And Kotori also stopped in her tracks, half-closed her eyes and looked at the woman squarely.


"Pfft, no! How could I play robbery in public!"

The black-haired woman almost vomited blood out of anger, and after taking several deep breaths, she resumed her original unqualified business-like embarrassing smile.

"Miss, I'm here to recommend this newly opened martial arts gym. It's especially suitable for girls like you who are full of aura to join!"

Hearing the word aura, Kotori couldn't help but blink.But observing the woman's expression and the depths of her body, there is no so-called supernatural energy entrenched.

It seems that the so-called 'reiki' is just an adjective.

"Hey, please be sure to get the business card of our martial arts hall. If the two ladies have certain intentions, you can contact me, or you can negotiate with the reception staff of the martial arts hall... what?"

After talking about it, the black-haired woman naturally became a little embarrassed, and her speech was a little awkward.

"Haha... It sounds like I mean buying and selling by force?"

The black-haired woman scratched her hair in embarrassment and giggled.

Do you know it yourself? ?

Kotori looked at this woman as if she were looking at a fool.Even Nero on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and said in a subtle tone:

"Okay, Yu has accepted the business card. Can you move out of the way a little?"

As he said that, Nero also took the initiative to accept the business card handed over by the black-haired woman.Nero is very interested in this real world, but it doesn't mean he likes being entangled like this.

"Ah...thank you," the brunette said with agitation.Judging by her expression, she seemed quite satisfied with being able to arouse the interest of Kotori and Nero.

But, isn't this woman a little too stupid?

Is this really the kind of person who came out to engage in pyramid schemes? It looked more like the kind of stupid guy who was cheated and would help others count their money.

But Kotori didn't care too much, and said casually:

"That's okay? We're following the business card. You won't be following us, will you?"

"Uh... no no no."

The black-haired woman quickly waved her hand, as if she also thought that her previous actions were indeed a bit uncomfortable, and she looked like some kind of perverted pyramid schemer.

And looking at the expressions of Kotori and Nero, it seems that they didn't bring up their interest in the martial arts school as much as they thought.The black-haired woman couldn't help feeling a little hesitant in her heart.Gritting his teeth, he continued:

"But please wait a moment, I know that just talking about it will not convince the two of you, so... I will show my skills a little bit. Let the two of you intuitively experience the toughness of our martial arts school. Strength. It will definitely be of great help to the two of you in strengthening your body!"

Before Kotori and Nero could respond, the black-haired woman looked away without hesitation, as if she was looking for something.

"Ah, there is!"

"Hello." Kotori stretched out her hand to stop her.But the woman ran to the log stump without stopping, and gave Kotori a thumbs up.

"Miss, please be careful! Now I will show you the strength of our martial arts school!"

The dark-haired woman looked around and saw that there were not many extra pedestrians.He took a deep breath and assumed a rather imposing posture.

Kotori, who originally wanted to leave directly, stopped slightly, and even Nero let out a little surprise.He looked over with interest.

Because, in that woman's body suddenly emerged an undetectable ray of energy, which moved among the limbs and bones, and then quickly gathered in all parts of the arm.

"It's really a trick?" Kotori blinked in surprise.

I thought that that kind of supernatural power didn't seem to exist in the real world, but I didn't expect that I would be able to meet a hidden guy when I went to a park?

Although, this woman seems to be a bit out of control.


While Kotori and Nero were observing, the black-haired woman sank into her dantian and let out a coquettish shout.With five fingers together as a hand knife, he slashed towards the tree stump fiercely.

With a click, a small mark was left on the thick tree stump, and some of the bark was crushed, exposing the inner part.

"Huh..." The black-haired woman slowly withdrew her right hand, her expression extremely serious.After seeing the result of this knife, he nodded secretly.

Very good, super performance.It should be able to make the two little sisters a little bit interested.

After all, although the ability to cut through the bark with a fleshy palm like her is not strong, it should be quite powerful for an ordinary girl.

"How? Two ladies."

After the black-haired woman finished adjusting her breath, she immediately turned her head and looked behind her.

Only then did she realize that at some point, Kotori and Nero had come to her side, looking at the thick and thin tree stump surrounded by one person with great interest.

"I didn't expect such a thing to exist." Kotori stretched out his hand to poke the bark, and found that the part that was split was indeed crushed with considerable force, and a lot of debris fell off .

