After searching for a while in this small shopping mall, Kotori did not find any clues worthy of attention.

It seems that because too long time has passed since the incident happened, all modern electrical appliances such as mobile phones and computers placed in the store have become scrap iron.There is simply no way to use it.Even the circuit communication setup is basically obsolete.

After all, it has been put on hold for so long, so the internal components and the like should be rotten, right?

"It's a headache..."

Kotori casually threw away the phone she found, and sighed helplessly.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, the Lord God Space didn't give any hints after the initial words, which really made people confused.

"Let's go to the surrounding shops and have a look."

Just in case, Kotori went into several surrounding stores to search.Apart from the discovery of many corpses that have turned into bones, there is no other useful intelligence information.

After searching for a period of time, Kotori walked out of a pharmacy.Different from other shops, this pharmacy seems to have gone through quite a rough rummage, and the medicine jars inside are also scattered all over the floor.Compared with other commodity stores, it is too messy.

Although the traces of rummaging were already quite long ago.

Even if there are living people who come back to choose medicines, almost all of these medicines will expire after several years, and there is no value worth searching for.

"Looking at it all the way, even the traces in the drug store that are most likely to be patronized by living people have passed for a long time. It seems that there is really no one in this city at present."

Kotori used her brain a little, recalling the doomsday novels she had read in her student days.Although the impression is a bit vague, some basic principles are still clear.

In this environment, which is no different from the end of the world, the most important thing for human beings is food and medicine.

If there is no food, they will directly starve to death.

If there is a lack of medicines, they will be tortured to death by all kinds of messy viral diseases.

Only by ensuring these two things can human beings survive in the ruins of the doomsday.

"Or...the people who were affected by the disaster gathered together and tried to move to other places. Has this caused the city to become an abandoned settlement?"

Such an idea is somewhat possible.

If there is a terrible disaster in this world, so that the national army and so on cannot carry out adjustment and resettlement, it is understandable for people to gather together to keep warm, or even travel long distances to live in places with more people.

But thinking of this, Kotori couldn't help but touch his forehead.

"Can such a world be called 'Date A Live'?"

If it hadn't been for the information confirmation by the main god space at that time, Kotori would not have realized that this would be the dungeon world of 'Date A Live'.The gap is really too big!

Even according to the original story, if those elf girls had no restraint in their critical descent and used the space shock to destroy the city, it would not have caused such a...horrible end.

"But I don't have any clues at all..." Kotori gasped, her face a bit unhappy.

Just relying on this kind of cranky thinking, Kotori felt that there was no way to find a breakthrough to crack this dungeon.And the progress of searching one place after another like this is quite slow.

"Just rely on perception to find people."

The most important thing now is to find living people as soon as possible. As long as people can be found, then they can learn about all the changes and unknown developments in this world from their mouths.

After this idea came to mind, Kotori nodded secretly.Without any hesitation, he extracted the spiritual power and gathered it under his feet.

A faint air current floated around the petite body, and the girl slowly floated up, flying into the air as if she had lost gravity.

Feeling the pungent smell coming towards her face, Kotori slightly covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve.

This smell becomes more pungent and thicker as it goes up. It doesn't seem to be a toxic substance caused by some kind of particle, but something lighter than air.

In this way, what gathers in the sky is not strictly a dark cloud... but a mass of some kind of material that completely blocks the sunlight.

"...Leave that alone."

Kotori spread her mind perception to the limit and hit her mental power.At the same time, the spiritual energy in his body was running, and he quickly galloped forward.

Directly search for the existence of living people through the perception of the mind, and at the same time rely on spiritual power to move quickly and increase the range of perception, in other words, directly conduct a carpet search.

Although this stupid method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, it is currently the only method that works for Kotori.


After flying for a long time, Kotori frowned more and more.

Because looking along the way, it was indeed as Kotori guessed that everything had been turned into ruins, not even a living person, or even stray cats and dogs could be found.

However, there was one thing that made Kotori feel a little bit wrong.

A faint strange fluctuation began to emerge gradually, it was too weak at the beginning, Kotori thought it was just his own illusion.But after collecting the perceptions together to explore, Qinli was suddenly surprised.

Because... that is the extremely weak breath of a human being!

live! ?

Kotori's face brightened, he changed direction in the air, and quickly flew towards that faint breath.Just leaving behind a dazzling stream of light, Kotori appeared above a tall building, overlooking everything below.

"That's..." Kotori narrowed her eyes, watching a figure appearing in her field of vision.

It's not an adult, but a rather thin 'child'. From the back, the clothes are quite dirty and tattered, and the hair is messy.It seemed to be avoiding something, lying on the ground, moving forward cautiously and slowly.

