"There's really no other way... I'm a little bit hard on this kind of communication with the elders, and I can't handle the sense of distance in it."

After Kotori hung up the phone, her original haughty expression also faded away.The original tone and look were restored.

"Instead of passively agreeing and playing some clever tricks, it will make Stella's father unhappy. It's better to use a little radical method to make a final decision."

"But wouldn't this be too..." the chairman smiled wryly.

Indeed, no matter from any angle.Kotori's words and tone just now were too rude.Even the chairman, an outsider, sounds a little harsh.

"Ah...it's okay, it's okay."

Stella quickly waved her hand, signaling that the chairman doesn't need to pay too much attention.

"Just now I was too concerned about this matter, and I was a little nervous. But I still know my father very well. Although that guy is quite ruthless in his mouth, and he is furious at every turn, but A pretty gentle guy actually."

After mentioning her father, Stella showed a subtle expression on her face.

"Although it's a little strange for me to say this. But the father still likes children quite a lot. If he sees Kotori again after he finds out the truth, he will probably be relieved."

Stella said firmly.

From the looks of it, she is quite confident and respectful of the cuteness of Kotori's appearance.

It's just that this statement sounds a bit weird.


Kiri sighed.

"At that time, I'd better go and apologize in person."

Otherwise, I still feel a little sorry in my heart, after all...the other party is Stella's parent.

"That's good..." The director finally showed a little smile, and his expression eased a little.But as if he had thought of something, he pondered.

"Stella, can you confirm with your father when you will come here?"

"Eh? Is it time to... this country?" Stella blinked.

"Well, this question is quite important. After all, if there is no way to determine the time, it is too unstable."

After all, there is no way for everyone to confirm with certainty when those people from the 'Heitie Family' will suddenly strike.If you have been in a passive state of being beaten.The situation will become more and more rigid.

"Well, the exact time..."

Stella scratched her hair, seemingly distressed.Looking down at his student handbook, he whimpered a few times as if giving up on himself.Stretch out your finger and press it a few times.

"Don't tell me, Stella, you are going to ask your father directly now."

The corners of Kotori's eyes twitched, looking a little helpless.

"...Ahaha, it's better to ask simply, isn't it?"

Stella raised her head and smiled dryly at Kotori.


This girl, sometimes is really a little too 'honest'.

Kotori didn't know what to say to her.No matter how much the king loves his daughter, he won't be able to speak calmly after being scolded and ridiculed by his daughter's "concubine", right?

Kotori couldn't imagine such a situation.

Then, after a while.The student handbook in Stella's hand trembled slightly.

"Ah, here comes the message."

Stella glanced at the student handbook, and said happily: "My father said that it will be about three weeks later, and the affairs during this period are still quite busy. It is quite rare to be able to spare this time."


Such a father is really rare.It seems that he really dotes on Stella very much.

Moreover, it seems that she didn't really take Kotori's ridicule just to heart.

Kotori couldn't help admiring secretly.Although His Majesty the King has a hot personality and holds high power.But still being able to value his family so much is truly commendable.

"Three weeks, it's okay...just when the selection round is over...it's time for us to wrap up."

The chairman pouted his chin and whispered softly.

It seems that she already has a certain coping method in her heart.

"The ending...?" Kotori tilted her head.

Hearing Kotori's unsure words, the chairman pondered:

"Yes, the end. If the king of the Vermilion Kingdom came to visit in person, those people would certainly not be able to do any dirty tricks on the surface. As long as the king finds a way to personally recognize Kotori's identity and existence, those people before And all those scandals will go away."

"Once the scandal is overturned, the 'Ethics Committee' will lose face and be unable to step down. At that time, it will be our turn to hold them accountable!"

"Are you planning to fight back?"

Stella asked.

"Of course. They dare to discredit my students in my territory, and I will make them regret it for the rest of their lives."

Having said that, a somewhat ferocious and cruel smile appeared on Miss Chairman's face.

