Probably because this time the words regained a little emotional stability, and the meaning of the black-haired woman was well conveyed.After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he said in a slightly serious voice:

"Believe you for now, what are the characteristics of the two monsters you mentioned?"

The black-haired woman finally settled down after hearing the words, and said cautiously:

"It's two women, neither of them are tall. One is in his early [-] meters, and the other is in his early [-] meters. They look very delicate and cute. It's the kind of feeling want to hug you when you see them. But The most eye-catching thing is probably their hair, one has red hair and the other has blond hair."

"I took a good look at it. No matter how you look at it, the red hair doesn't look like dyed hair. At first, I was very surprised about it. But after feeling the terrible momentum, I already had a certain guess."

Speaking of this, a trace of solemnity and anxiety flashed across the face of the brunette woman.

"Those two are probably..."

"It's my lodger."

There seemed to be a little uncontrollable crisp laughter coming from the other end of the phone, but it wasn't too out of place when they clicked.

But this smile made the serious atmosphere that the black-haired woman had been brewing for a long time dissipate invisible.The expression on Qiao's face gradually returned to a deadly calm.

"Sister Xue, you said...those two are your tenants?"

"Of course, red hair is quite rare. Not many people in this small city would wear it at all, would they?"

After all, now even Shamates are not uncommon to use the color of their hair to compare their handsomeness.

"..." The black-haired woman fell into a long silence.But if you look closely at her expression, you can find that there are traces of crystal tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and her whole body twitches from time to time.

That was frightened.

"Aren't you going to be scared?" A concerned voice came from the other end of the phone.

"No, not at all."

The black-haired woman quickly patted her chest, holding back the throbbing in her heart.

"Hey, it's good to be careful, but don't take it too seriously."

The voice on the other end of the phone paused slightly, and continued to ring after a while.

"After all, for you, the most important thing is to live a good life with peace of mind."


"Also, read less fantasy novels in the future. How old are you, should you be a little more reserved?"



On the other side, Kotori and Nero also stopped by a small supermarket to buy some ingredients that could be stored for a while.There is also a hot breakfast and I bought three copies by the way.

It was still very early, so the two decided to go upstairs to visit the kind landlady when they went back later.

Of course, after returning to the apartment.Kotori and Nero took a shower first, changed into clean clothes before choosing to go upstairs.Although neither of them will sweat because of this small amount of exercise, and it is even less likely to be stained with dirt and dust.

But at least a little bit of etiquette is needed to treat a well-meaning landlord.

But after Kotori and Nero had just walked upstairs, they found that the door of the landlady's house had opened at some point, and the landlady, who had a rather dusty temperament, was already standing at the door, waiting for their arrival. .



( ̄︶ ̄)↗

Chapter 362 Intermission Eight

"Good morning, Kotori and... Nero."

The landlady bowed slightly, revealing the gentle temperament of a lady inadvertently.Kotori couldn't help giving a secret compliment.

"The landlady knows we're coming up?"

Obviously, they didn't notify each other before, nor did they meet each other.

"Hmm." The landlady brushed her drooping hair behind her ears and smiled faintly.

"It's just a matter of thinking about it for a while."

No, you can't think of such a thing, can you?

Kotori muttered secretly, while Nero stared at the landlady with great interest, the clothes on his body seemed to have been slightly dressed, looking very clean and tidy.Although no makeup is applied, it still exudes a rather charming demeanor.

Even in terms of Nero's own taste, the landlady's appearance can give a good evaluation.

"Okay, since the two of you want to visit, then come in first." The landlady smiled and made an invitation gesture, and at the same time helped to carry the things in Kotori's hand.After seeing the two girls entering the coming room, she stretched out her hand and slowly closed the door.


As soon as Kotori walked into this house, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression after seeing the internal environment clearly.

Because what appeared in front of Qinli was a rather ancient style of architectural decoration, pure white decoration, but a little bit of wooden furniture added a lot of vitality.

Although the house does not occupy a large area, it is not much larger than the house in Qinli.But at least in terms of space allocation, it is quite particular, and it looks very comfortable at a glance.

And there are separate bedrooms and other rooms, so the hall looks a little empty.

"The landlady's house is very beautiful."

