"Can you explain, Lian, what information you know about these 'beasts'?"

Judging from Lian's words just now, the change in the world of the 'Date A Live' dungeon seems to be caused by the sudden appearance of the 'beast'.

Lian didn't know where those 'beasts' came from, and why they appeared.But for the rest, as long as she has been among other groups of people in the past, she should know more or less.

Sure enough, after recovering a stable mental state, Lian quickly uttered all the information about the 'beast' in her memory.And Kotori also listened carefully to Ren's words, while meditating silently.

It's not that these 'beasts' don't have their own names. Five years have passed since those terrifying existences appeared, and those humans who survived will naturally take measures such as naming them in order to distinguish the 'beasts'.

'Beast', it would be more appropriate to call it a mutant beast.

These early days are just like some mutant creatures such as insects and animals that suddenly appeared in the field of vision of human society.It will deal a severe blow to people who originally only focused on the 'Elves'.

Caught off guard, many places were directly attacked by a large number of mutant beasts.In the beginning, these mutant beasts were indeed not considered powerful, and were even quite weak.Even ordinary people who are slightly stronger can resist or even counter-kill with blunt weapons and the like.

But as time went by, those mutated beasts gradually became stronger, their body structure began to become stricter, their muscle density became tighter, and their strength and speed were rapidly improving.

It was too late until some scientists discovered that these mutant beasts who came from nowhere were absorbing the genes of different creatures on the earth to enhance themselves.Among the group of mutant beasts, there have appeared terrifying mutant beasts capable of resisting direct artillery fire. They are huge in size and terrifying in strength.

Even if the modern magicians who originally specialized in dealing with the 'elves' used the display device to counterattack, they could no longer cause a particularly large effect.All of a sudden, the human community fell into a dilemma.

One side is an elf who will suddenly appear at an unknown time, accompanied by the earth-shattering space quake.

The other side is a mutant beast with a mysterious origin and unlimited evolution possibilities.

Under such a difficult double attack, the situation of human beings must be extremely tragic.

Just thinking about the purely simulated situation, Kotori can't help but sweat for the humans in this world.

It's really sad enough.

But when it came to this point, Lian faltered and said words that seemed to turn around.Kotori couldn't help being taken aback, almost unable to react.

Originally as a symbol of annihilation, the "elves" who were persecuted and pursued by humans because they brought considerable disasters to human society, realized that humans were in such a crisis.

He resolutely switched to the human camp, and joined hands with human magicians to fight against the rapidly increasing number of mutant beasts! ?

Such a development also made the listener Kotori dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the plot of this world has become so chaotic.Humans and elves, who had been hurting each other, shook hands and made peace under the huge external threat.This really made Kotori almost slow down.

According to what Lian said, all the currently known elves have devoted themselves to the defense lines of all countries in the world.Even because of their powerful strength and amazing beauty, they were even called the goddesses of salvation at the beginning.Either intentionally or unintentionally, the doomsday defense base of the humans was established on this basis, and all the surviving humans were gathered together.

They will sit in their own towns, and together with the human magicians and the army, they will repel the hordes of mutant beasts that are constantly attacking.

At the same time, it seems that due to some kind of mutation, the mutated beast not only brought horrific killings to human beings, but also caused considerable changes to the earth itself, causing the continental plates to move, faintly bringing all the continents together tend.

It can be said that the entire earth has undergone tremendous changes inside and out, so huge that Kotori opened his mouth in surprise, and couldn't close it for a long time.

"I didn't expect it to develop to this point..."

Kotori and Ren leaned against a ruined wall next to the fire, looking up at the sky and whispering to themselves. "So, that's why... there are no people in this city anymore. Because the surviving humans have all gathered together?"

"Well...it seems to be divided into more than a dozen defense bases. Each defense base is guarded by at least one elf."

After several words, Lian's speaking function seems to have basically recovered, and she can explain to Kotori more fluently.

"The nearest to here is the No. [-] joint defense base, and there are many small bases built around it as buffer zones for the population. It's just that they are often attacked by mutant beasts, and people are panic inside. It probably has something to do with the power class in the base. It’s related, they naturally have their own intentions in this way.”

Kotori looked at Ren beside her in surprise.

These words are not like words that a twelve-year-old child can say.In other words, it is under the background of the doomsday world that even children have such precocious spiritual thoughts.

Probably because he completely let go of his guard against himself, that's why he began to communicate with himself carefully.If it weren't for the series of gestures she showed just now, Lian might still be in a situation of quarreling and looking for death and life, right?

"That's right, Lian."

Thinking of this, Kotori pondered slightly.

"You said before...'The Balrog' has a bad reputation, but according to what you said now. Didn't the elves put down their prejudices with the humans and join hands to fight against foreign enemies?"

"The elves and humans are no longer fighting each other. But...it doesn't mean that the attitude of those elves towards humans will be much better. Especially when they get the vast majority of the base's dominion."

Lian lowered her head and said in a heavy tone: "Now...the base is no longer a shelter for humans. It is a 'kingdom' established by elves, and they are no longer goddesses who are compassionate."

"It's the powerful, cold, cruel... queens."



