as imagined.Rather, the father and daughter have similar personalities in a sense.

All the same tantrums.

"Father must be furious now."

Stella showed a dumbfounding expression.

But she didn't complain or feel unhappy towards Kotori either.After all, she was quite familiar with her father.Although she was really angry just now, she actually knew quite well what her father really thought.

After taking off his status as a king, that man is just a father who spoils his daughter too much.

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