But such actions are futile after all, no matter how he pulls, shakes, and beats, Kotori's right hand seems to be rooted in his body, without wavering.

He just smeared the blood from his hand on Kotori's skin.

"Hey, calm down a little bit!"

This kind of painless attack will naturally not cause any harm to Qinli. Even if the hands of a child are covered with mud, dust and blood stains, after rubbing against Qinli's body, they will quickly evaporate under the transpiration of spiritual power. Disappeared.

But his state of preferring death to surrender really made Qin Li a little bit overwhelmed.

"I said, why don't you calm down a bit? My sister has no ill intentions towards you!"


But the child became more and more irritable and showed no signs of calming down.Originally, he was still grabbing Qinli's arm and messing around, but now there seemed to be signs of hitting the snake to follow him, and he was about to reach out and try to tear off the spiritual outfit on Qinli's body.

If it wasn't for Kotori still pressing down on his body, he would probably be ready to pounce on it and bite directly with his mouth?

Where did this little zombie come from?Qin Li couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Since you don't want to calm down, then sister, I'm going to use some rough methods."

Kotori really doesn't know how to coax a child, and the child seems to have a 'mental problem'.

If it doesn't make sense, then use violence directly.


The child seemed to have a premonition of something, and his eyes widened instantly.Letting out a terrified whimper, she hastily let go of Kotori's hands.Lips full of cracks and wounds were parted, as if about to say something.

But Kotori snorted softly, raised his left hand and pressed it down on the child's face without saying a word.


The blowing palm wind directly blew away the scattered and hanging hair on the child's face, and even squeezed his small cheeks, distorting the original fright and fear into a somewhat strange expression.

After the palm wind stopped, the child could only stare blankly at the white palm that was close at hand, and tilted his head a little dullly.



Blade change (106/125)

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Chapter 371 Coax a child?


The child stared at the palm in front of him in shock, and after the horror of a sudden cardiac arrest subsided, only the sound of heavy breathing remained.

At that moment just now, he seemed to feel that his whole body was going to be completely crushed by this palm, and the strong wind that hit his face tore his spirit even more.All resistance was wiped out in this blow.

"Okay, should you calm down a bit now?"

Kotori turned her head slightly, and looked at the child below her with a smile.And he seemed to be completely frightened by Kotori, he just nodded slowly in a daze.If it wasn't for the reaction, Kotori almost thought that he fainted from fright.

"Very well, it seems that you can understand me?"

Although the language automatic translation function that comes with the main god space can allow reincarnation people to easily communicate between different languages.But Qinli can't guarantee [-]% whether this child is some unintelligible savage.

But fortunately, the child nodded again in a daze.

"It's good if you can understand the words." Kotori exhaled, and said softly in a calm and kind tone as much as possible:

"You, do you have a name?"

After being silent for a long time, the child opened his lips tremblingly.


"One character, one lotus..."

Qinli pondered for a moment, the name of such a brand really couldn't tell which country it was from.It's just that this child should be of Asian race from the shape of his face and the color of his eyes.

But soon Kotori sorted out her thoughts and reacted.

This point is not too important. What is really important now is the intelligence information of the world itself. It is better to get some information from this child first.

"That, Ren. About this..."

But before Kotori opened his mouth to ask a question, the child who called himself Ren seemed to have lost his strength, and his expression became more and more sluggish and weak.The eyes, which were originally widened from panic, were a little bit exhausted at the moment, and began to slowly close tremblingly.

The panting sound that was still very rapid gradually became weaker, and soon became insignificant.


Seeing this situation, Kotori was also slightly startled, and quickly reached out and shook Lian's shoulder. "Lian, are you still conscious?"

And just now, Lian, who was very resistant to Kotori's touch, even quite afraid, seemed to have completely given up hope at this moment, and her whole body looked hazy, simply lying on the ground looking up at the dim sky, unconsciously stretched Close your lips.

"Hey, hey, can't this be a flashback? Could it be that he was taken aback and became like this?"

This time, Kotori was also slightly startled.He patted Lian's cheek anxiously, but there was still no response.The little hand that was still holding on to his arm loosened powerlessly at this moment.