And walking very cautiously in places with occluders, it can be seen that it is not some irrational existence.

Kotori spread out her senses again, but she didn't find any other creatures around her.Within a few hundred meters, only the little guy below was there.

"It's weird..."

But Kotori didn't think too much about it, since there was such a rare creature in front of him, and judging from its wasn't a powerful existence worthy of attention.Simply go directly to ask, maybe you can get some unexpected information.

Thinking of this, Kotori took a step forward, jumped off the tall building, and fell straight down.



Blade change (105/125)


Chapter 370 Calm Down (Physics) (Fifth)

In order not to scare the 'child', Kotori slightly controlled the dissipating impact.It slowly fell towards the direction in front of the child.Lightly tap your toes, and step on the ground silently.There was no extra smoke and waves splashed.


And this child lying on the ground was looking up at Kotori who suddenly appeared in front of him with a face of shock.

The petite figure is extremely bright in the flowing sparks, and the pink and white spiritual costume haori exudes a dazzling brilliance.But what surprised the child was that Kotori's appearance was so beautiful and detached, like a princess in a fairy tale, which made people fascinated.

Those bright red eyes blinked very nimbly, but it made the child feel a sense of panic that he was being seen through.

"you you..."

The little child opened his mouth tremblingly, his voice was unusually dry and dull.There is no childish and clear voice.And there was a strange emotion in the eyes staring at Kotori.

That is a strong sense of fear of something!

This child, is the reaction a little too big?

Kotori frowned slightly, and looked around her body.There shouldn't be anything worth making him so afraid of, right?


But before Qinli could say a few words, the child screamed as if hearing some devil's whisper, quickly got up from the ground, staggered and ran out in the opposite direction.

It seems that she wants to get away from Kotori quickly.

To him, Kotori does not seem to be a cute and beautiful existence, but more like a terrifying existence that symbolizes destruction and death!

"Ha ha...!"

After the child started to run, his breathing was abnormally short, and a little sweat flowed out from his little face, which was already covered with stains and black ashes, and seeped into his eyeballs, causing burning pain.

But he didn't say a word, he clenched his teeth and ran forward.Although the footsteps were a little weak at the beginning, after running for a certain distance, it seemed that he had adapted to this rhythm, and the speed began to speed up a lot.


The outstretched hand froze in mid-air, Kotori looked at the back of the child running away speechlessly.

Am I that scary?

Even Kotori, who doesn't care much about outsiders' evaluation, can't help but mutter inwardly at this moment.

After all, the child's expression just now was as if he had seen some prehistoric beast, his eyes almost popped out of fright, that expression really made Qinli feel a little depressed.

"It's's really a child."

Kotori recalled the child's appearance that he glanced at just now, it was indeed a child-like immature face, and his body was also unusually thin.The body is just wrapped in a layer of coarse cloth as clothes, but it seems that it has not been washed for a long time, and it exudes a faint smell.

Originally, Kotori was prepared to face strange creatures like goblins and dwarves.

Unexpectedly, in such a ruined city, there would actually be a child with no support and no care.


A cry of pain came from not far away, which attracted the attention of Kotori who was in deep thought.Only then did I realize that the child who ran away without looking back, seemed to have not stepped on his feet, and fell heavily on the ground, rolling up a little smoke and dust.

"Alas..." Qinli would not be willing to ignore death because of this, and quickly came to the side of the child.And this little child seemed to fall to the ground trembling constantly because of the intense pain, his small fists were tightly clenched, but he was always trying his best to move his body, trying to leave this place.

And after seeing Kotori appearing next to him again, his pupils shrank instantly, and immediately pawed the ground with his fingers, dragging his body forward forcibly.His frail fingers and palms rubbed against the ground, scraping away traces of blood, but he didn't realize it, growling and crawling forward.

Kotori, who originally wanted to say something, fell silent after seeing this scene.

It wasn't distressed or any other emotion, but a simple question came to mind.

What is the reason why such a child has such a great fear of himself, even though he has not shown any malice from the beginning to the end?

"Hey, don't waste your time."

But after thinking about it halfway, Kotori couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw that his actions became more and more violent.

At the same time, he directly grabbed the child's arm, stopping his stupid behavior of destroying his body like this.

"I won't do anything to you, don't you need to be so afraid of me?"


After the child was grabbed by Kotori's arm, he suddenly fell into silence and stiffened.Turning his head slowly, the eyes in the gaps in the loose hair exuded a little brilliance.But the emotion revealed in those eyes surprised Kotori slightly.

This is... want to go all out?

"Ah!!" The child let out a sharp roar, and grabbed Kotori's wrist with his backhand.It seemed as if she wanted to tear Kotori's hand away with brute force.

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