Kotori couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.Traces of careful decoration can be seen in many places, and the neatly placed handicrafts on the cabinets are also quite eye-catching.

"I have nothing to do on weekdays, so naturally I can only play with these things." The landlady who came from the door closed and heard Kotori's compliment, and couldn't help showing a steady smile.At the same time, he reached out his hand to signal.

"Please sit down first, I'll make you a cup of...milk."

The landlady caught a glimpse of the three bags of breakfast in Nero's hand, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.But he quickly regained his composure.

Looking at the landlady who was making hot milk in the kitchen, Kotori who was sitting on the sofa withdrew her eyes.

"No matter how you look at it, she looks like a housewife."

Thinking back to the landlady's care and help many times before, Kotori felt that this woman was becoming more and more feminine.

At least in terms of life, he is very careful and considerate, and sometimes he can understand the inner thoughts of others without words.

"Hmm..." Nero couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive looking at Kotori's appearance, but thinking about the benefits of the landlady for a while, he also pondered incomparably entangled.

It seems to be weighing the pros and cons.

"Zuan Zhe, such a I need to accept her as a concubine?"

A moment later, Nero said such words that made Kotori's face collapse.

"What are you thinking about!" Qin Li gave Nero a look.

This girl's thinking is too jumpy.

And being a concubine...does she think she is still in ancient times? !If the landlady heard such words, she would be angry, right?

"Cough...Yu, Yu was just joking."

Nero probably also realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly laughed.

At this time, the landlady seemed to have soaked the milk.It was brought out quite safely and placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Are you guys talking about something?" The landlady sat beside Kotori and tilted her head, as if she didn't hear the specific conversation between the two just now.

Of course, if you really hear clearly.Perhaps the way she looked at Nero would have become very strange long ago?

"It's nothing, I'm just talking about some things I met on the street just now."

Kotori picked up the hot milk and said it casually.

But it was this sentence that made the landlady a little stunned and showed a subtle smile.

"Is... what happened?"

"Hmm, this food is so delicious!" Nero took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, narrowing his eyes happily.But after hearing the landlady's question, she immediately straightened her face and hummed softly.

"It's nothing. I just ran into a strange woman on the way back. She kept pestering us and said strange things, and she still refused to let us go. Before leaving, she even showed us a handsome pose or something. A very strange person."

Nero slightly imitated the posture of the black-haired woman at that time, waving the knife in his hand and gestured twice.

"Although he looks handsome, it doesn't match Yu's style, so he's not interested."

"Probably considered a folk artist?" Qin Li muttered and added while eating the steamed stuffed bun.

"Or... a little bit of a Lianjiazi with one or two hands."

From the perspective of ordinary people, the moves of the black-haired woman at that time were quite impressive.Although the breath is a little impure, at least it extracts the inner energy that ordinary people have never touched, and it also has a little bit of destructive power.

It can be seen that the martial arts school she mentioned is not really a pyramid scheme, but it probably has some real talents.

It's a pity that to Kotori and Nero Lai, that kind of thing is no different from playing a house.


However, after listening to Kotori and Nero's summary in a few words, the landlady couldn't help laughing.

"If the child hears such an evaluation, he doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad."


Qinli let out a slight surprise when she heard it, and turned to the landlady and asked, "Do you know that woman?"

"Well, I have lived with her for a while. She is a relatively delicate young lady."

The landlady took a sip of milk and continued: "She has practiced a little martial arts, and recently built a martial arts gym with her own money. It is a pity that there have been no students, but I am too embarrassed to rely on family money to make a big publicity, so That’s why I pulled my face to invite you.”

"No wonder... At that time, she was a bit incoherent when talking to us, so she was a novice."

At that time, Qinli wondered why such a delicate girl would come to do MLM, and her eloquence was so poor.So it's the young lady who came out to solicit customers for the first time?

Uh... although this statement sounds a bit strange.

"Oh, right."

Qinli suddenly asked: "We've been together for a while, and I still don't know your name, Miss Landlord. You've always been called Landlord Landlord, and it's a little bit too natural."

As soon as these words came out, Nero raised his head and blinked his eyes with great interest.

After a moment of silence, the landlady smiled slightly.

"Just call me Xiaoxue."

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