After Kotori pondered for a while, she didn't choose to hesitate.A ball of healing inflammation was directly transported into Lian's body.Although I don't know what happened to the child suddenly, but as long as there is any injury, the healing inflammation should be able to quickly repair it.

However, after being healed by the Healing Flame, Lian's body only trembled slightly.The closed eyes reopened a little.


Hearing that mosquito-like sound, Qinli tapped her forehead as if suddenly enlightened.

It's not just the injuries and diseases inside and outside the body, but also the symptoms of dehydration that make Lian so weak.

Kotori immediately took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage space, unscrewed the bottle cap, helped Lian up from the ground, and helped him drink the water in small sips.

Originally, Lian seemed to be a bit resistant, unwilling to be fed and drank by Kotori, but after all, she couldn't resist Kotori's brute force, and directly stuffed the bottle into his mouth.

As long as a little bit of water enters his mouth, he will follow the instinct of survival and start to draw water by himself.

But it seemed that she drank too hastily, and Lian's little jet-black face, which was covered in mud, had an abnormal blush.

"Pfft...cough cough!"

Seeing this, Kotori immediately removed the water bottle, and gently patted Lian's bony back.At the same time softly whispered:

"Take your time, don't be impatient."

"..." Lian wiped the corner of her mouth casually, and silently glanced at Kotori.Still didn't give Kotori any good looks.

Of course, this small face was already pitch-black, and there was no reason for it.

But after realizing that Kotori didn't seem to have the intention of killing him, Lian raised her arm and looked at it, as if she was a little puzzled why the burning wound she scratched just now suddenly healed.

Then, he lifted off his coarse robe like no one else was there, and took a look at his lower abdomen.The bruised and purple scars that were originally caused by the fall to avoid danger have also disappeared without a trace.This made him feel even more strange.

But he still didn't choose to speak.Sitting on the ground with empty eyes and hanging his head, he didn't know what he was thinking.

This appearance of not knowing whether it is good or bad really makes Kotori not know how to react. After all, this is the first time in Kotori's life that he has really met such a down-and-out refugee, or rather a child on the verge of dying .

Kotori, who knew nothing about nursing knowledge, could only squat aside in embarrassment, not knowing how to start a conversation.

The water is also drunk, and the injury is healed... Should I give him some food to fill his stomach?

Kotori also touched Lian's body just now, there is almost no flesh at all, the bones are clearly distinct, really skinny.

"...Do you want to eat some food?" Kotori moved a little closer, and said as sincerely as possible: "I have some dry food here, if you are hungry, I can give it to you."


Hearing Kotori's words, Ren seemed to be touched, her cloudy eyes lit up slightly, and she raised her head to stare at Kotori's cheek in a dull manner.

Finally a little reaction.

Qinli couldn't help chuckling, and with a thought, he took out a small piece of bread and waved it in front of his eyes.And Ren's eyes followed Kotori's movements, and swallowed.

"If you will answer my question. This bread is for you."

Regardless of the mess on Ren's body, Kotori reached out and gently stroked his head.

As if she really sensed that Kotori had no malicious intentions, after a moment of silence, Lian responded inaudibly.

"I see."

"Very good, what a good boy." Kotori also grasped a little bit the feeling of dealing with children, and stroked Lian's hair affectionately and virtuously.

But just as she was about to speak, Qin Li's eyes froze and she stood up suddenly.

This sudden movement startled Lian, she shrank back in fear.But he didn't turn his head and run away in a panic like before.Because, he also heard a little vibration.

Boom, boom, boom.




Chapter 372

Lian's eyes widened and her breathing became more and more rapid.

This is not a relapse of a hidden disease, or dying like before.Rather, he seemed to have discovered a life-threatening horror, and his whole body couldn't help trembling!

Those dull vibrating sounds almost smashed into his heart, shaking his soul!He opened his mouth involuntarily, and murmured tremblingly:

"The beast... the beast... is coming!"


Kotori stood up and frowned when she heard the name.


What is this again?

Could it be the culprit that caused the tragedies I saw along the way?

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