Nero listened to Kotori's hasty words, but there was no disappointment on her pretty face. On the contrary, after Kotori's words deepened, a very satisfied and beautiful smile appeared.

"As expected of Yu Zhiqian."

"...Eh?" Kotori was confused again.

Didn't I... politely reject her sudden confession?

And after saying those words just now, even Kotori herself felt a little embarrassed.The spiritual damage caused by refusing someone else's confession in person is too cruel.

It's not that Kotori really hates this emotion. Even after a year, that short time is still engraved deep in her heart, and she will never forget it in this lifetime.

But... as Kotori said, he has not sent any absolute guarantees to Nero, nor can he bring her any substantial happiness.If you agree hastily like this, it is irresponsible to yourself, and it is also irresponsible to Nero.

That is why...

"It is precisely because of this that Yu Cai is once again convinced that the performer is still the performer, and there is no change in the slightest."

Nero seemed to see Kotori's tangled heart at the moment, leaned forward slightly, and with his own hands, gently wrapped Kotori's hands up and placed them on his chest.

"It is precisely because of this persistence and responsibility that Yu fell in love with you so much, and the shackles on Yu were only opened for you alone."

Hearing these straightforward words, no matter how rational Kotori was, she couldn't help being moved.

Not only did I exercise for a year in the copy of my personal world, but Nero also trained hard, and...based on that ignorant emotion, he changed himself to this point.

As Nero said, only one person can open the intertwined chains and shackles on her body.

And her figure only shines for one person.

Kotori gritted her teeth, holding back the emotion surging in her heart.

If there is a person who is so attached and active to himself, even a guy with an elm-headed head will understand the weight of this emotion.The same goes for Kotori.

But it was this weight... that made Kotori feel ashamed because of its fiery and heavy weight.


"There's no need to worry. Because everything about the performer is in Yu's eyes."

Then, Nero suddenly changed the topic and said such words with a smile.

"Eh eh?"

Immediately, Kotori trembled three times, looking at Nero's face with some surprise.

This girl said...everything is in her eyes! ?

"Are you that surprised? At that time, Yu should have expressed his dissatisfaction once?"

When Nero said this, his words paused slightly.Under Qinli's dazed gaze, her cheeks puffed up slightly.

"That stinky girl actually took away the performer's first time! It really made Yu gasp!"


Sure enough, the stabbing pain at that time was not my own illusion!

Kotori immediately recalled the tingling sensation on the back of Shizuku's hand when Shizuku kissed her.It was as if someone was pinching the back of his hand.

I didn't expect this feeling to be really...

"Yu pinched it!" Nero pouted angrily.

"Yu...Even if Yu doesn't mind that you have a lover of your own, but this is the first must leave it to Yu!? It's too strange to be snatched away by someone else for the first time. Bar!"

"No, no, what you said is very strange!"

Looking at Nero, who was so graceful just a moment ago, he suddenly complained like an awkward child.Kotori almost couldn't turn the corner.

"It was just an accident!? Didn't you say you could see it? Then you must be able to understand it?"

"I understand, I understand, but Yu Hao is not reconciled!"

Nero suddenly showed an angry expression. "The performer must be able to dodge at that time, right? Even if he can't dodge, if he punches Shizuku in the stomach, the atmosphere of the kiss will be gone, right?"

"Anyway, she's also my 'sister', it's too..."

Qinli could only smile wryly now.



Image: "Nero", Location: "Images/112329-73821.jpg"

PS: Don't worry too much about adding more numbers.Yesterday, the children of my relatives came to play. I just finished changing the PS that was updated at 10 o'clock, and I didn't have time to change it at 12 o'clock.Then forget about it later.

Don't worry, I won't skimp on chapter 2333


Chapter 352

In the end, it took Kotori a lot of effort to calm the jealous Nero down.

Nero, whose jealousy subsided, also realized that the elegant and sacred atmosphere he had created with great difficulty just now was broken by himself, and even more regretful, he hugged his head and jumped to his feet.

Well, after seeing her like this, Kotori was even more sure... Nero hasn't changed much at all.

