"Of course, it's a bit embarrassing to not cherish yourself too much."

Kotori smiled and rubbed Lian's little head very gently.And after Ren felt a little warmth from her head, she glanced slightly, looked at Kotori silently, and pursed a faint smile with her small mouth hidden under her robe.




Chapter 377 The Mission Issued by the Lord God

After a while, Kotori slowly stood up from the ground.

"Sister, are you leaving?" Seeing this, Lian hurriedly raised her head and asked.

"Almost, I still have a little something to do now."

Now that the general intelligence information is basically understood from Lian's mouth, it is natural to start to go to the so-called joint defense base.After all, such a major change has taken place in this dungeon world. It seems that the only place where the main god's information can be triggered is the base.

After all, there are the heroines in the original story there, and contact with them may be able to truly clarify the real reason for the changes in this world.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the current heroines are the same as in memory.

But at least go and have a look first, even if something unexpected happens.Kotori is also confident that she can handle it with ease.

"So, Ren. What are your plans for the future?"

Kotori brushed off her skirt, turned her head and asked Lian who was sitting next to her, "Are you going to continue to survive here alone, or are you going to go back to the base and start a new life?"

If she wants to stay here to fend for herself, Kotori has nothing to say, she won't interfere with other people's wishes.

And if she wanted to go back to the base, Kotori wouldn't mind taking her for a ride.Anyway, one or two more people is not a big problem for the girl, maybe she can still point the way to Kotori through that hazy memory.

"Planning..." Lian clenched her hands tightly under her robe, but her face was expressionless.

She is actually quite tangled in her heart now.

For one thing, she didn't really want to go back to the base to accept relief as a refugee.Second, she wants to show her value through her own efforts.

But if you continue to stay in this wilderness ruin... there will be no value left, and it will only become a picnic for mutant beasts in the end.After this period of time, Lian has deeply realized her own limitations and fragility.

"Hey, sister...why are you so powerful."

Therefore, Lian chose to ask such a question now.

She stared at Kotori's face with burning eyes, as if eagerly waiting for Kotori's answer.

She had indeed lost most of her sanity because she was too panicked, but her memory still remained.Not long ago, the scene where Kotori eliminated a mutant beast with a wave of his hand was still deeply imprinted in Lian's memory.

Under the shining light of the scorching fire, that petite but extremely reliable figure made Lian yearn so much.

She really wants to hear... that power is not innate like those elves, but a power obtained through her own training.

Because, that's the only way...

"I can't tell. After I regained my senses, it became like this."

Kotori smiled and gave such an answer.Let Lian let out a bewildered eh, almost unable to react.

When you come back to your senses...you became that strong?

This, what is the reason...

"Why are you secretly sad?" Qinli pinched Lian's cheek, dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, I promise. If you cherish your life well, you will definitely become quite powerful in the future."

But Lian was no longer ready to answer.

She just puffed up her cheeks and stared at Kotori with some resentment.It's like looking at some enemy.

Of course, a child throwing a tantrum is nothing to worry about.Rather, being able to lose your temper with yourself is a symbol of a better and better relationship?

And after a while, Lian finally spoke again.

"Sister, can you take me to the base?"

As if she felt that her request was too troublesome, Lian turned her face away a little uneasily, not daring to look at Kotori's expression.I was afraid that the girl would reject her with a cold face.

But Qinli would not be as heartless as she thought, after all, Lian was also the first guide in this dungeon, so she wouldn't just leave her to fend for herself.

But, just after Lian said such words.A cold echo sounded in Kotori's mind.


[Take the entrustment of 'Lian', guarantee her life safety, reward 1000 points. 】

It turned out to be the message of the Lord God! ?

Kotori couldn't help being a little surprised.Unexpectedly, the main god, who has never made a sound from the beginning until now, would suddenly issue such a strange task at this time.

And it was the mission content of this mission that Kotori couldn't help but look at Ren.

If it was just an ordinary passer-by, it shouldn't have caused the main god to make such a big move to issue a mission for himself, or even give a clear reward value.Although at present, these points are basically useless.

But for the main god space, it is the only substantive reward that can be given.

Lian's life safety...is it so important?

"Sister... sister, what's wrong?" Lian seemed to be frightened by Kotori's strange eyes, and said in a low voice with some anxiety:

"It's okay if you don't want to..."

She probably thought that Qinli was cursing her for such a greedy child in her heart, right?Even though he got food and water, and healed his pain, he still wants to take such a burden with him like a rascal.

"No, no, you think too much. I haven't even said I don't want to."

