In such a society ruled by law, fighting and killing is not a good thing.

So Kotori directly came up with a trick to root out the last hope of the Kuitie family.Remove the command center of their power.Then even if relying on other people can save this situation, presumably... In the future, this Black Iron family will definitely have no chance to rise.

At the beginning, Kotori was going to kick that man off and let Shizuku take over the leaderless family.But after thinking about taking over this kind of mundane business, she will definitely be trapped by many things, and Shizuku doesn't have a good opinion of the Kuroite family at all.

As far as Shizuku herself said, she would rather go out and open a small restaurant by herself in the future than go back to a cage that is no different from a prison.

So in the end Kotori gave up on this idea.

Of course, this is no big deal.To master such an empty shell family is to add to the obstacles for oneself.Kotori couldn't force her sister to do such troublesome things.

As for the final decision?

Naturally, it was left to those 'big shots' to do it themselves.

This time the scandal has involved quite a few forces in the country, and the state agencies have also taken this opportunity to rectify those organizations and families that have corrupted morals.As for how to arrange the knight branch that has been eliminated from the right department, it depends on the arrangement of the headquarters of the knight alliance.

But these troubles have nothing to do with Kotori and the others.If it is a very good swordsman, some forces may be interested in recruiting it.But if it is too strong, the final result is completely opposite.

The girl known as the "Uncrowned Sword King" has become as famous as "Bi Wing" after this battle.The shocking battle also made the world understand the horror of the girl named 'Wuhe Qinli'.

If you still want to do some small tricks under this situation, in every sense, some people are really out of their minds.


A somewhat surprised voice sounded in the office of the chairman of Pojun Academy.

"You said... you're leaving the Po Military Academy?"

The chairman suddenly stood up from his seat, and looked at Kotori who was sitting across the desk in puzzlement. "Why did you suddenly make such a decision?"

"Could it be... because of this series of events, Wuhe, you feel that staying in this academy is no longer safe?"

Seeing the helplessness and disappointment flashing across the chairman's face, Kotori quickly waved his hands and said:

"Don't think too much, when did I say that?"

This woman, probably feels sad because she thinks she has no strength to protect her students?

That's what maternal brilliance is all about when you get older.Kotori explained in a rather complicated tone:

"I need to go abroad because I am busy with other things. Naturally, it is impossible to take care of my academic problems during this time."

"That's why I came directly to the chairman and you mentioned this matter. Let me take a longer vacation. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time for me to stay in the academy for the previous year?"

Speaking of this, Kotori couldn't help showing a playful smile.

This made the chairman heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he sat back on the chair with some exhaustion.

"Phew, I was shocked. I thought that after you became the real 'uncrowned sword king', you would look down on our small academy."

"Hey, hey, are you free to make a joke all of a sudden?"

He obviously still had that worried and distressed expression just now, but he recovered in a blink of an eye?

"Well, adults should always have a stronger psychological quality, right? And you also said that it's just a trip abroad, so I can stop you?"

The chairman lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

"Now if I try to stop me at will, I will probably be beaten to death by you? Ah... Maybe you will cut me down a few times for the sake of friends?"

"I won't hit you at all!"

Kotori flicked her fingers, and the strong wind shot out directly extinguished the flame on the cigarette.


Under the surprised gaze of the chairman, Kotori snorted softly. "It's better to smoke less cigarettes. If I see you in the future, I will give you a lesson without saying anything. It doesn't matter whether you are the so-called chairman of the academy."

"...It's self-willed, talk to me a little bit with the same tenderness you used to treat Stella and Shizuku."

The chairman could only show a helpless wry smile.

Kotori didn't care about this weak resistance, she simply stood up and waved her hand.

"Okay, leave is over. So... see you later!"

"Ah, I'm Dai Ningyin, let's say goodbye to you together." The director stood up again, and walked out of the office with Kotori.

Watching Kotori's voice going away, she took out a pack full of cigarettes from her coat pocket, smiled bitterly, and threw it into the trash can beside her.

"The brats these days are really scary..."

"But it's not bad either."


Walking out of the office building, Kotori saw several girls waiting for her not far away.And they also saw Kotori walking towards this side, and waved their hands happily.

"Kinri, have you finished asking for leave?"

"Ah, almost." Kotori replied with a sincere smile.

"Things have basically been dealt with, and it's time to go."

Stella and Shizuku couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and they both saw the reluctance and nostalgia in each other's eyes.But there is no reluctance or unwillingness.

They had a faint premonition in their hearts, so they didn't feel much sadness when this day actually came.

"It's a pity that the rare events are over, but there is not much time to play."

"Sister, when will you be back?"

Shizuku reached out and tugged on Rakoto's sleeve.

"I'll be back soon. At that time... don't be surprised. Also, don't be too slack during this time. I will be back in a while."

Kotori rubbed Shizuku's little head, this touch is still so addictive.

And these words are not lies to fool them.

In fact, after signing the knight oath with Edelweiss.A message was sent from the Lord God Space.

[The rules of the world are disturbed, and the personal world is connected to the main god space, which is fixed and completed.In the future, you only need to pay a certain amount of points to return to this dungeon world. 】

From the looks of it, I should thank Edelweiss well in the future.

"Huh, then I won't dawdle. I'll leave with Edweis first."

Kotori and the girls hugged each other, and waved goodbye to everyone with a warm smile.Stella and Shizuku stared at Kotori's disappearing figure for a long time, falling into a long wordless silence.

Immediately, their respective spiritual outfits appeared, and they looked at each other with burning eyes.


"Are they all right?" Edweiss, who was standing outside the campus, glanced at the noisy scene inside.

"Don't worry, they will have a sense of proportion."

Kotori reached out and took Edelweiss' right hand.She smiled softly and gratefully.


"Then, we'll see each other soon in the future."

After the words fell, a faint brilliance covered the girl's figure.Just in the blink of an eye, it completely disappeared without a trace.There was only a vague warm touch left in his hand, which left Edelweiss in a daze for a long time.

"'Lord God Space'...?"


Uncrowned Sword King, End



Volume [-] is about to start.

Volume Name: Doomsday War

Blade change (97/115)

The body has been updated~

( ? ω?? )?

Chapter 350 Return and Reunion (Fifth Change)

hum ——

Another treacherous ray of light filled the field of vision, and colorful colors spread all over the front.

Kotori just felt as if his whole body was stuck in some kind of quagmire, unable to move an inch.But the consciousness is quite clear at this moment.

But before he had time to observe the spectacle carefully, his eyes lighted up slightly.


Kotori narrowed her eyes and covered her vision with her hand.After getting used to it for a while, I realized that the surrounding scene had turned into a vast white space, and the pure white and flawless light filled everywhere.

"Go back to... the main god's space?"

It's been a year since then, and Kotori's memory of all this is a little fuzzy.But this pure white space is still easy to identify.

Look around, a piece of pure white.There is no one or anything, nor any superfluous existence.

"This feeling... I haven't experienced it for a long time."

Qinli flicked her bangs on her forehead, raised her head and let out a long breath, dispelling the sullenness in her heart.The peaceful mind returned again, and the indifferent face resurfaced on the girl's face.

"Lord God, are you there?"


[Reincarnation No. 2017, Wuhe Kotori, successfully ended the personal dungeon world]

The icy mechanical voice of the Lord God sounded again.

The timbre that originally made Kotori feel a little bored, but after hearing it again after a year, a sense of nostalgia arose instead.

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