Of course, because of the difference in height and shape.To outsiders, it looks more like Kotori plunged headlong into Nero's turbulent embrace.And Nero, after the initial sluggishness, let out a soft breath.

"Well, welcome back...player."

Tears welled up in the corners of Nero's eyes, but his face was full of smiles.Overjoyed, she wrapped her arms around Kotori's waist.Passing through the soft hair between the fingers, feeling the warm breath coming from it.

The two girls fell into a long silence without saying a word, only this hug was still going on.They seemed to be feeling each other's heartbeat and breathing during this short period of time.

After a while, Kotori buried her head in Nero's shoulder and muttered in a muffled voice:

"Bad, almost, right? Nero, you've made me a little bit out of breath."

Originally, Nero's twin peaks were unusually round and plump, but they became more prominent against the backdrop of his current clothes.While the inside of the squeezed piano was red and red, it pressed against Qin Li's chest firmly, making the girl's breathing a little difficult.


However, Nero blinked mischievously, showing no sign of leaving.

Caressing Kotori's hair and waist, like the love between lovers. Caress is extremely gentle but extremely frivolous.


Kotori trembled all over, and a blush appeared on her face.

This guy is pushing an inch!

Kotori pulled out a small hand, clenched it into a fist, and punched Nero hard in the stomach!




Image: "Nero", Location: "Images/112654-21050.jpg"


Chapter 353 The Next Dungeon World

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Kotori sighed helplessly as she looked at Nero who was limp and gasping for air without any manner.

This guy, hasn't seen him for a long time, is he a little too enthusiastic?

"Lord God, treat me."


As soon as the words fell, a beam of fluorescent light shone on Nero's body, and it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Nero touched his stomach in a daze, only to realize that all the pain had disappeared.

"Is that okay?"

"Of course it's fine, so... If you don't want to suffer, be honest."

Kotori squeezed her small fist with a sneer, the creaking sound immediately made Nero swallow her saliva.

"Player, I made a mistake!"

"That's good." Kotori retracted her fist with a smile, and patted Nero's head.Only then did he suddenly realize that Nero was wearing a wedding dress-like white transparent tulle on his head, tied with his hair with a ribbon.And there is a garland of fragrant flowers on her head.

"I wanted to ask before, what's the situation with your outfit, Nero?"

Kotori helped Nero up from the ground, and looked at the clothes on her body up and down.

The more Kotori looked, the redder her cheeks became.

Because the clothes on Nero are too... weird.

Completely different from the crimson dress he wore in the past, Nero is now in pure white.The tightly-fitting fabric wraps the beautiful and soft body, but because of the tight skin, it fully shows the beautiful figure.

What surprised Kotori the most was that Nero's costume had a long zipper on the front... the same was true on his legs.There are also white belts and chains around the limbs, which look like some kind of restraint clothing of a strange style.

"This thing... can't really be pulled apart, can it?" Kotori stretched out her finger and touched the zipper lightly, it seemed that it could be pulled.

All the way down the line of sight, this zipper goes all the way to... the bottom!

"Pfft! Fully undressed!?"

As long as you grab the zipper and pull it all the way down, the dress will open from the neck all the way to the crotch!

"Mm!" But Nero nodded proudly, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, as if he was very proud.

"This is the exclusive costume that Yu conceived after pondering for a long time~ It is convenient for fighting, but also has a full sense of beauty! And it was born with Yu's full love for the performers."

Nero saw that Kotori was staring at him closely, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense.

"Is this a belt around your waist?"

Kotori stretched out her hand and touched the somewhat loose brown belt around Nero's waist, which looked rather delicate and tough.From the waist hangs a brown outer petticoat that blooms like flowers, and inside is a long white skirt that reaches to the ankle, but the skirt has a burnt yellow color as if it has been burned by fire.

"Isn't it beautiful~"

Seeing this, Nero lifted the long skirt hanging from the back of his waist, and swayed it lightly in front of Kotori, quite softly, which shows that the material is really extraordinary.

...Although these seem to be constructed directly by magic power, right?

Kotori took Nero's hand, wearing a white glove, with a few small chains interspersed between the fingers.

"Then this is...?"

"Hmm...cough cough." Suddenly Kotori held his hand, and Nero looked away somewhat unnaturally.

"This... has a little meaning. The performers don't need to pay too much attention to it."

"Ah... alright."

Kotori briefly recalled what Nero had said to him when they first met not long ago.

The shackles on Yu's body were only released for the performer alone. '

Wow...what a bold statement.

Thinking about it a little later, Kotori felt a slight touch in her heart.After seeing the fine chains on Nero's body and the dark golden padlock on his chest, he sighed without a trace.

This girl, all the hits are straight balls.

But occasionally I will be ashamed by my enthusiastic actions, I really don't know what to say about her.

"So, this suit is the new combat suit that you have conceived for a long time?"

"No, it's a wedding dress." Nero responded immediately.


But it was these undisguised words that immediately made Kotori stunned for a long time, but God did not react.

This... this is the wedding dress! ?

That's right, what she wears on her head is indeed very similar to the veil worn by the bride.And the white dress is indeed the same as the wedding dress, the slight difference is probably the style.

"No, no, why did you suddenly design a wedding dress?"

Kotori couldn't help complaining loudly. "Are you going to fight others after wearing your wedding dress? Isn't that scene so weird!?"

Can the wedding dress also increase combat effectiveness?

Let the enemy think that after watching it, a sense of frustration arises spontaneously, and a feeling of "I can't win" occupies the high IQ?

"Well, it's a wedding dress, but it's not quite accurate."

Nero didn't care about Kotori's complaints, but spread his little hands proudly, revealing a noble aura like a queen.

"As a woman, Yu is also an emperor who is good at fighting. How could he wear those ordinary and complicated wedding dresses and walk around? But Yu wants to fight everywhere with the musicians, how can he show such a weak side?"

"So, Yu simply combined the wedding dress and the battle uniform into one. Not only can I prove to the world that Yu has a home of heart, but also has a heart of bravery!"

Speaking of this, Nero's eyes seemed to be ignited with high fighting spirit.The whole person became full of aura.

Also, really is a willful Emperor His Majesty.

Kotori covered her eyes, looked up to the sky and sighed.

Should it be said that Nero deserves to be a well-known all-around artist?Leaving aside the issue of whether this dress is suitable for people to wear, it is indeed very novel and beautiful in terms of style and appearance, and it quite matches Nero's own body shape.

Forget it, my divine power and spiritual outfit may look quite strange to outsiders, and I have no position to say anything about Nero.Anyway, they are all 'armors' constructed by magic power, which can be switched at any time.

Kotori didn't dwell too much on this issue.And Nero also put away his palace under Kotori's persuasion.

"...Let's go back first. I haven't been back to my little home for a long time, and I miss it."

But before he left, he seemed to think of something.He raised his head and shouted.

"Lord God, can you now tell us which world the next dungeon mission is going to?"

After the main god absorbed that fragment, this question has not been tested yet.Anyway, I just asked casually, and it didn't take much time.

After waiting for a while, Kotori and Nero didn't seem to get any feedback, so they simply didn't pay much attention to it, and prepared to activate the time-travel function to return to the real world.

But at this moment, the mechanical voice of the Lord God suddenly sounded.


[Reincarnation No. 2017, Wuhe Qinli.The scene of the next dungeon mission is: Date A Live]





Chapter 354: An Embarrassing Intermission (Fourth)


Kotori immediately stopped all movements, and yelled out in astonishment.This voice also startled Nero slightly, and he looked at Kotori's profile in some puzzlement.

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