"Hoo... By the way, Nero, what have you been doing this past year..."

Kotori didn't choose to mention the topic of being 'monitored' by Nero for a whole year. After all, he probably didn't do anything wrong, so there's nothing wrong with letting Nero watch him.

Ah...Except for the communication with Stella and Shizuku.

"Huh? Yu?"

Nero coughed twice, and quickly returned to his original normal tone.She turned around gracefully and raised her right hand, as if she was singing an epic movement.

"In this short year, Yu has fought all kinds of powerful enemies to his heart's content! Although he has not improved his character greatly, he has gained a lot in all aspects of combat skills."

"Strong enemy?"

Kotori thought about it for a while, and then remembered the words that the Lord God said when he parted from Nero.

It will allow Nero to enter another space for the same level of exercise.

It seems that this is what Nero said about confronting a strong enemy, right?

Kotori couldn't help feeling a little curious about this.

"What kind of enemy? And... what happened to the follower space?"


Nero covered his small mouth, and chuckled a little smugly.

"The enemies Yu faced were all the enemies the performer had come into contact with from the beginning to now~"

As Nero said, in that so-called follower space.All the enemies and opponents in it are all opponents that Kotori has faced in the past.With the help of the Lord God's Dimension, a simulation was performed to create an almost identical existence.

Of course, the copied existence doesn't have any thinking or soul, it's just a 'meat' that can fight instinctively.

And it was during this year that Nero conducted long-term training and fighting against enemies with different strengths and abilities.

"The Lord God Space still has this function?" Kotori murmured in surprise.

In order to confirm what she thought in her heart, Kotori raised her head and shouted loudly:

"Lord God, is there a function of copying the enemies you have faced in the past for training and fighting?"

If it can really have this function, maybe it can have a good exercise effect.The enemies that Kotori has faced in the past are naturally strong and weak, and many of them have powerful beings.

If you can be in that kind of high-intensity battle all the time, maybe you can improve.


[This function is exclusively for the internal use of the follower space]

"...I know it's not that kind."

Kotori sighed, turned and continued to ask Nero:

"What is that follower space?"

In the past, Kotori had carefully surveyed the main god's space inside and out, and had never seen the so-called follower's space.That is, before entering the personal copy, the main god suddenly mentioned this thing, and after taking Nero away, Kotori heard this name for the first time.

"The follower's space?...It's just a place like this one. It's a vast expanse of whiteness."

Nero stepped on the solid ground under his feet and continued; "In the end, the Lord God told Yu that he could use his imagination to extract information about the enemies his master had faced, and create similar dolls for combat practice. That's why Yu followed suit."

"I see..."

To be honest, Kotori didn't understand the reason at all.But recalling the fragment that was taken from that weird dungeon back then, I had some thoughts in my heart.

Maybe, it is possible that this ability will appear in the main god space after absorbing that fragment.

"It's really confusing." Kotori smacked her mouth, slightly distressed.

After all, in such a situation where there is no source of information, everyone will feel a little uneasy.It would be much better if there were some so-called "reincarnated people selling roads and information" like some novels Kotori read in the past.

But here, there is nothing...

"Well, the performer doesn't need to be too concerned! Just let this kind of trivial matter go with the wind, there is no need to worry at all!"

Stepping on the pointed high heels, Nero walked slowly to Kotori's side, put his hand on Kotori's slender shoulders, and brought his cheek closer.He seemed to want to say something at first, but he quickly took a deep breath, his cheeks were slightly pink.

"Hmm... the long-lost sweet breath."

"You're sexual harassment, right?" Kotori pushed Nero slightly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. "Even if it's been a long time, don't show such a strange expression. You're like an idiot."

"Pfft, cough cough..."

Nero quickly straightened his face. "Don't worry, Yu will try to restrain himself."

Kotori suddenly let out a sigh.

How should I put it, a year has passed.Even Nero will act strangely, of course... his nature has not changed at all.

Nero, the same Nero.

"Although it's a little late, let's have a long-lost hug."

Kotori scratched her cheek, throwing away her indifferent shyness.He opened his arms generously and held Nero in his arms.

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