...No face to face people.

After Nero broke through this paper-thin relationship in the past, Kotori now knows...what is the true nature of this mutual relationship.

...Suddenly felt that I would become a scumbag?

Kotori couldn't help but feel guilty and uneasy.

Probably noticing that something was wrong with Kotori's expression, Stella and Shizuku stretched out their hands at some point, and gently held Kotori's hands.There was no unnecessary negative emotion on the faces of the two of them.

"Rest well and don't think too much."

"Sister, Shizuku is responsible for everything."


When you say that, I feel even more guilty!

Kotori drooped her shoulders wanting to cry but without tears, her whole person seemed a little depressed.

Edelweiss on the side looked at Kotori who was depressed, and blinked involuntarily.

She probably didn't expect that after shedding the blood and rage of the battle.Kotori also has such a sentimental heart, right?

Although this sentimentality... seems to be used in the wrong place?

Just as she was thinking about it, something suddenly interrupted her train of thought.


Edwards took a breath.Suddenly sensing a strange sight, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the back of Kotori's right hand.


On the back of the originally white and flawless hand, a strange bright red mark slowly appeared.

And that wonderful line of sight seems to be brought about by this mark.

Quite sharp eyesight, as if considering and examining something.Edelweiss felt that the clothes on his body had become decorations, and was directly penetrated by this line of sight, scanning them from beginning to end.

If there wasn't any malice in this line of sight, maybe Edelweiss would not be able to restrain his instincts and fight back directly, right?

It wasn't until his eyes faded away that Edelweiss secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Staring at the back of Kotori's hand in confusion.

The bright red lines had disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

Edelweiss already had some guesses in his heart, but after seeing Stella and Shizuku, he learned his lesson and did not speak rashly.Young people are very cautious when it comes to love, and any disturbance will cause a violent backlash. This... She basically understands it.

However, it was precisely because of the understanding that Edweis had the same idea of ​​sighing or complaining.

What a sinful girl...

And at this moment, in order to hide her embarrassment, Kotori asked:

"What happened after the duel?"

Stella and Shizuku looked at each other and smiled.

"Naturally, it has continued to develop according to our wishes. Important changes have taken place in the Black Iron family. The rights in the alliance were revoked and transferred back by the headquarters, and the scale of commercial sales has been hit hard. It can be said that both business and business have suffered."

"It's really... being thrown out as a scapegoat. But..."

When Kotori heard such a result, she couldn't help showing a mocking smile.

"Sure enough, you deserve what you deserve."



( ? ω?? )?

Chapter 348 Meeting

The Black Iron Family, which existed several centuries ago, has always been famous throughout the country for producing a large number of talents.Of course, the most important talent among them is still above the cutter.I don't know how many outstanding swordsmen have been born, and they are all well-known pillars in the society.

But...it is precisely because of this halo that such a family is on the road to self-destruction.

As the current head of the Kuroite family said, why did he try his best to kill Kotori in the cradle?

Because, it is impossible for such a person with no talent to set foot on the peak that even a talented person may not be able to set foot on.

If a precedent like this is set, the rules and traditions that have been passed down from ancient times to the present will be broken.Following her example, more and more mediocre people will start rebelling against such a system.The balance of power will also be overturned sooner or later. This kind of ending is not what they want to see.

That's why they tried their best to suppress the Patriarch's daughter forcibly.Suppress those small thoughts that shouldn't be in those families.

Why did the head of the family say to his daughter, 'Since there is nothing you can do, then don't do anything'?

It's just because, in his eyes, Kotori doesn't exist.But it was placed in the most inferior position.

In his eyes, only order and rules, power and status are the truth.

There is nothing better than this as a messenger of justice in power.


Seeing this middle-aged man in memory again, Kotori didn't show any emotion.The two are now staying in a closed bright room in the alliance branch, looking at each other.

Finally, in a sense, it was the first time I saw this nominal 'father'.

Kotori was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, her gaze was very cold.