"It's also the first time I've seen it with my own eyes."

Nero opened Shuiling's eyes wide, carefully observing the slightly sunken tree trunk.

The surprised look of the two made the black-haired woman snort a few times with pride, and an uncontrollable smile filled the corners of her mouth.

After all, her skill of this level can be regarded as a capable person in the eyes of the public.

"How? Two sisters, now... you should be interested in our martial arts school, right? We are not a small workshop that is deceived and abducted, but a regular business place. And there are real materials, no fakes Yes! If it weren't for the extraordinary temperament of the two ladies, I would not put down my dignity to invite the two of you."

She spoke immediately while the iron was hot.Of course, now coupled with the live demonstration of this "real talent and real learning" trick, it really has some credibility.

If it's another woman, she might really think it's good and give it a try.


"Okay, Nero, let's go." Kotori looked away without any hesitation. "I'll have to visit the landlady later, and buy an extra breakfast by the way."

"Well~ go back and take a shower and change clothes, and then start eating~"

Nero nodded his lips, and suggested to Kotori: "Do you need to go to the mall? It would be good to buy some reserves."

The two girls spoke to each other, and the black-haired woman who had just finished talking at the side froze in place, and her awkward smile was out of shape.

"Hey! You two girls!"

As if she couldn't bear it at last, the black-haired woman bared her teeth viciously, and put her hand on Kotori's shoulder.

"Give me a little..."

Just halfway through the words, the black-haired woman's breathing stagnated, and her pupils shrank to needles instantly.



Blade change (102/124)


Chapter 361 Intermission Seven

The moment she touched Qinli's shoulder, the black-haired woman seemed to feel an extremely terrifying wave coming from her fingertips, and it pierced her whole body in an instant!


She opened her mouth, but couldn't make any sound in her throat.

It was as if he had touched a peerless beast whose personality was far superior to hers!All the blood in the whole body froze instantly, and the heart stopped for a moment as if it was tightly clenched.

Qinli just turned her head and glanced at her, which made her feel cold all over her body!

This...what the hell is going on! ?

The black-haired woman shouted frantically in her heart, but she lost control of her body and was generally unable to move.He could only watch Kotori and Nero leave together.It wasn't until the girl's back completely disappeared that the black-haired woman trembled all over, her lips twitched, and her expression was extremely horrified.

How could such a creature exist in this world!That look was enough to make her unable to raise the slightest bit of resistance!

"No, no, this matter must be told to the sect master!"

She forcibly stabilized her broken mind, and with trembling hands, it took a lot of effort to pull out her mobile phone from her pocket.After dialing the wrong number several times, she finally got through to the 'door master' she mentioned.

"Quick, quick, quick!" The brunette woman began to see sweat faintly on her forehead.

I didn't expect to meet such a terrifying monster when I came out to exercise early in the morning. Could it be that other forces were obstructing it?impossible!How could those little-known mobs have such terrifying strength!


And at this moment, the call finally got through.

"Hey, little sister? Are you not..."

There was a crisp voice on the other end of the phone, which seemed to be a very young female voice.

"Master of the sect! Something is wrong!!" The black-haired woman immediately interrupted the words of the 'Master of the sect', and growled extremely restlessly:

"Just now, I met two horrific women!! It's not a realm that normal humans can reach! After I touched her body, even the thoughts in my head became empty!!"


The other end of the phone fell into a long silence, as if they understood the serious situation that the black-haired woman said.

A moment later, the girl's crisp voice rang out on the phone again.

"Have you read too many fantasy novels?"


When the black-haired woman heard the slightly worried words, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she almost lost her breath.

"No, it's not a fantasy novel!! It's true, Sect Master!!"

"Hey... When you called me 'Sect Master', didn't it prove that you read too many fantasy novels?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed a little helpless, and the voice obviously sounded much younger.But the tone was as if he was educating the black-haired woman.

"I've never asked you to call me the sect master, have I? Is this a line from which studio?"


The black-haired woman's complexion changed for a long time, but she felt a suffocation rising in her heart, which was extremely unpleasant!

I really want to drop my phone!

"Sister Xue...Sister Xue. Don't blame me, I really didn't lie to you!"

The black-haired woman finally changed her address to a more normal one, and her tone seemed rather aggrieved. "I swear on my personality, I will never make fun of you again! Everything I said just now is true!"

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