Qinli came to her senses, and quickly said, "Sending you to that so-called base is just a matter of effort, don't worry about it."

In fact, even if the main god did not issue this task.Kotori will also choose to take Ren to the base with her.Kotori didn't think she was some sort of Holy Mother, but she wouldn't see a child die in such a ghostly place if she had enough energy.

Especially, I just racked my brains to establish a relationship with this child.


Lian stood up with some joy, but accidentally missed the robe wrapped around her body, and slipped directly to the ground.

"Ah!" Lian Xiaoxiao screamed, quickly squatted down and grabbed the robe again, wrapped her body like a little hamster and crouched on the ground shivering.

Although she still has her own sense of shame, but... Lian's body is full of black marks left by the dried mud, and she is so thin and thin, it is really nothing to look at.

Kotori was about to step forward to help Lian up from the ground, but suddenly her eyes narrowed, and her expression suddenly became serious.



( ? ω?? )?

Chapter 378 The Beast Enough to Threaten the Elves

"What's wrong?"

Lian seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and her tone became a little uneasy.

"It seems that something is coming this way."

Kotori spread out her senses, but did not find any strange traces.Within a radius of [-] meters, there was no smell of mutant beasts or other people.But an alarm sounded slightly in the girl's heart, as if there was some kind of powerful existence rushing towards her at high speed.

"What..." Lian was a little panicked by Qinli's words, and looked around in fear, fearing that some mutant beast would suddenly pop up again.

But Kotori stretched out her hand and grabbed Lian's arm, pulling it towards her embrace.Lifting her legs and back, a princess hug came directly.It was thanks to Lian's emaciated body that she could easily curl up in Kotori's arms.

"Eh?" But obviously, Lian was taken aback by Qin Li's sudden action.The whole body became extremely stiff in an instant, but before he had time to react, he felt a gust of wind pressure hitting his body, and immediately made Lian swallow all his words.


"Sorry, just be patient." Kotori comforted her softly.Then put all the attention on the perception of the outside world.

At this moment, the girl is flying in the sky with Lian in her arms, and the spiritual power under her feet is constantly flashing, increasing her speed.A meteor-like flame swayed in the dark sky, dragging a long crimson tail flame.

The scene of the ruins below quickly passed by in the eyes, but Kotori looked at the other side not far away with a tense spirit.In the state of flying so fast, that mysterious existence was able to keep up!

It can be seen that it must be extraordinary!

And most importantly, that mysterious existence almost completely blocked Kotori's perception.If it weren't for identifying the direction through the sound of the subtle rubbing of earth and rocks, Kotori really couldn't find the trace of that existence.

"The body is very large, not human. It seems to be a so-called mutant beast, which is moving at a high speed underground."

With a thought in Qin Li's mind, fiery flames suddenly appeared around her tender body, quickly converging into a dazzling red fire wheel, spinning and circling rapidly.

"Try it a little bit."

While moving forward at high speed, the heat on the fire wheel surrounding Kotori shrank for a while, and the whole fire wheel condensed into a scorching fireball by Kotori's side, and shot towards the mysterious existence!

The huge crimson fireball directly broke through layers of air barriers, instantly melted and penetrated a ruined high-rise building like a missile, and blasted into the ground where it was located.


Suddenly, an explosion-like roar resounded through the sky.The terrifying impact spread out along with the air waves, and the already rotten ruined buildings collapsed and shattered at this moment, flying out in all directions like the accompanying fireworks.

A small mushroom cloud slowly rises from the ground!

"!!!" Lian, who was originally huddled in Qin Li's arms and didn't dare to move rashly, was startled by the sudden explosion. She poked her head out slightly to look at the scene of the sea of ​​fire below, and stared round in surprise. Eye.

What exactly happened! ?

The flames soared into the sky, almost completely illuminating this dim city!

Kotori stopped flying and stared at the burning sea of ​​flames.The power of this tentative blow slightly exceeded Kotori's expectations.Originally, he just wanted to force the mutated beast away, or at least let it show its body.

But Kotori didn't want it, just using the spirit to stimulate the flames could cause such a great destructive power.

Unknowingly...has he become stronger?

There is no doubt about this.

However, what surprised Kotori was... even this level of attack did not seem to cause any substantial damage to the mutant beast.The figure in the sea of ​​flames swayed slightly, obviously crawling out from the ground.

Kotori sneered, stretched out her hand and wiped lightly in the air.The sea of ​​flames began to dim rapidly, completely revealing the figure of the mutated beast.

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