"This is the first time I've admired you." Kotori looked at her face and chuckled with interest.

Although this woman has an elusive personality, she is sincerely thinking about the students.

Qinli knew very well that her 'identity' had been noticed by her and Xijing Ningyin.But they still didn't point out this false lie, but accepted it all.

Just such a move is enough to make Kotori feel grateful.



Blade change (85/92)


Chapter 320 Shizuku's Abnormality (Fifth Change)

After finishing the conversation with the chairman, Kotori and Stella didn't go anywhere else, but returned to the dormitory quickly.

At present, the place where the two of them can stay at ease, the only place that can be considered clean is the dormitory.Although the two of them didn't care too much about the eyes of those students, it still affected their mood.Simply stay in the dormitory for a while during this time.

Kotori, who walked into the dormitory first, quickly took off her small leather shoes and walked into the back room.Stretching a little tiredly, he muttered like a groan.

"Well... what happened in the past two days is really bad."

"I'm sorry Kotori..." Stella, who had just closed the door, could not help showing a wry smile when she heard this mutter.

"It's all because of my unpreparedness that I showed such flaws to those people. If I could be a little more reserved outside, this troublesome thing wouldn't have happened."


Just as Kotori was about to turn her head and say something, her words paused slightly.The body also stopped in place, looking in the direction of the bed.

Because, there was an extremely petite silver-haired girl sitting there quietly, her eyes slightly lowered, and there were some crystal clear and sporadic ice and snow particles floating around.

"Shizuku, why are you here?"

Moreover, sitting here is still silent.Unprepared, Kotori almost didn't realize that there was someone sitting on the bed just now.


After Shizuku heard Kotori's words, her body trembled slightly.As if regaining consciousness, he slowly opened his small mouth.A ray of cold air came out of his mouth.

"I'm...waiting for my sister..."

This rather dry and hoarse voice immediately made Kotori a little uneasy, and hurried forward a few steps and asked:

"Why did the voice suddenly become like this?"

While speaking, Kotori reached out her hand to touch Shizuku's cheek.But the moment it touched the skin, a heart-piercing chill spread along the fingertips.

clack clack-

Kotori looked at her fingers in surprise, and a thin layer of ice suddenly formed.In just the blink of an eye, it has spread to the entire finger.


Withdrawing his fingers, he squeezed hard.All the ice crystals that had condensed on the fingers shattered.

"elder sister..."

Shizuku slowly raised her head, and her body creaked like an ice sculpture.After seeing the girl's face clearly at this moment, Kotori stopped breathing and widened her eyes in astonishment.

Because Zhu Shizuku's face was extremely pale at the moment, as clear and crystal clear as a piece of black ice.The originally soft and moist silver hair hung down with little ice crystals like a curtain of jewels.There were bursts of cold air all over the body, but it condensed and lingered around the body.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

"Shizuku, what happened to you?"

Kotori murmured in surprise.

Even in past memories, there has never been an impression of Shizuku in this state.Moreover, Shizuku's ability is not 'ice' but 'water' to be precise.It is only by being able to control the water structure that existences such as ice can be created.

But now... the chill on Shizuku's body is real!

"I heard... the news about my sister."

Shizuku clenched her little hands on her knees slightly, and the cold air on her body became more and more icy.Stella's bed where she was sitting had been inadvertently affected and began to freeze rapidly.

However, what made Kotori feel uneasy at the moment...was what Shizuku said.

"You... got it."

Kotori let out a long sigh.

It's not that he feels guilty and uneasy because his sister found out about those false and forged scandals, but he basically understands the reason for Shizuku's current abnormal state.

"The scandals spread in the newspapers, Shizuku, you shouldn't just believe them casually, right?"

"Of course...not..." Shizuku slowly shook her head.

"Although I am very envious and jealous of Stella's existence, but... I will not doubt Stella's intentions. I recognize her existence and her qualification to be close to my sister."


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