It didn't take long before he was discharged from the hospital, and Kotori was invited to come to this kind of place only after the chairman and others communicated the news to each other, which can be regarded as a thorough settlement with the Kuroite family.

Different from Qinli's elegant attire at the moment, the man on the opposite side looked a bit downcast at the moment.

The original clothes are bright and beautiful, the expression is cold and serious, and the temperament of a superior person acquired by being in a high position for a long time has disappeared without a trace.But even if he changed to the current sluggish expression, it still couldn't make Kotori feel the slightest bit of compassion.

It seems that due to the exhaustion of mind and body for many days, a little stubble appeared on the meticulously arranged face.After a moment of silence, he slowly opened his mouth.


"Stop." Kotori stopped his words immediately, and continued coldly under his somewhat dazed gaze:

"Speak well and don't call me that kind of endearment. It's pretty disgusting."


The man suddenly fell into a long silence, and his cloudy eyes were full of complex colors.He probably didn't expect that his daughter, who had always been very gentle and considerate in the past, would become what he is now.

However, this evil result was planted by himself.No one can make him complain and complain.

After a long time, he finally opened his mouth again.

"Miss Wuhe Kotori... I... beg for your forgiveness on behalf of the Kuroite family."

Really straight to the point.

Kotori crossed her arms and stared expressionlessly at the man in front of her.

From the past to not long ago, I can still vividly remember what this man did.Kotori didn't take those things to heart, it doesn't mean that Kotori can forget all those nasty things.

Those unforgettable pain and despair are still lingering in her mind, it is the lifelong pain and burden of the girl named 'Black Tie Qin Li'.

Even if he could bear all the hardships, he gritted his teeth and insisted on walking.The burden accumulated since she was a child will eventually overwhelm her completely.

As... the Kurotsutsu family expected.

But it's a pity that these people are too self-righteous.

"Do you think that just an apology can expose all the crimes?"

Kotori twirled a strand of hair hanging from her temples, put it in the palm of her hand and played with it carefully, at the same time stared straight at it with falcon-like eyes, and said with a sneer:

"I don't want words like 'if', 'assuming', 'possible' to describe the tragic ending that I will inevitably get in the future if I don't resist. Because such an approach is meaningless. However, this does not mean that Then I will let you go so generously."

"You guys from the Black Iron family disgust me and make me sick. Other than that, I don't have any other impressions. And for such an enemy who makes me feel disgusted from the bottom of my heart, do you think I will wave my hand and leave?" reconcile?"

"..." The man remained silent, as if the words just now had exhausted all his strength and courage.

Qinli's words paused slightly, propped her cheeks, and looked at the man's expression.

"Do you think that I will still be the kind of little girl who was bullied by others before, and can be fooled with a few words? Or is it that you have such a fluke in your heart, thinking that I can read a lot about the so-called blood relationship? Bypass you?"

Having said that, Kotori sneered and revealed a few words.

"Whimsical, daydreaming."


The man's expression froze slightly, and his hands on his knees were immediately clenched tightly.

It seems that what Qinli said really hit his heart.

Several years have passed since the last time we met.After fleeing from the family from Qinli, he has never looked for or seen Qinli.He just thought it was a dead daughter.

No need to be sad, no need to care.

If it wasn't for Qinli's sudden emergence in the Pojun Academy, they would definitely not pay attention to Qinli again.Because, a famous family with a long history does not need a mediocre heir.

After the death of the black iron dragon horse, this kind of thinking became even more deeply rooted and penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the family.Only Shizuku felt disgust and hatred for such a family, and resolutely left the family as well, and followed Kotori who had regained the news to the Pojun Academy.

"It seems that your only hope is shattered."

Seeing the man's gloomy expression, Kotori twitched the corners of her mouth, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Then, abdicate. Useless former Patriarch."

"How about obediently giving up your position before I use violence?"



 ̄へ ̄

Chapter 349 Advent and Separation (Fourth Change)

The final solution of the matter was quite simple.

Since this so-called black iron family has already lost face in the power class, and has been targeted by many foreign forces, they will definitely have trouble in the future.

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