Blade change (108/125)


Chapter 376 Lotus

After getting a general understanding of the current information of the world, Kotori sat by the campfire and meditated secretly.

What surprises the girl most now is not the mutant beasts in this world, or the tragic situation of human beings.

It's the current situation of those elves.

Prestige has been established through pure force among the human survivor bases, which has dyed the already cruel reality with a touch of power.Those elves, who were originally innocent and had the same hearts as ordinary innocent girls, became existences that everyone feared in this environment.

It was because of the interference of such external factors that they became as arrogant and cruel as Lian said.Or...are they just that kind of existence?

"Sister... isn't she really an elf?"

And in such a silence, Lian asked a little crisply.

It seems to be due to drinking water to moisten the throat, and Kotori's healing inflammation treatment.Lian's voice, which sounded somewhat dull and hoarse, had returned to the level of a normal little girl.

But what she said made Kotori laugh.

"I didn't intend to deceive you either. According to biological classification, I should be an elf. But I am not the same person as the elves in your memory, nor is it the 'Balrog' you mentioned."


Lian shrank her body and hummed lightly.She stared at the bonfire in front of her in a dazed manner, and the warm breath was constantly permeating her heart.

I don't know how long it has been since I felt this kind of warmth... this feeling as if I was thrown into the arms of my mother.The warmth of the family, the carefree childhood, the happy life...all of these have become fleeting clouds and dreams.

But Lian did not choose to feel sorry for herself, nor did she cry like an ordinary little girl.

She just crossed her knees and stared blankly ahead.

And all of this was seen by Qin Li who was sitting at the side.The girl also kept her mouth shut and remained silent.

The spiritual suffering is not something that a stranger like myself can touch and solve. I can provide her with material assistance, but it does not mean that I can give her spiritual salvation.

"Lian, have you figured out where you're going after that?"

Kotori said in a casual tone.This tone seems to be chatting with friends about ordinary topics.


But obviously, this ordinary question stumped the girl Lian.She murmured these words softly, and seemed to bury her head in her arms in a tangled state, curling up into a ball.

In fact, probably even she herself hadn't thought about... where she was going?

As she said to Kotori at the beginning, she didn't go out with her parents or parents, but fled the base where the survivors gathered without authorization, and walked blindly on this barren ruined land alone. go on.

She hated the atmosphere in the base very much. Of course, Kotori didn't know what kind of atmosphere would make such a twelve-year-old girl feel so disgusted. among the ruined cities.

But it seems that it was the long journey during this period that made Lian grow a lot all of a sudden.I know how to avoid those terrifying mutant beasts in the wild, how to hide my unnecessary emotions, and how to maximize my fragile life.

Such an achievement, for a [-]-year-old weak girl... is quite commendable.

But continue to let Lian go on like this, let Lian still stay in such a dangerous cave... Is it really good?

If LLENN really hated the human world so much, and longed for the unknown adventure and survival alone, Kotori would never say a word.After all, girls are not idle people who talk about other people's lives for no reason.

It can be seen that Lian's reaction to this expression now...is not the case.

She is still in a battle between heaven and man.She wondered if she should take this opportunity to return to the base for a safe environment.Or continue to bury your head in the ruins, just for your own little hope.

Yes, Lian didn't choose to escape simply because of the uncomfortable atmosphere in the base, she also had different thoughts in her heart.

Why do you have to beg for alms from others like those people who are eating and waiting to die?

Why not just raise your weapons and courage to defeat those hateful mutant beasts, so as to get corresponding rewards?

Why...everyone pins all their hopes on that tall elf?

These questions have always troubled the little girl.Her immature thinking mode can't think deeply, and she doesn't want to understand.All she wanted was crisp action.

That's why she resolutely took advantage of the guards' changing shifts and sneaked out of the base in the dark.

Relying on the collection of food reserves that have been prepared for a long time, he embarked on his long-awaited adventure.

But the final result made Lian completely feel her own powerlessness and weakness.The desperation and excitement that I had sworn to before all disappeared without a trace.

The moment she saw the mutated beast with her own eyes again, Lian pissed her pants in embarrassment, and even passed out because she was too scared and terrified.

I don't know if it was because of good luck, but the mutated beast didn't choose to eat Lian, but chose to leave.After waking up, Lian's mind was full of negative emotions, and she hid in the manhole cover for several days before daring to climb out again.

Broken dreams, nothing like this feeling.

But she has no turning back.

Because during the long journey of several days, she has completely lost her way.I don't know where the base is located.She despairs, cries, collapses...

Then, driven by the instinct of survival, he embarked on this trip to the end of the world again.

until now.

"Have you ever regretted it?" Kotori said softly.

"For my reckless choices in the past, and the pain I have suffered along the way. Do you have any regrets?"

It doesn't need words to elaborate, just looking at Lian's expression and expression can make a good guess.

But Lian shook her head slowly after being silent for a long time.

"Nothing to regret."

Because after asking herself, even if she made a choice now, she would still take that step.Hearing these words, Kotori pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

"What a nice boy..."

Even Kotori couldn't help feeling a little admiration for this unusually mature girl.

Just relying on her ability to follow her own will and make actions that ordinary people can't imagine.This alone is enough to make Kotori look up to him.

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